Saturday, May 12, 2007


Oh yeah. The event of the year (so far!)

Its Eurovision tonight!!

I love that show. Because I have sky plus I record it and watch it about 45 minutes after the start... that way *wicked cackle* I can fast forward all the junk and that stupid Irish idiot trying to crack jokes all the time. WAKE UP FOOL. You are the joke!

I don't know why he slags off every entry... if he doesn't like the job.. resign!! I would do it in a blink!!

I know its tongue in cheek, but there IS a limit.

So, I am off to work now. I have 4 pupils this morning, scattered across the shire. One of them is a new pupil who got mucked around by her last teacher.. so we shall see. Normally there is a reason why teachers muck their pupils about.... normally to get rid of them! Hope this isn't the case and it really is that she was just a doddery old lady who was getting senile.

Back soon peeps.

Oh, and I am not hungry this morning. At all. Go figure.

Friday, May 11, 2007

The Alli Diet Pill Marketing Blitz

You'll be hearing all about Alli everywhere soon. This diet pill is going to be advertised heavily this year. Over 150 million dollars will be spent in just one year to promote this drug. That would buy quite a few celebrity endorsements. It's the first diet pill drug to be approved for sale over the counter, without needing a prescription.

See the New York Times article about the Alli advertising promotion by GlaxoSmithKline.

Alli works by preventing the body from absorbing some of the fat one eats. This could have some very uncomfortable side effects if one eats too many fats.

Tired, bored and not feeling very slim

Hi all,
Finally I am able to post! Did a minesweeper and found loads of junk on my PC from where DS has been playing games. It totally slowed the whole thing down and kept crashing. Thanks to 'spybot search and destroy' its got rid of all the spyware.

Anyway, I didn't have much to write... getting ready for the holiday and buying lots of things.

My clothes I ordered from La Redoute have still not arrived and I am really wanting to try them on. I don't have much time left to get something else if they don't fit!

I am in a bit of a grump today. The weather is horrid. It rained all night long, which will help the new grass seed, but everything was wet and horrible this morning. I hate brushing past every ones hedges and getting soaked. Some people don't trim their hedges well and when you call on them you have to navigate their huge bush/hedge and get a wet coat, skirt and usually feet too. The drops drip down into your shoes all cold and yuk.

Thankfully today we didn't encounter any big bushy hedges or roaming overgrown paths which was great. Nature is so wild really. Just a couple of weeks is all it takes to make what was trim and beautiful all back to a mess again.

So, this week I have mostly been 'not pleased' with not losing weight last week. I have been trying to keep to a 3 meal a day kind of thing this week. I had readybrek one morning for breakfast and yesterday I had fruit and fibre. Today I have a slice of toast. Lunch has been a bit weird. Wednesday I had a tuna and pasta salad from Tesco. Very tasty. Went down fine.Yesterday I had an egg mayo sarnie from the bakery of which I ate the majority but had to leave the last corner as I knew if I ate any more I would puke. So I stopped well before the pain/water and saved myself that agony. Today I haven't had anything yet... but I think I will have beans on toast or something similar.
We have had WFF meals for our evening meals which are calorie controlled and nutritionally balanced so did ok there.

I just feel un-slim and bleugh.

I have got to go to work later on, so I will update my blog after I get back.
I have posted my 3 month post lap band photo on the Photo Gallery... You can then see the successive changes that are being made by each months weightloss. I can see a difference from post surgery to now, and even though I only lost 3 pounds last month, I think my body shape has definitely changed for the better from the last photo. At the end of the day, its what I look like that is important, not what the scales say I am.

Anyway, hoping to feel a bit slimmer later.

Well the clothes arrived from La Redoute and EVERYTHING fits!! how about that... even the 18's!! I am really pleased. Last year the stuff I was wearing on holiday was 24-26. I am thrilled.

Also, just before I went to work, DH made me some cheese on toast. I only had a slice of toast for brekkie today, so I thought I had better eat something. I managed half a slice of toast. I bit into it and it didn't feel good on the way down. I had a few nibbles, and then scraped all the cheese off it because I thought this might not be going so well, but only a few more short chews and I was doubled up with DH having to pat my back like a baby until it passed. The patting really helps. I don't know whether it helps to get the food down, or takes your mind of the pain in the chest, but it certainly works for me. This episode was not productive in any way... no extra saliva or anything, just the excruciating indigestion thing.

DH realised when I needed help. He was in the kitchen talking to me and asked me a question about something. Then DS came up and started piping in as kids do and asking me something like "can I go play with X friend today pleeeeease" and I could not answer either of them. I simply couldn't speak. So DS kept asking me and DH kept asking me and in the end I just yelled "AHHHH Can't talk!!!" and then DH rushed over and started thumping me on the back. It took a good 10 minutes to get it together and tell them that "NO he couldn't play with X" and "Yes, I will be back in time for dinner".

