Foods That Speed Up Metabolism - Negative calorie foods speed up metabolism as they burn more calories then they contain.
Negative calorie foods are foods, which use more calories to digest than the calories the foods actually contain. Calories from these foods are much harder for the body to breakdown and process. In other words, the body has to work harder in order to extract calories from these foods. For example, if you eat 200 calories of a food that requires 250 calories to digest, then you've burnt an additional 50 calories simply by eating that food.
List of negative calorie foods
Vegetables | cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, tomato, cucumber, broccoli, lettuce, celery, fennel, aubergine, gourd, leek, lettuce, marrow, peppers, celery, radish, chicory, spinach, cress, turnip, hot chili peppers | ||
Fruits | watermelon, guava, apricot, mandarin orange, blackberry, melon, cantaloupe, blackcurrant, peaches, clementines, plums, damsons, raspberry, grapefruit. rhubarb, strawberry, honeydew melon, tangerine, lemon, apple |