Calories are everything that we eat. Its amount varies on what kind of food we actually take in. The heavier the content of the food is in terms of carbohydrate, protein, and fat content, the
larger the amount of calories it contains. The amount of calories that a person needs everyday varies, this depends on your age, weight, height, and the activities you do. When you over eat and your calorie count is surging way too high than what you need, weight gain occurs.
How many calories to lose weight?
Counting may be too much a task to some people especially those who have really busy schedules. But if counting would mean losing some of those extra pounds fast then it may be worth a try. This technique had been proven to be very safe and effective especially if you really watch how much you eat every meal.
The first step to calorie counting is to know how much calories you need to consume in a day. You may use online calorie calculators to do so or manually compute it using the Harris-Benedict Equation.
When you have already established your daily calorie requirement, the next step is to learn how much calories your food contain. Learning caloric contents of your food is easy. You can make use of the nutrition guide which is usually found at the back of each food container that details the amount of calories each food serving contains. This is not hard to find because almost all food have this label because it is being mandated by the law. This is to ensure that consumers are aware of they are eating.
Then there’s what we call calorie burning. Walking, jogging, swimming, and any other activities help burn the calories we have consumed. Cardio exercises are the top pick for people who wish to lose weight fast because energy expenditure is quite high when doing activities that increase your vital signs.
Now let’s do the math:
Subtract the amount of calories you want to spare everyday from your daily calorie requirement to get your weight loss caloric count. Do remember that the calorie-pound ratio is 3500:1. This mean, losing 500 calories a day can make you lose one pound in a week. Burning another 500 will make you lose two pounds in one week. Burning or cutting your calorie intake by 500 to 1000 calories a day is generally considered safe; going beyond that may need medical supervision.
But then again, it is advisable to seek medical advice before undergoing any weight loss plan. Your doctor is the best person to tell you which is the best and safest method for you. This goes especially true to people who are morbidly obese because rapid weight loss could be very dangerous.
Overall, eating less and exercising more is still the best way to lose weight. In addition to that, counting the amount of calories you take in daily will help keep you on tract.
Calorie counting is simple don’t you think?
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Showing posts with label healthy exercise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healthy exercise. Show all posts
Friday, January 14, 2011
10 essential steps if you want to lose weight fast from How To Lose Weight Healthy - How to lose weight fast
1. Consult your physician first
if it is safe for you to undergo a weight loss program. Some people, especially those that are morbidly obese, should have a supervised weight loss program because rapid weight loss could be dangerous.
You must be mentally prepared to lose weight fast.
2. Motivation plays a great role in reaching your weight loss goals. By keeping yourself motivated it will be easier to meet your targets.
3. Your meal plan should be nutritious. When you try to lose weight fast, you automatically think that cutting down on your food intake will be the answer. Actually, just limiting the food you eat is not enough. A healthy choice of foods and in proper amount is the best way to do it.
4. Choose your exercise routine wisely. Some exercise routines may be too much for you. You do not necessarily need to have a rigid routine to lose weight. Even a simple walking and jogging program can actually help you shed the extra pounds. If you are quite comfortable with it, gradually increase the speed, distance, resistance and the intensity of the exercise to achieve faster results.
5. Muscle building exercises. Muscles burn more calories than fat. If you want to accelerate your efforts you can consider adding muscle building exercises to your routine. This will maximize your weight loss efforts since the muscles you add to your body will also work hard to burn those extra calories for you.
6. Water should not be neglected. Since your body has to go through some diet modifications and exercises, it should be replenished with the minerals that you lose in the process. Water loss is rapid in people who exercise; Thus you should keep in mind that you have to replace the fluids you lose from sweating.
7. A positive change in lifestyle. Changing your lifestyle is the surest way to lose weight fast. Since lifestyle is the totality of how you actually live your life, following a healthy route will definitely be a strategy to adapt to your weight loss efforts.
8. Don’t be tempted with sweets and preservatives. There will be cases where you may crave for something too sweet or something too salty. Whenever your sweet tooth starts bugging you, remember your goals and stay focused.
9. Your weight loss efforts should fit your daily routine. It is not healthy to juggle your jobs, responsibilities at home, plus a weight loss program. This will just stress you more so it is really important to map out your activities. It’s all about time management.
