Showing posts with label Bariceuticals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bariceuticals. Show all posts

Friday, September 19, 2008

20gram Protein Drink! Refreshing!

Hello Neighbors!Will we ever get tired of talking about protein drinks?I have a new cocktail that is really tasty! And it is non-dairy. One reason I don't care much for most protein drinks is the texture of dairy and the digestive upset I get from dairy based food. Yesterday I came across Kellogg's "SpecialK2O Protein Water" that promises to take the edge off hunger. I purchased a 4-pack of

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

New Vitamin Bundle at Bariceuticals

Silvia Demeter, our friend and founder of the made-just-for-us Bariceuticals™ liquid vitamins has put together a new product bundle. Called "Cathy's Choice" the kit includes a 30 Day Supply of our famous liquid multi-vitamins and our pharmaceutical grade sublingual B-12 complex spray. You will also receive 30 day supply of our exclusive iron tabs. In this kit you will so receive a free sample of