Monday, April 16, 2007

Hoodia Gordonii And Its Affect on Metabolism

When most people talk about a metabolism increasing drug or supplement they are referring to a substance that stimulates the body to burn more calories. These metabolism stimulating supplements, such as caffeine, give us a boost of energy and a small increase in metabolic activity. On the other end of the weight loss and diet supplement spectrum is the appetite suppressant. Hoodia Gordonii, a

Sunday, April 15, 2007

8 Weeks + 4 days


Today has been random.

Went to the shopping centre this afternoon and got a few bits; 3 new plates, 3 new bowls and a lamp.

Wanted to get DS some new shoes, but seemingly no boys in this country wear smart shoes anymore. They just wear some kind of shoe that resembles either the box it came in, or trainers, or both, or some other odd fashion uncomfortable cross trainer style yoke!

I could not believe it. They had absolutely no classic style shoes. We needed some preppy style shoes.. Oxfords or Penny Loafers... you know? Shoes to wear for formal and casual occasions to look smart.

There were just piles of junk. Looked in John Lewis, Clarks and the other places. I will have to go back to Brantano. That shop actually has a choice of normal shoes for boys.

I always get annoyed when I go shopping. I get apathy from both boys. I was looking at things today that I never dreamed I would fit into, but now seem possible and I just got the 'haunted rape of wallet stare'. I just like to imagine. dream. Coo "Ohh that's lovely". DH gets ready for battle to save his fortune (which he doesn't have btw!) I would just like FOR ONCE for someone to go "yeah that's really nice, you would look amazing in that." I am NEVER going to actually buy the thing, but like I said, its nice to dream. Nice to share you likes and dislikes with the one you love. Give them hints about pressies to buy you even (IT WAS OUR 11th anniversary of meeting yesterday after all - not nada, zip, nowt) Huhhhh. Not even a "Go on honey, I love you so just treat yourself"

Then, just as I am looking about, in full knowledge of time/shopping ratio, i get
"We have 50 minutes."
"huh?" I ask.
"We have 50 minutes. Shops shut at 4."
"Right." says I "I know that."

Its like some covert operation... "We must get in and out before we are spotted by the *insert random association*"

I swear to God that he is adding up some complex formulae in his head like:
minutes in shops / time ogling items x money spent / money left for month x new mortgage or some crap!

Sometimes we need shoes. Sometimes we need a new lamp. Sometimes we need something to eat from. Sometimes you need to walk about a place and keep you eyes open so you can get a clue if you start looking like your granny!

It doesn't matter what we are shopping for. It could be for DS, or Me or Him. He hates shopping. DS used to love going to the shops. I would always get him a new book or something if he was a good boy. Now I am usually so stressed out by the pair of rat bags that I don't think they deserve anything. I had DH whining about time and DS whining about his stomach. All afternoon.

I am now getting genuinely concerned for DS. When he grows up I would like him to be an ASSET to his wife. Someone she can rely on to help her, be there for her and help carry the bags and not faint in fear when she gets the cards out. This is never going to happen if I continue taking DH with us when we shop. I have now made the decision that he is now not allowed to accompany us on our shopping missions. HE simply isn't a hunter gatherer. He would have been the one sat at home inventing the wheel whilst his wife lugged a stag home with 18 kids tied to her back.

Enough. This does ease the stress, but also gives me more too.

Eating today? Well what can I say. I have been a NAUGHTY girl. BAD bunny!!!

I have had:
a marmite sandwich
a slice of pizza
3 bags of crisps
1 glass of wine
a boiled sweet
6 finn crisp thins and half a tub of houmous (the chickpea stuff, not manure!! HA HA)
and I am about to embark on a WFF meal.

Actually looking at that its not that horrendous, but because I feel sick from lack of nutrients and annoyance of boys in this family, it feels like really bad news. Certainly 10 weeks ago I would have had a whole pizza rather than just a slice! So I guess we are making a difference!

Anyway, because of all of the above I could not be bothered to put myself out again and take DS and his mates to roller skating. I just couldn't be bothered. DH was going out to play badminton, so I decided that my last day off before work starts again tomorrow would be used chillin'. So that's what I did. I went to bed with the Avon book and ordered some bits, then had a kip. DS was deposited back home after skating and all was right with the world. Then I fell back to sleep and he fell asleep on the sofa, so when DH got back the whole house was snoring!

Like I said at the beginning, a very random day. I feel neither good nor bad, but just errrrr.

Weigh in tomorrow.... help.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

8 Weeks + 3 days

Today the new blind went up. Looks lush. Haven't decided if I am going to leave it down all day just adjusting the slats or whether to put it up and down. Think the first option.

This morning I was dead lazy. I lay in bed until 1:30pm. Oh it was bliss. Then when I got up we did the blind and then I had lunch. I had 6 Finn Crisp slims and humus.

We have been invited out again for dinner - another BBQ - at some friends in the village, so I will let you know how much I can gobble tonight. I am at the moment, being brutally honest, not hungry at all. But if you showed me a nice dish of something I could and would eat it. I feel more like I did before my band at the moment.... not quite the same, but definitely the "being able to eat when not honestly hungry" thing is very similar to the pre-banded me.