10.Discipline plus patience. Following the said principles is the most essential step in losing weight fast. Without discipline and patience you tend to lose hope and give up everything you have started. Your efforts should not be wasted by being too lax with your weight loss program and being impatient in seeing the results.
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Tuesday, January 11, 2011
running burn fat, 9 tips to burn more fat effectivly.
Do not eat before running for an one hour to 2 hours.
3- Running after sunset in my opinion the best so as to provide air and also after the practice run will be easier for you to sleep.
4 - Walk a quick walk before running for 10 minutes, to warm the body because it is wrong to practice running or any sport without heating the body.
5- Do not compare yourself to any other person .. For example, a friend of yours in running, such as your companion may harm you
6 - Keep on Running in the beginning of a certain rate every two weeks, simple or 3 weeks, then increase the rate by low degree
7 - At the beginning of streaming does not raise the speed .. To test your speed and you are running, try to speak "If you understanding the words, increase the speed ... However, if your words hard to understand from the lower speed.
8- Do not worry if your day is not as the yesterday, but try make more efforts and do not punish your self.
9- After finishing running try to prolong your muscles specially muscles of legs.
What Type of Running Benefits You the Most?
Interval training, is the form of running that is most efficient for fat burning. It includes alternate sessions of intense workout and resting exercise. Ideally, a 4 minute intense workout session is most efficient in controlling weight. However, if you are over weight, then a 12 minute interval training will suit you the best. It includes, alternate sessions of walking and running for 12 minutes. This type of running gives you the same result, as a 4 minute intense workout.
How to Start Burning Fat with Running?
If you are already engaged in any kind of sport and have the required stamina, then you can straightway start with a 4 minute intense training program. Else, you can go for 12 minute interval training. Brisk walk for about a minute, then increase your speed and jog for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Slow down and again walk for a minute. Keep repeating the procedure for 12 minutes. Gradually, you can increase the duration of both the intense periods and the resting periods. Do this exercise for about 2-3 times a week.
How Does Running Burn Fat ?
Many people are of the opinion that walking exercise on the tread mill, at a moderate pace, burns more calories than running. However, one must understand that when you walk on the treadmill, the calories that you burn come only from the fat, whereas when you run, the amount of calories you burn come from the entire body mass. Obviously, it means that although you burn less calories from the fat, you still burn more calories when it comes to the total number of calories burnt. Thus, running helps you to burn excess calories and eventually results in fat loss.
Is Running the Best Way to Burn Fat?
Yes and no. Running is the best way to burn fat if you a have only a few pounds in excess, or already have a toned body which you wish to maintain. However, if you are overweight or downright obese, then running can do more harm than good. You are at the risk of damaging your joints by subjecting them to a lot of stress. Overweight people can benefit more from combination exercises, than running. Exercises such as brisk walking, skipping, stationary bicycle etc. performed every few days a week, alternately, can be more efficient in burning fat than running.
If you are running to burn fat, there are number of ways in which your body will be benefited. Not only running boosts your metabolism, it also regulates the fat-muscle ratio and helps to tone your body. However, while running, always make sure to run on a soft surface. Hard surfaces like concrete can give you a lot of foot problems. Similarly, buy a pair of good quality running shoes to give your feet maximum comfort
Interval training, is the form of running that is most efficient for fat burning. It includes alternate sessions of intense workout and resting exercise. Ideally, a 4 minute intense workout session is most efficient in controlling weight. However, if you are over weight, then a 12 minute interval training will suit you the best. It includes, alternate sessions of walking and running for 12 minutes. This type of running gives you the same result, as a 4 minute intense workout.
How to Start Burning Fat with Running?
If you are already engaged in any kind of sport and have the required stamina, then you can straightway start with a 4 minute intense training program. Else, you can go for 12 minute interval training. Brisk walk for about a minute, then increase your speed and jog for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Slow down and again walk for a minute. Keep repeating the procedure for 12 minutes. Gradually, you can increase the duration of both the intense periods and the resting periods. Do this exercise for about 2-3 times a week.
How Does Running Burn Fat ?
Many people are of the opinion that walking exercise on the tread mill, at a moderate pace, burns more calories than running. However, one must understand that when you walk on the treadmill, the calories that you burn come only from the fat, whereas when you run, the amount of calories you burn come from the entire body mass. Obviously, it means that although you burn less calories from the fat, you still burn more calories when it comes to the total number of calories burnt. Thus, running helps you to burn excess calories and eventually results in fat loss.
