Showing posts with label men and weight loss surgery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label men and weight loss surgery. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Men and Weight Loss Surgery: Social Stigma?

We are having an interesting discussion on the Men & Weight Loss Surgery Message Board in the Neighborhood. Our new member ScottL, who is considering surgical weight loss. He presented statistics from the American Obesity Association that indicate men are not necessarily less obese than women, yet a significantly smaller population of men than women have obesity surgery. Scott asks the question

Thursday, February 7, 2008

My Bad: Gender Bender

Sorry Jerry --- I did a bit of gender-bending when I mentioned our WLS-"sister" of the blog Unsaved Loved Ones. my bad. Jerry is a dude with a great take on WLS from the masculine point of view. Check out this post today regarding WLS and Booze:So I’m not having a Saul on the road to Damascus paradigm shift here…I never say never, but I really do feel at this point that the responsible thing to