Showing posts with label fast weight loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fast weight loss. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How Bad Eating Habit Delay Weight Loss?

For the past posts I have been discussing about the fast ways to weight loss. Eating habit is one of the cheapest and fastest way to lose weight. On the contrary bad eating habit can destroy our dream of having the healthy and well toned body. It is important to open our eyes on these things.
What is bad eating habit? A habit is defined as a manner or practice that we do in regular conditions. Updating your blogs, reading news,
snoring and burping are one of a person's habit.

So anything under unpleasant category is considered bad habit. Alas, we created the bad eating habit within ourselves. Subconsciously, we are practicing bad eating habit.

It may be the good eating habit for a lot of people suffering from obesity.

5 Famous Bad Eating Habits;

It is important to be aware of these habit as it will hinder any weight lose program we do. No matter how many fast and free weight lose tips you read but continue to practice the forbidden eating habits,weight lose will always be a dream.

1. Overeating
The most popular and the worst eating habits of all is overeating. Overeating is simply a situation where you eat a lot of food that is beyond the normal food intake level of your age. Could you resist not to eat your favorite food even if you just had your breakfast? Or can you tell to yourself to stop the moment you reach your finish line. And are you like me, who never stop filling my plate with extra rice till I cant breathe because my stomach is too full? Yes, these are all overeating.

2. Indulging yourself to fast food,aka junk food
Do you love chips, fries, hamburgers and the like? You cant watch a movie in your house without consuming 5 bags of potato chips and popcorn. You prefer cola over water. You choose fries and hamburger versus salad sandwich and apple. Then,congratulations! You are the biggest fan of these junk food companies!

3. Hunger Strike
You never eat until you get what you want. Insanity! You think not eating and ignoring your hunger will make you lose weight. This is not the fast weight lose we are talking. This is killing yourself.

4. Poor mentality
You never analyze what is the root of the problem. You dont acknowledge that the free fast weigh lose is achievable only when you change your bad eating habits. You are the boss and you do what you think is right. Yay!

5. "Give me a break!" attitude
Have you ever told this yourself? Yes, you are one of the many over weight people who pressure their selves and do the wrong ways of weight lose. In the end, you keep on pushing yourself and ignoring your personal need. Give yourself a break!

Help yourself. Identify these famous bad eating habits and reflect on how you can improve them.

If you want a fast weight loss system that works, correct these bad habits. Start now!

  atricle  source

Weight Loss While You Sleep

Do you know that in order to attain free fast weight loss, you have to sleep? Free weight lose will not be fast if you would not sleep properly. Why?

1. Lack of sleep and food intake
When you are not sleeping properly,
your body tend to feel tired hence feel wrong signal of hunger. Most of the people tend to eat more when they feel weakness from lack of sleep. Funny how you can think that lack of sleep is the fastest and free way to increase weight!

2. Stress
You feel drained and exhausted when you don't sleep. Eventually this will cause you more stress.
Are you familiar with people who eat a lot when they are under stress? There is a scientific explanation for this and I hope your nose wont bleed hearing!

Our body once under stress produce a fighting system to protect us. Cortisol is part of this fighting system. It is a hormone created by our adrenal cortex located in adrenal gland.

What does cortisol do that make this fast free weight lose impossible?
Don't get me wrong by thinking that cortisol is not good for us. There are two sides of the story. First, is the fighting action that cortisol do to help our body survive stress. Second is, what happened to these fighting actions after stress is over, this is where free weight lose is at stake.

Lets brand these two sides as the Pros and Cons of Cortisol. First it may be helpful to draw a simple flow for all of you;

Lack of Sleep>Stress>body produces Cortisol to fight stress>Cortisol Pros and Cons

1. Increase your alertness and energy level
-no wonder we feel hyper active sometimes when we lack of sleep
2. Glucose production increases to help the body produce more energy
3. Body dsnt feel hunger
-if you feel this a good point, i will explain later how this tend to ruin fast free weight lose
4.Cortisol activates carbohydrates and fat to produce more energy

The above good points are what cortisol can make during stress attempts to enter our system or the moment our brain sensed any stress coming our way.

After stress is over, here are the thing Cortisol do and classified as Cons as its end results affect your weight.

1. After stress, cortisol increase our level of appetite as it understands that it has to replace the carbohydrates and fat it released. This is where the problem arises.
How many times you feel under a great stress while silently sitting in your office? How many times you feel stress by just thinking your credit card bills? During this time you arent doing anything that didnt involve physical strenght but because of the stress it creates your boday was exhausted. Thus, cortisol produce carbohydrates and energy for nothing since you never actually needed and used it. But after the stress period,let say you stop thinking about your cards and do something stress free, Cortisol increases your appetite to replace the carbohydrates and fat you should have used under stress period. Go figure on how you will eat trying to fulfill this "fake" need.