Is Running the Best Way to Burn Fat?
Yes and no. Running is the best way to burn fat if you a have only a few pounds in excess, or already have a toned body which you wish to maintain. However, if you are overweight or downright obese, then running can do more harm than good. You are at the risk of damaging your joints by subjecting them to a lot of stress. Overweight people can benefit more from combination exercises, than running. Exercises such as brisk walking, skipping, stationary bicycle etc. performed every few days a week, alternately, can be more efficient in burning fat than running.
If you are running to burn fat, there are number of ways in which your body will be benefited. Not only running boosts your metabolism, it also regulates the fat-muscle ratio and helps to tone your body. However, while running, always make sure to run on a soft surface. Hard surfaces like concrete can give you a lot of foot problems. Similarly, buy a pair of good quality running shoes to give your feet maximum comfort
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Monday, December 13, 2010
Best weight loss exercises
There are many exercises for weight loss that are available today. This is especially common when losing weight has become such a serious and a common issue among people in the world where the world has grown health conscious. People are trying to attain perfect bodies and the ideal weight and capitalizing on this are many companies that are offering miracle methods.
Some are offering tablets that help you reduce in weeks and some are offering gadgets that will reduce all your body fat in even days. But these methods are mostly unproven and sometimes even dangerous. It is also very dangerous to lose weight suddenly from your body as it can make you fall ill. The tablets should be most avoided as they contain many side effects and also some tablets become addictive. These are only some of the few reasons why the much advertised miracle health plans should be avoided. The best way to lose weight is through dedication and handwork on regular and periodic exercises. Also before embarking on any program one needs to find out whether he or she needs to lose weight in the first place. Losing weight unnecessarily can have ill effects to the body and the mind.
The benefits of losing weight are many. The first of them being that you can avoid many of the health risks. It is a known fact that overweight people tend to attract most of the life threatening diseases. The most common being the heart problems. This is due to the fact that being overweight leads to the accumulation of fats in the body and high cholesterol level. With high cholesterol level, the chances of getting a heart attack are more. Also with higher level of cholesterol a person is more susceptible to high blood pressure and its associated diseases. Being overweight means that you will fall tired very easily. This is because your body is not able to utilize all the fat in your body and convert them into energy. As a result you have to always carry the extra fat around which weigh you down. This causes loss of energy from your body. A person with a lean and a muscular body is also much more attractive. When you have a solid and healthy body confidence in you daily life will come from within you. You can perform your tasks easily and with your full efficiency. Health is the biggest treasure of mankind. Without health a man is nothing.
The best exercises for weight loss are the ones that are practiced regularly. It is not necessary that a person in order to lose weight should join rigorous training. The first thing to do when planning out an exercise routine is to consider the factors of your body and age. Same exercise regimes will not suite everyone. You should first off decide how much weight you need to lose. Then you can form your own exercise regime considering the facts such as your age and the time you can spend and your stamina every day. It is best if you hire a professional trainer and do this together with his consultation. However it is not required that you must hire a professional. If you can estimate your body’s wants and needs then you can plan this out for yourself. Also you can take online help in finding the regime that is best suited for you. The most important things here are to make the regime that fits for you and then stick to it. There is no point in exercising for a day or so and then discontinuing. Repetition is the key to losing weight and gaining a healthy body.
You should be careful not to over work yourself. The biggest danger while working out is that you tend to over work yourself. This leads to excessive use of your muscles that may lead to injuries. This means that you can permanently damage some muscles in your attempt to make them stronger. Once those muscles are damage or torn it may take several days for them to heal back. Sometimes the damage can be permanent also. Therefore it is very dangerous to embark on heavy workout without proper guidance or training. Do not work out more than the strain that your body can take. You cannot become Mr. Perfect in three days. Only with continuous efforts and regular workouts can you achieve the perfect bodies. Start slow and see how much work your body can withstand. Once you known your limits you can set up your workout regime within these limits. This will help you to work out most safely and efficiently. Also make progress in you training. Try going beyond your limits in very little amounts every day. This will help you to raise the bar in you levels of stamina and endurance.