I am surprised by the speed at which you find you need a fill. I was only talking to someone on email from about how it felt after a fill and they asked "did I think I needed another one yet", to which I replied no! That was like Tuesday or Wednesday! Speedy change. I really want to know why its such a snap change... does the pouch stretch or suddenly give or something... or what? I cant figure it. I am envious of Erika, because she was able to have weekly fills to get her at good restriction. :o)

I have to wait another week and 5 days until I can have one... not that I am counting or anything!! HA HA

DS is staying at our friends for the night, we are half cut and got a taxi home!! I have had 4 glasses of wine, and I am completely wasted. This is totally abnormal. Anyway, I ate 2 sausages, 1 piece of pork, 1 spoon salad, i sweetcorn on cob, 2 slices bread and 2 new potatoes. I think that is a lot. compared to what I used to eat its nothing, but compared to last week its loads!

Anyway, that all folks. Too difficult to write.

Friday, April 13, 2007

8 Weeks + 2 days post op

Well, today I finished all the painting. Still a huge list of things to do, but that is not one of them. Also put up the mirrors and clocks again, so its more like home again.

Didn't do much all day, pottered about the house doing this and that and moving furniture back into place, dusting etc. Yawn.

Band and eating wise.... Well see what you think....
For breakfast I had a bowl of Ready Brek porridge with maple syrup.
I had 3 little Cadbury's animal biscuits mid morning
Lunch was a Wiltshire Farm meal - Chicken and lentils.
And this evening, we went out to dinner tonight with Friends and they did a BBQ.

I ate for dinner: 1 chicken drum stick, 2 chicken kebabs on a stick, 1 sausage, 2 pieces of garlic bread and a tortilla wrap with another chicken kebab put in it. I could also have eaten more.
I was full, but I didn't feel I needed to stop. I was not even particularly hungry when I sat down to eat.

I think this is a lot of food.... Not as much as I would have normally eaten, and certainly not as much as all the others there ate either, but a lot of food for a bandit.

I think its fill time again. I can't have one for another 2 weeks though. However, I am going to book the appointment first thing Monday!

Its hit me really suddenly. This is so weird. What happens to this band? I mean, one day you have restriction and the next day seemingly none... Does it stretch or what?

Anyway, I noticed I was checking out the contents of the pantry a couple of times today.... I didn't grab anything, but that was only because there was nothing there to grab!

I will monitor the situation and see what happens. I don't think I should have been able to eat that much at 7pm after only having eaten lunch at 2:30pm...

But hey!

Whilst at our friend's house I saw the most AWFUL photo of me EVER in the history of the universe. I was their bridesmaid and I have a photo of me in the dress looking the size of a pachyderm. I look awful. Badly bleached hair, too tanned and humongous! I was at my heaviest here 19 stone 2lb (or 268 lbs).

I will post it to the gallery when I get a chance!

Keep it up lap banders! This time next year we will be slim babes!

Back Across the Line

Hello Neighbors!!I know that many of you in the LAWLS world are acquainted with Bamagal aka Diane. She contributed extensively to our Neighborhood Cookbook and is a strong leading presence in our Neighborhood community. It pleases me to introduce you to her new blog: Back Across the Line. Take a look.She started it at the end of March and it is a fantastic resource of information, knowledge,

Pregnant and Gaining Lots of Weight

Here's a photo of the beautiful Salma Hayek. She is pregnant and expecting her first child at the age of forty. It looks like she will be gaining more than the recommended 35 pounds during this pregnancy. Hayek has never been overweight in her life but she is known for her big boobs. She is a famous actress and the executive producer of the TV hit Ugly Betty. Here's a short video clip of her from just a few months ago on Ugly Betty where she shows off her bra and her very fit 40 year old figure to the world.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Down with the Pepperoni Sticks

DANIGIRL is doing well on her diet but she writes an entertaining story about how she fell off the wagon last week with pepperoni sticks. She notes that a single ten inch pepperoni stick has 187% of the daily recommended amount of sodium and 202% of recommended daily saturated fat intake.

I was doing so well on watching what I was eating, until the week I ate FOUR ENTIRE PEPPERONI STICKS. And not just those little ones, either, but the ones as long as your forearm. What the hell causes a normal person to eat FOUR pepperoni sticks in a week (cough cough four days cough), you ask? My brother has this totally amazing butcher near his house, and he makes spicy pepperoni to die for. My folks visited one weekend and brought no less than six pepperoni sticks home for me.

I'm telling you, that stuff is meat mixed with crack. I'd cut myself a small piece and put it back in the fridge, intentionally hiding it behind other stuff so I couldn't see it. I'd finish the bite I'd cut and start smacking my lips, salivating for more. Okay, I'd think, just another little piece, just a tiny bite. I'll eat less at dinner. And after cutting off some more, I'd put the pepperoni away and the knife in the dishwasher and I'd still be back in the fridge five minutes later looking for more. And once it was half gone, well, there's no sense in leaving it around for me to agonize over all night, right? Might as well polish it off. And at about the 3/4 mark, with my mouth tingling from the spiciness, I'd start to think that maybe I should stop now, but I wouldn't be able to stop and so I'd just eat the whole damn thing. And then I'd have a righteous bellyache, because that's really a disgusting amount of meat and fat(*) to consume as a snack. And yet, the next day I'd be right back at it, cutting myself just the tiniest sliver of the next one, just for a taste.