Showing posts with label stress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stress. Show all posts

Friday, December 17, 2010

metal health, 5 factors that determine healthy mind

Mental health is not just about being in a happy state of mind. Your cognitive state of mind can influence your behavior, outlook on life and even relationships. It can affect how you respond to stress, the way you feel about yourself and even your physical health.
Just as positive mental health can promote a healthy lifestyle, mental impairment can be debilitating and in acute cases cause psychiatric hospitalization or even suicide if no action is taken.
Elements of good mental health
What are the factors that determine your mental health?

1. Your ability to enjoy life
Living in the moment instead of the past or the future makes you truly appreciate your life. You should have the ability to learn from the past mistakes instead of dwelling on things that had happened.
2. Self actualization
How confident and happy you feel with yourself has a lot to do with how much you feel you’ve achieved, using your talents and strengths. Recognizing and developing your strengths can keep away feelings of despair or helplessness.
3. Your resilience
Life is full of surprises and nasty shocks but your ability to cope is important for you to maintain your sanity and health. The ability to pick yourself up and move forward after a letdown or setback, and to do so with a sense or perspective will carry you far in life.
4. Your life balance
Work, family, friends and other pursuits might pull you in different directions, but the trick is to find a healthy balance and devote equal time to each. If work is affecting health or time with family, then it’s important to realize what your priorities are and make the most fitting choice.
5. Flexibility
Being rigid and stubborn can alienate you from others apart from impairing your ability to deal with life changes. For good mental health, you should be able to modify your responses and tweak your expectations to deal with any problems that crop up.

  atricle  source

Monday, August 30, 2010


I've had a stressful summer.  Too much to do and not enough time to do it in.  Sound familiar? We all have stress in our lives and for me, there are times I can handle it and other times when I can't.

When I can't handle it, I take my stress out with eating.  For me, I ate more this summer than I usually do.  Come to think of it, I didn't eat that much worse than I have all year as I maintained my weight loss.  But I am currently a good 10 pounds heavier now.  Why?  I haven't been exercising!  When I say exercising is key, I mean it!!  I can have a little allowance with my eating if I am working out, if I'm not, my weight just creeps back on, every time.

Right now I sit here and I can feel my waist line cut into my tummy.  I HATE this feeling and yet it's back.  The first thing I need to do is make time for the elliptical.  Even if I don't change my snacking or stress relieving methods, the workouts will help with maintaining so I can stay in my snug pants (for now) instead of having to buy the next size.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Keep a Positive Attitude to Maximize Your Success in Weight Loss

Negative self talk is our greater enemy than food .

To be successful in weight loss, you have to change your attitude. Having the positive attitude is critical if you want to stick to your weight loss plan. Start thinking positive and take care of your mental state. Peace of mind is as important as exercise for weight loss because stress leads to over eating.The stress hormones cause cravings for high sugar and high fat foods.

Lose weight for you and no one else. Love yourself as you are a special person. Take care of your health as your health is precious and you deserve to lead a healthy life.