Showing posts with label proactive healthcare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label proactive healthcare. Show all posts

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Clean Eating: It Works for Us

Every now and then a new product comes along and I think, "Wow! What a great idea." Well, just this week I held in hand my first copy of the Oxygen publication "Clean Eating" magazine. The subtitle: Improving your life one meal at a time.Finally! A mainstream magazine we can use to support, benefit and enhance our post surgical weight loss surgery way of life.Have you seen it yet?I have in hand

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Coping with Daylight Savings Time

Today most states in North America "sprang forward" advancing our clocks for longer hours of afternoon and evening daylight. If this has you feeling sluggish you are not alone. According to research in "Current Biology" our internal daily rhythms, known as the circadian clocks, get a little testy with this time tinkering. Studies indicate it is light and darkness that keeps our internal clock

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Visit These Blogs!!

Hello!As you know, at LivingAfterWLS we celebrate the WHOLE person, not just the person who happens to have undergone surgical weight loss treatment. Apparently we are not alone - check out these blogs from real life, real people who are fighting morbid obesity and LIVING! That's what I'm talking about! Take a click - you won't be disappointed!To inspire and motivate your creativity! by Jana in

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Thiamine Deficiency and WLS

I just finished reading another great piece of research and information from our own Professor Bama (aka Bamagal) regarding Thiamine (Vitamins B, B1) and thiamine deficiency in gastric bypass patients. This is an extremely important issue, particularly for those in the first two years of post-gastric bypass. Bamagal writes, "As you can clearly see, this can be very dangerous. We're talking about