Ahhh the joys of banding.

then this evening, considering the fact that I had had a slice of bread this morning, and half a slice of bread at 3pm, I was not that hungry this evening....
It was Spanish omelette with chips and peas for dinner tonight. As I was putting it on the plate I said to DH: "I don't think this is going to go too well". I was right. I had to stop a third of the way through. I had eaten about half the omelette, half the peas and about 8 chips. I had to stop for quite a while. I then gingerly continued with the omelette but left the chips and peas.

I have just finished my pudding - a small portion of apple crumble and custard. Just to let you know, these puddings come from WFF as well. They come in a microwavable container about the size of a muller corner yogurt. That should give you an indication of the size. When I say small portion... I really do mean small! But why is it that the puddings go down fine? Typical huh.

I think TB and her husband are coming over this evening... DH said something about it earlier. Hope so as I haven't seen my mate for at least 2 days! :o) I am getting withdrawal!! HA HA

Anyway, better go... need to catch up on Home and Away. I love that show, but its not that good at the moment. Need something to spice it up... new characters of something.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Best Diet: Volumetrics

Consumer Reports has just released the results of their research on diets and diet books. They have awarded Volumetrics the prize for being the best diet plan.

The Volumetrics Eating Planwas developed by Barbara Rolls, a professor in the department of nutritional sciences at The Pennsylvania State University.

The main point behind the Volumetrics Eating Plan is to focus your eating on foods that have fewer calories per bite, or low 'energy density' foods. The idea is to eat lots and lots of fruits and vegetables.

It's been shown that people who eat a low energy diet end up consuming several hundred fewer calories per day than those with a high density diet. Yet they eat a much greater amount of food in total. It's all about feeling full on fewer calories.

In the picture here, the first small dish of macaroni and cheese has more calories than the second much larger portion. The second dish replaces regular pasta with whole-wheat pasta, uses less cheese and butter and piles on the vegetables.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Ricki Lake Loses 125 Pounds

Ricki Lake has lost over 125 pounds. She was on "The View" last week and was offered the cover of US Weekly Magazine within 48 hours of being on the show.

She's lost the weight without any help from any kind of weight loss surgery. She was partially motivated to lose the weight in order to make her documentary about home birth in the tub. She's outspoken about the negative aspects of hospital births and the pressure for women to have cesareans. Cesarean births make up about 40% of births in many hospitals.

She'll be making a cameo appearance in John Travolta's "Hairspray" remake this summer.

Story Source: Ricki Lake Wows the Glossies

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Gluten Free Diets are Trendy

Gluten-free diets are becoming increasingly popular.

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. A lot of people consider it a culprit in all sorts of ailments ranging from upset stomachs, arthritis, depresion, acne, infertility and gas. Avoiding all foods with flour products is becoming an increasingly popular dieting trend.

See a good article about this in the New York Times today.

Weigh in time

Went to fat fighters and lost a big fat zero... simply stayed the same.

Came back had a coffee with Travelling Buddy and looked at eBay at this really wicked stuff called tatouage. Its lush. TB has put it on her dining table and it looks so delectable now.

I was thinking about getting some for my bedroom, but I have looked all through it and I think I shall wait and see what is available when I get around to decorating. At the moment, I am tired of decorating and the mess it brings.

Came home and DS was hungry (he must have tape worm) so I made him some soup and soldiers, and I finished off the macaroni cheese I made for last nights dinner. It was YUM. I made a tomato salsa to go with it and it just gives it a little oomph.

We had friends over yesterday that go to DH's badminton club. I hadn't met them before, so we decided to go and see a film together, but spiderman 3 was full and so was bridge to somewhere or other... so we just went back to TB and her hubbie's place and had a coffee with them for an hour or two and then went bowling. G had never been bowling before... but managed a strike on his last ball! Isn't that always the way. R - his girlfriend- thrashed us all, but it was a great laugh. Then they came back to our place and I made macaroni cheese. Sounds a bit lame, but not the way I do it. It had fried onions and breadcrumbs and other stuff in it too. Crispy topping cheese goes down a treat with a nice mug of tea.

I was a little surprised at how much I was able to eat. I had a normal size plate full and then when we went to bed I had another bowl full. I have just finished the rest off for my lunch, and it was quite a lot. I hope this fill is still working. Its got to be hasn't it??

Its possible that pasta may not be a problem for me and maybe i should keep clear of it a little.

Ho hum.
Will update this later no doubt.

Well, here I am again updating. I just spent an awesome amount of time looking at this website called which must be where all those random emails come from with the funny videos on.

Anyway, today has been a bit of a waste of time. Considering it was a day off before going back to work tomorrow, I could have done something more profitable. However, I went to bed at about 1pm and got up at 7:30pm Terrible.
I just don't know why I am so shattered ALL the time.

Dinner tonight was a WFF meal - quorn and sweet potato curry which I love. But I didn't finish all of it. I did however eat a pudding after than so I don't think it was because of restriction.

I don't think I have as much restriction now as I did at the start of this fill... probably due to swelling that has obviously gone down.

I feel a bit ill to be honest... sick and eugh.

Anyway, that's it.
Night night