2. Maintained stress means continous effect from no. 1
Your body now has continous increase in appetite to fulfill the "fake" need triggered by stressful situations.

Note: Continuous lack of sleep means continuous stress

3. This excessive food intake will eventually lead to weight gain and formation of excess fats in your body. Hence, free fast weight lose is nowhere to be seen.

In most cases you will observe this weight gain by the formation of fat layers along your waist line. This is because the fat cells in that area is more susceptible in Cortisol.

Reading this will help you realize how harmful effects are cause by stress. If this is still not enough reasons for you to practice good sleeping habits, I guess your weight should be your next consolation.

You could never achieve fast weigh loss if you wouldn't sleep properly.

  atricle  source

Fastest Ways To Weight Loss- Part 1

What are the proven and fastest ways to lose weight?

Today I will discuss the fastest ways to weight loss. They are not new to all of you but many of us ignore the basic ways as the weight loss topic are dominated by diet pills and different programs.
Here are they;
1. Well Balanced Diet - this is the cheapest in fact one of the FREE ways to weight lose.
You have to make sure that you are getting the right amount of food from the main food groups . Please bear in mind that well balanced diet is the key.

2. Eating Habits- though the most important aspect of our eating habits question the food that we are eating and hence refer to the main food groups, it is vital to address the question, How do we eat? Are you one of those who have bad eating habits. Over eating is under bad eating habits too. I can write a whole article about this so I decided to discuss it on a separate post.

3. Sleeping Habits- yes your body needs enough rest as much as it needs food to survive. Without enough rest, how will you expect our digestive system to work on its full potential. Again, setting quality time and enough time to sleep is valuable.

4. Lifestyle - transforming your lifestyle is sometimes the real reason why most people dont lose weight. People can change their attitude and values in life. They keep on thinking that they want to lose weight yet cant put their feet on the extra walk or they cant get their hands off those junk food.

5. Exercise- this factor is very self explanatory. I believe you all know that exercise burn the calories we eat and empower our body system. I know that you are also aware of the easy and effective ways of exercises available in the internet. Try one of them but make sure that you are not missing the beginners exercise section. This apply for beginners and basically easy guides for starters. Lets have a separate post for best effective exercise to lose weight.

6. Personality Check- remember my first post when I discuss about easy and fast weight loss basics. It deals on the backbone of dieting- yourself. Help yourself by reading it again.

Note: All of the above ways are FREE! You will have the perfect body without ripping your pockets.

Follow these steps and you will lead yourself to the free and fastest way to weight loss.

  atricle  source

Friday, May 2, 2008

Why is fiber good for weight loss?

Fiber good for weight loss
Fiber is very important for weight loss goals. It is digested slower, keeps us feeling fuller longer and releases its energy slower which keep our blood sugar levels even and helps us avoid cravings.

Fiber is found mainly in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds. Replace white rice, bread, and pasta with brown rice ,brown bread and whole-grain products.These products are less refined and have much more fiber in them .

Do it gradually. Drastically increasing the fiber content might not suit us. Increase daily intake of fiber gradually over several weeks. If we increase our fiber intake too quickly, we may suffer with stomach cramps and discomfort. Drink plenty of water if you eat fiber rich diet.

Apart from helping to lose weight, fiber rich diet plays a major role in cutting down cholesterol levels and prevents constipation.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Protein and Weight Loss

Protein aids weight loss

Protein increases metabolism
Protein helps in building muscle tissue. More muscles burn more fat and increases your metabolism. Increase your protein intake . It increases lean muscle mass which helps in long term weight loss .

Body has to burn more calories to process the protein
Calories from the protein rich foods are much harder for the body to breakdown and process.
In other words, the body has to work harder in order to extract calories from these foods which aids in weight loss.

Protein is a good appetite suppressant
Protein makes us feel full. You won't feel hungry for longer periods of time after eating protein rich food.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic means with air or oxygen . Aerobic exercise refers to exercise that involves or improves oxygen consumption by the body.Aerobic activity can get your heart to pump blood more quickly and with more force than normal. As blood is pumped faster, it must be oxygenated more quickly, which quickens respiration.Thats why when we do aerobic exercise, we breathe faster than normal .
Aerobic exercise burns a lot of calories, so it directly contributes to weight loss.

Examples of aerobic exercise walking, jogging, swimming, brisk walking, running, ice skating, biking, aerobics, rowing, basketball, jumping rope, roller skating, dancing.
Examples of stationary exercise machines for doing aerobic exerciseelliptical machine, stationary bike, treadmills, stair-steppers and rowing machines