Sunday, April 22, 2007

9 Weeks 4 days (- Day 67!)

Wow, just out of curiosity I worked out how many days it is since my band... I was counting in days at first... and now its a whopping 67 Days since I had my Lap Band Weight loss surgery.

That's quite a lot. I can remember wondering what it would be like to be me right now all those months ago.

so, for the benefit of posterity, I will write a few random thoughts about what its going to be like to be me in... say another 9 weeks. Yeah!

Right then. This is not an "I want to be... " list. This is a "I think I will be... " list. And yes, there is a difference.

So. In 9 weeks time (24th June 2007), I think I will be:
1.) Tanned
2.) Shaving my legs regularly
3.) Have hair an inch longer
4.) Be eating slightly smaller portions than I can today
5.) Had my third fill
6.) Dropped another 9 pounds taking my weight to 15 stone 11 and a half pounds (221.5 lbs)
7.) Dropped another clothes size

So there you go, my secret 7 "think" list.

I will check on the 24th June and see if I am right. This is after our 2 week holiday in Sri Lanka. Now this time last year I would have predicted quite the opposite of the above secret 7 "think"'s.
I always put on weight on holiday, I have had various weapons in my arsenal to fight the flab, but this year I have the nuclear bomb of all weight loss tools. Oh yeah. I can feel the skinny coming on me already!

Well, its Weigh bridge day again tomorrow. I still get worried. These scales do seem to run our lives, but I think I have been more positive inside this week. I am planning to keep working at my band positivity and confidence because it is a thing I greatly lack. I lack those things in most everyday things too, but I can't feel negative or insecure about my band. It hasn't let me down yet. I really love it.

I remember the week before I went to see Dr. Clayson last time to get my first fill, I felt exactly the same. I felt like I needed to get on that couch as soon as humanly possible. I couldn't stand it if I gained weight. However, I am not quite so anxious this time, and I am looking forward with dread at the thought of fluids again for 4 days. BOOOOOooooo HOOOOoooooo, but its worth it. Every penny.

Oh yeah. I just remembered that my cost calculated by pounds is not totally accurate because it doesn't take into account the cost of the fills. I only calculate it on the cost of the operation. However, if I was extremely anal then I would have no end of calculating to do, like less cooking costs and less food costs. Dear me. it would be a never ending accounting nightmare. So as I am not anal (honest) I am just going to do the easy thing and divide the cost of the operation by how much I have lost. Cool.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

9 Weeks + 3 days post lap band

Today I have been HUNGRY

I have looked into the cupboard about 5 times during the day, and considering that I have been at work most of the day, that's quite a lot!

I went to work at 8:45 on a coffee.
Got back at 11:00 and had a bowl of fruit and fibre then back to work.
Got home at 2:00 and had lunch - a meal from WFF then went to bed for a sleep
Went back to work at 4:15
Grabbed a mars bar at 5:30 and ate between lessons
Got home at 7:00pm and sank a pint of squash and ate my way through 8 crackers and humus
Had a glass of wine at 8:30 and then dinner - a meal from WFF - at 9:00.

I am full right now, but I seem to have eaten a lot through the day. I have probably been full, but not full enough to not be looking for food. I badly need a fill.
I will hate it if I put on weight this week. It will be horrid. I keep thinking that I will, but I know I am eating less than I would have had I not had the band. Oh us serial dieter are so hung up on the scales aren't we!

I look great, and everyone keeps telling me I look fabulous and younger and asking me what I am doing to lose weight etc etc - I should be happy with my body, rather than what the scales say, but I just cant give myself a break! :o(

Friday, April 20, 2007

Going Green: April 22 is Earth Day

"May there only be peaceful and cheerful Earth Days to come for our beautiful Spaceship Earth as it continues to spin and circle in frigid space with its warm and fragile cargo of animate life."--United Nations Secretary-General U ThantMarch 21, 1971.Sunday, April 22 is Earth Day - a multi-national holiday to celebrate planet earth. The first Earth day was in 1970. Today over 20 million people

Liv Tyler Loses the Baby Weight

Liv Tyler is a famous movie star who was in no rush to lose her excess baby fat. She gave birth to her first child in December 2004. The before photo you see here was taken nine months after he was born. She says she didn't let anyone pressure her to get in top shape after birth. She wanted to enjoy the special time with her baby. She continued to breastfeed for a year and has taken the first two years off work. But now, a couple of months before her 30th birthday, Liv Tyler is back to her acting career. And she has dropped the excess weight and looks better than ever. She says she has been working with a personal trainer and watching what she eats.

Source: Hollywood Backwash

9 Weeks + 2 days post op



Back to work today

So tired

I have pain just below my port area again... Its *star* week again, and I seem to remember getting this pain last month too. Looks like I am going to suffer with pain in my port region during these times. Whoop dee doo. That's totally NOT FAIR! I never ever have PMS or PMT or whatever names they call it. It always catches me by surprise every month, never been bothered by it, don't want to kill my husband or lie in bed for a week and now suddenly I have had this operation and now get these pains!

Sods Law. Sort one thing out and get another thing go wrong. Grrrr

Its strange. Anyone else got this problem? Now I know that that's what is happening I can discuss it with Dr. Clayson next week at my fill - 6 days time YAY!!

I have 5 weeks until I go to Sri Lanka. I really hope that I am down a bit more by the holiday. I should have got rid of at least another 5 or 6 pounds by then. Hope so. I am glad I am getting my 2nd fill on Thursday, that gives me 4 weeks with fill number 2 before I go away.

I am looking forward to buying some new clothes and stuff. I am still mucking around in my baggy clothes, but I cant afford to buy clothes now and then again in 5 weeks. I am just going to go out the day before the holiday and kit myself out with a load of gear!! cant wait! It will be Tuesday 22nd May by my reckoning. I will take myself to the shops and splash that cash!

Tee Hee

*swigs coffee*

Thursday, April 19, 2007

On the Edge of Overweight

One young woman is on the border of being normal weight and overweight as far as the BMI measurement is concerned. She says she has lost a lot of muscle mass and replaced it with fat and that her weight has been creeping up over the last couple of years and she is determined to do something about it. She wants to lose 25 pounds but she will be happy with fifteen. She just went out and bought a Weight Watchers cookbook and has started to count points. See her weight loss story here.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

9 Weeks Post Lap Band

Well, who would have thought it. 9 weeks ago. I was definitely in pain this time 9 weeks ago!

Today... well I haven't had that awful pulling pain for quite sometime now... as long as I am careful. I get the odd twinge, but nothing major, and it doesn't last past the twinge like it used to.

I would say I was right as nine pence. why is that saying used? Surely that means you are NOT alright... British irony. Go figure.

So yeah, today was a bit odd. I was well bored all day long. I had a boiled egg sarnie at about midday. I had a packet of crisps at 2pm. Then we went bowling because we were so bored. I had to wait in for the man to arrive, otherwise we would have gone out earlier.

So bowling was great. I got 3 strikes!!! I have never got a strike in my life, and I got three in 1 game - Amazing. Must be all this weight I am losing!! HA HA

I had a naughty 5 minutes when we got back and really wanted some sugar and stuff. So I had a bowl of pecans (about 10!) covered in maple syrup. This was divine. Naughty but nice.

Then came home and got the tea. I had another one of those quorn and sweet potato Thai curry jobs. It was as delicious as the others. Mmmm Mmmm. I then had an individual Strawberry Cheesecake which was scrummy too.

So today I have wanted sweet things. This got me wondering.... looked at the calendar... and yes! Like a bad penny the curse rolled in again to ravage me for the week. Goooody Goody.

So that was my day. Yawn.