Showing posts with label eating. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eating. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

calories To Lose Weight, if your goal is to lose weight with exercise calorie calculator

Counting calories accurately is essential if your goal is to lose weight, and the only way to do that is to record what you eat and drink accurately.
Because it’s so easy to forget your exact food intake during the day, the solution is to keep a small notepad or food diary in your
handbag or pocket wherever you go. That way, every time you eat something, you can make a note of it. Then when you’re counting your calories up for the day, you can use your notepad to jog your memory to ensure that every single mouthful is counted.

But it’s not just the forgotten nibbles that can make the difference between calorie counting success and failure! It’s also worth evaluating your portion sizes. Many of us stop weighing or measuring portions of foods after the first few weeks of recording food intake and instead rely on judging our portion sizes by sight. Unfortunately, this often means portions and calories gradually creep up, stopping us from losing weight.
The good news is, once you’re counting calories accurately, you’ll be able to identify your problem areas and ditch them from the menu once and for all – along with those excess pounds.

Counting 'Forgotten' Calories

You might forget about these nibbles but they soon mount up the calories…
4 oven chips pinched off your kid’s plate 48 calories
6 extra strong mints while stuck in a traffic jam 71 calories
1 leftover sausage in the fridge 135 calories
1 chicken nugget left on your child’s plate 37 calories
A sliver of cheese while you’re cooking 124 calories
A handful of peanuts in the pub 155 calories
A chocolate digestive at a work meeting 90 calories
Slice of birthday cake for your colleague’s birthday 294 calories
5 Maltesers from a friend’s packet 48 calories
6 crisps from the packet your child’s eating 65 calories
1tsp sugar in your coffee because you’d run out of sweetener 16 calories
Couple of swigs of cola from your partner’s can 40 calories
½ slice of toast with butter left by your child 82 calories
2 slices of leftover pepperoni from your husband’s pizza 48 calories
1tsp of peanut butter from the jar while waiting for your toast 30 calories
2tbsp pasta and tomato sauce left by your child 70 calories
Slice of ham from the fridge 30 calories
Two mouthfuls of your partner’s donner kebab 82 calories

Calorie Intake to lose FAT!

Sensible weight loss for healthy adults should start with a 500 calorie intake reduction from what the body requires. Then if progress halts for a week or so, calorie intake can be reduced by burning a further 200 calories. This way the body can slowly establish a new energy balance, rather than shocking the system into breaking down lean weight, which actually helps keep the metabolism high, meaning more calories can be burned!

It is also recommended that light exercises should be performed (with doctor/physician approval first), in order to increase calorie burning. Relying solely on diet to lose fat weight may lead to disappointment!

The calorie intake should never go below a 1200 calorie diet mark, and in most cases, should stay above 1500 calories.  Remember, with 3500 calories to each pound, losing stored fat will be a gradual process therefore, a reduction in calorie intake should be gradual too!

Exercise calorie counter by Chris Buskirk

The calorie counter shown below calculates how many calories you have burned depending on your weight and how many miles you have run. Health studies have shown that heavier people burn more calories when they are exercising, than lighter people. Hence the reason you need to type your current weight into the exercise calorie calculator below.

My Comment

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Fast Weight Loss While Eating

Do you think free fast weight loss is impossible? Well you're wrong! Fast ways to lose weight is realistic and attainable.
In my last post, I discuss about the basic of easy and fast weight loss. I hope you did follow the basic tips and now ready for today's post.
Fast Weight Loss Tips
- What are the fast ways to lose weight?

Today I will focus on eating habit rules as I believe that this is the fastest way to lose weight. I have to warned you that I am speaking base on my experience and general observation. If you want to share your knowledge regarding the fastest way to shed those fats, I couldnt be happier if you could leave me your comments. I am sure a lot of the readers out there would love to hear your weight loss ideas.

Eating Habit Rules/ Diet Rules
Diet is defined as the established or regular sustenance that our body needs.
It is basically the proper amount of food and drink we need to maintain a healthy body. Subconsciously, we are deviating our eating habit to what is normally set. I will not further discuss more about the proper nutritional level you are supposed to get. Nevertheless, you should be aware of food nutrition. I would leave that to you as your assignment.

Eat the right food at the right amount. It is reasonable to say that our daily diet should include lots of fruits and vegetables. Some people are sustaining their daily diet by eating a lof of fruits. I tried this before and it really work and indeed one of the free and fast ways to lose weight. However, you should remember not to push your body to the limit of the hunger line. It has been studied that not eating and starving yourself will cause you a lot of weight problems. Eat three times a day. Try to balance each meals with proper food component.

A lot of resources are available in the internet regarding food nutrition content and calorie consideration. I am saying that diet rules are one of the free and fastest way to lose weight. If you remember, I emphasized that you have to plan your meals ahead so you don't end up eating junk food when you are caught unprepared.

Go ahead and check the internet to plan your meals ahead. I will share you my typical meal plan

Breakfast; 1 cup of rice, veggies, fish
Lunch; apple/lots of fresh juice
Dinner; Lettuce salad,fish

This is my basic meal plan. I usually play with the components and substitute meat for fish or oranges and other fruits for apple. Most of the times, I eat rice in breakfast and don't get hungry during lunch time so I eat fresh fruits only. Around 3 pm, I love to grab some watery fruits again to eat.

Tip: Don't wait for yourself to get hungry before deciding to eat. Starving yourself, gives you urges to eat more. This where comes the extra weight!

Again, the above meal plan works for me. You decide on your own base on your preference and goals.

Fast Weight Loss Task;
Do you think changing your eating habit is one of the fast ways to weight loss?

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