Showing posts with label protein first. Show all posts
Showing posts with label protein first. Show all posts

Monday, May 9, 2011

New Clues on Caffeine’s Health Benefits

In the ongoing discussion about coffee and the role it plays in our diet WebMD presents new evidence that suggests coffee's notorious bad-boy element CAFFEINE does good things: specifically destroying the free radicals associated with Alzheirmer's and heart disease. Take a look at the article below. In diet and nutrition I'm not sure any other substance comes close to coffee when weighing the

Thursday, February 24, 2011

2011 Four Rules Refresher Course

In the spirit of the New Year we are taking a closer look at the Four Rules - starting with Rule #1 Protein First. In short - Protein First means it should be the first nutrient we eat at any meal and it should account for the highest percentage of nutrients eaten over fat, carbohydrates and alcohol. (More detail on this in the articles below)

Before surgery most of us were taught the Four Rules

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Getting Party Ready with Your WLS Tool

I wrote this article for the 5 Day Pouch Test Bulletin published 12/06/2010. For anyone with weight loss surgery who is preparing for a holiday party the advice is timely. I think it defines so well what many of us say our new objective is after weight loss surgery --- to enjoy LIVING!

Not so good conventional advice...

Eat a small meal before the party I'm sure you are familiar with