The main exercise that you should be concentrating on is cardiovascular diseases. These can be simple exercise like walking to more rigorous work outs. But walking is most recommended especially to beginners. This also serves as a good warm up exercise to all your body parts. To progress from walking you can take up running. You should make it a point that you work out for minimum of 30 minutes every day and try working out for 45 minutes. As you get more and more accustomed to the exercise that you perform, you can raise the bar of your limits progressively on them. Jogging is also recommended. The number of calories that you can burn during one session of training is the speed at which you can run of jog. It is also true that jogging uphill will cause you to lose more calories. Although one should be careful as jogging as a high impact on the joints of your body. It is safer to jog on customized treadmills than to jog on plain roads. Another important aspect while on a training regime is to stay on a healthy diet. To stay on a diet will give you the extra energy that you need to help you gain a beautiful and a perfect body.
Some are offering tablets that help you reduce in weeks and some are offering gadgets that will reduce all your body fat in even days. But these methods are mostly unproven and sometimes even dangerous. It is also very dangerous to lose weight suddenly from your body as it can make you fall ill. The tablets should be most avoided as they contain many side effects and also some tablets become addictive. These are only some of the few reasons why the much advertised miracle health plans should be avoided. The best way to lose weight is through dedication and handwork on regular and periodic exercises. Also before embarking on any program one needs to find out whether he or she needs to lose weight in the first place. Losing weight unnecessarily can have ill effects to the body and the mind.
The benefits of losing weight are many. The first of them being that you can avoid many of the health risks. It is a known fact that overweight people tend to attract most of the life threatening diseases. The most common being the heart problems. This is due to the fact that being overweight leads to the accumulation of fats in the body and high cholesterol level. With high cholesterol level, the chances of getting a heart attack are more. Also with higher level of cholesterol a person is more susceptible to high blood pressure and its associated diseases. Being overweight means that you will fall tired very easily. This is because your body is not able to utilize all the fat in your body and convert them into energy. As a result you have to always carry the extra fat around which weigh you down. This causes loss of energy from your body. A person with a lean and a muscular body is also much more attractive. When you have a solid and healthy body confidence in you daily life will come from within you. You can perform your tasks easily and with your full efficiency. Health is the biggest treasure of mankind. Without health a man is nothing.
The best exercises for weight loss are the ones that are practiced regularly. It is not necessary that a person in order to lose weight should join rigorous training. The first thing to do when planning out an exercise routine is to consider the factors of your body and age. Same exercise regimes will not suite everyone. You should first off decide how much weight you need to lose. Then you can form your own exercise regime considering the facts such as your age and the time you can spend and your stamina every day. It is best if you hire a professional trainer and do this together with his consultation. However it is not required that you must hire a professional. If you can estimate your body’s wants and needs then you can plan this out for yourself. Also you can take online help in finding the regime that is best suited for you. The most important things here are to make the regime that fits for you and then stick to it. There is no point in exercising for a day or so and then discontinuing. Repetition is the key to losing weight and gaining a healthy body.
You should be careful not to over work yourself. The biggest danger while working out is that you tend to over work yourself. This leads to excessive use of your muscles that may lead to injuries. This means that you can permanently damage some muscles in your attempt to make them stronger. Once those muscles are damage or torn it may take several days for them to heal back. Sometimes the damage can be permanent also. Therefore it is very dangerous to embark on heavy workout without proper guidance or training. Do not work out more than the strain that your body can take. You cannot become Mr. Perfect in three days. Only with continuous efforts and regular workouts can you achieve the perfect bodies. Start slow and see how much work your body can withstand. Once you known your limits you can set up your workout regime within these limits. This will help you to work out most safely and efficiently. Also make progress in you training. Try going beyond your limits in very little amounts every day. This will help you to raise the bar in you levels of stamina and endurance.
The main exercise that you should be concentrating on is cardiovascular diseases. These can be simple exercise like walking to more rigorous work outs. But walking is most recommended especially to beginners. This also serves as a good warm up exercise to all your body parts. To progress from walking you can take up running. You should make it a point that you work out for minimum of 30 minutes every day and try working out for 45 minutes. As you get more and more accustomed to the exercise that you perform, you can raise the bar of your limits progressively on them. Jogging is also recommended. The number of calories that you can burn during one session of training is the speed at which you can run of jog. It is also true that jogging uphill will cause you to lose more calories. Although one should be careful as jogging as a high impact on the joints of your body. It is safer to jog on customized treadmills than to jog on plain roads. Another important aspect while on a training regime is to stay on a healthy diet. To stay on a diet will give you the extra energy that you need to help you gain a beautiful and a perfect body.
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