Wednesday, April 11, 2007

8 Weeks + 1 day

Sorry I haven't been posting as regularly for the last couple of days. Decorating is seriously taking its toll!

Anyway, I am nearly done except for:
one final coat of paint, 2 new doors, painting old and new architrave, placing one bit of coving to finish it off and then doing the 2nd coat on the ceiling, putting up the new wooden blind, putting back up all the mirrors and pictures etc.

Good grief. In fact there's still tons to do. Ugh.

Anyway, plus side = it looks FAB! I am really pleased.

This decorating was doomed I think. We have now had a ding dong with all the family, and also had to pick up DS last night. He was supposed to be staying with my Mum and Dad until Saturday and then we were going to go down there and spend the day. However, just as DH and I were contemplating dinner options (Chinese restaurant in the village or Pizza Town in the town) at 7pm, we had a phone call from the little chap. He seemed a bit dejected and wanted to come home. He did do amazingly well, and had been there 5 days. He had had a lovely time, but just missed us and the 5 cats. So we decided to meet them half way. That put paid to dinner out and a DVD and cuddle on the sofa!

So off we went. We made the exchange at a motorway service station, then had something to eat. I had a sandwich from Marks and Spencer's food place which was in the services and also a pasta pesto thingy with pine nuts. I ate the pasta yummy thingy but only managed half the sandwich.

Then we made our way home. DS was complaining about a sore throat, and he seemed really un-talkative and worn out.

This morning, he was still asleep at half past 8 (UNHEARD OF!) and he got into bed with me and it was evident that he had a raging temperature. He was shaking with chills and was bright red and sweaty. He was also crying a little bit and had a sore throat. I gave him some pain killers and hoped to bring the temp down, but he has spent most of the day either asleep on the sofa, or watching TV. At all times he must have 2 duvets on him otherwise he says he is freezing. So, bless his little heart, he obviously wanted to come home as he was coming down with something. explained his dejected demeanor and lack of enthusiasm about all the things he had done this week with his grandparents. No doubt he will be feeling a little brighter tomorrow and then fill me in on all the fun they had. I know they did absolutely tons of stuff, so I expect I shall have earache from his chattering soon enough.

Today, well mostly gone to pot because of DS being so poorly. I tidied up this morning, although you would never know it! Then at half past 3 the paint finally arrived. I also had a delivery from wiltshire farm foods for this weeks evening dinners. This evening I had quorn and sweet potato curry with Thai fragrant rice and it was DELICIOUS! It was even better than a takeaway. So tasty and the whole meal was only 600 cals. That's truly amazing if you ask me.

I also started painting at about half past 6 this evening. I have gone for a colour called cookie dough on one side of the room and latte on the other. They kind of look like melted chocolate (cookie dough) and creamy coffee (latte). They go nicely together and it ties all my furnishings together and looks nice. It looks much bigger too. So up and down like the proverbial fiddlers elbow this evening. I have finally finished for the night and am writing this. It is in fact half past 1 in the morning now, but I will change the time of the post so that it registers as Thursday's date rather than Friday - for me its still Thursday.

Right, I'm off to bed.
nighty night.

Watch Valerie Go from Size 14 to a Size 8

Valerie Bertinelli wants to lose thirty pounds. She's not telling anyone how much she weighs (she is 5'2" tall) but she says she is a size 14 and wants to be a size 8 by September.

Bertinelli is featured on the cover of People Magazine this week. The other photo here is Bertinelli when she was at least 20 years younger and very slim.

Bertinelli is 47 years old and says that by becoming the new spokesperson for Jenny Craig (together with Kirstie Alley), she will be very motivated to lose the weight especially as millions of people will be watching.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

7 Weeks + 6 days

Decorating Decorating Decorating.....

I will be glad when I have had enough.

We have TIRELESSLY been at the task.

Stripping paper
Sanding again

and it STILL isn't done. heuhhhh

We ran out of coving - we need 1 metre to finish the job. It comes in packs of 12 metres. Goody.

We ordered the paint - Cookie Dough and Latte - Wont be delivered until Thursday. Great.

So we have done everything now except paint the room, so we put the lounge back to normal for the time being.

I am exhausted.

Anyway, on a more positive note... I lost weight again!!

I lost half a pound this week taking my total weightloss since surgery to 20 and a half pounds!

So cool. The pressure is totally off. I LOVE MY BAND!

I have really not worried about food at all this week, and last night (even before a weigh in!) I had a milkshake from McDonalds! I just really wanted one. I have them about once a year as I don't really go for ice cream as it hurts my teeth, but yesterday evening I just really wanted a banana milkshake. So I had it and I didn't worry about it at all. I feel like a new person completely. I feel confident and happy in my soul.

Thanks to Erika and also Rava for your lovely comments about Disaster Karaoke evening. Hugs!!

There are so many people from Australia look at this blog. I am amazed! It must be because I usually post and update it at midnight or something!

tomorrow is 8 weeks post banding and time for - YES! Another photo of me and my flab!

So tomorrow you get another photo on the same page as the others. I will try and keep the scale the same as the others.

Night night.

Keep Yourself Honest With a Food Diary

By: Wendy Wood A great tool for dieting is keeping a personal food diary. Whether you are just starting out on a diet, or struggling to stay on one, incorporating a food diary into your plan is a great way to keep yourself on track. There is something about looking at your food intake in indisputable writing that helps you curb your bad food habits. Keeping a food diary will show you exactly how

Before and After Pictures: Losing 65 Pounds

Here are some very inspiring before and after pictures taken by a successful ex fat man. He has lost 65 pounds since November and took three different front, back and profile photos every few weeks since then. He is 28 years old and started out at 238 pounds. His secret to success has been a very extensive workout regime.

See the larger photos and his progress at Heavy Weight: One Man's Journey into Fat Loss.

Fat Kids Shape Up on Reality TV

A new reality show started last night. It's about an obese family who is being given nutritional and lifestyle guidance by Felicia Stoler (shown in the photo here). Stoler is a registered dietitian and exercise physiologist.

The parents are warned about what lies ahead for their fat kids. The show uses computer imaging to show them what their kids might look like at forty years old if they keep the same eating and lifestyle habits they have now. Then Stoler proceeds to give them new guidelines about how to reverse the course they or on now.

See the series on the Learning Channel on Monday nights and more info here and here.

Biggest Baby Weighs 15.7 Pounds

Kacper has set the record for the biggest baby born in Poland. He weighed 15.7 pounds at birth and was delivered via ceasarian. His mother is 45 years old and this is her fourth birth. All of her previous babies were much larger than average but her fourth child breaks the record. See more about Kacper here.