Thursday, June 7, 2007

The Wanderer Returns!


Boo hoo.

Not feeling too good due to lack of sleep and body being completely disorientated.

My band held up well during the holiday. I don't think I have put on much weight, if any. I still feel the same and if the photo is anything to go by, doesn't look like I have either... so that's the main thing!

Sri Lanka was FABULOUS. Everyone should go there! Its an unbelievable place and the people are wonderfully warm and made us welcome like no other nation ever has. Anyone worrying about the Tamil problems or the effects after the Tsunami should just no worry. We felt safe and secure with all the police, army etc out and about on the streets (much more than in the UK!) and rather than being threatening it was actually a nice thing to see, and they smiled too!

The effects of the Tsunami were not visible at all really where we were. We travelled along the cost road (Galle Road) and the driver told us where it had come to and what had happened etc, but everything had been re built or was being re built. There was a little more obvious destruction nearer to Galle apparently, but it was again, mostly re built. If I hadn't known there had been a Tsunami, I would not have known if you get what I mean.

The hotel was wonderful and the staff were AMAZING. I would recommend this place to everyone.

Anyway, band wise, I ate everything, curry included! There was nothing I found aggravated my band and I have no incidents on the plane from swelling of the band or anything like that. I had no problems at all whilst I was there and I didn't feel deprived. I did not think about what I was eating, just ate when I was hungry, and I didn't have any guilt either. I had pudding most meals, and just ate what I fancied. There was always plenty left on my plate at the end of a meal and I felt contented in all respects.

I will weigh in on Monday 11th June and let you know how things have gone weight wise.
Check out my SO TANNED pic on the 'weight loss in photo's' link on the right.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Comedic Take: WLS is the EASY way out!

We have a community game that we play at the LAWLS Neighborhood called Fun Friday. Each Friday one of the Neighbors composes a question and we all join in the fun of answering it. Last week's question from Too Slim Stu was "If you were a stand up comedian, what would be your best three jokes about your surgery and subsequent life??"This of course resulted in some terrific and funny posts about

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Refresher: WLS High Protein Diet

This is a previously published article I'm pulling forward in response to questions lately about the high protein diet. It was helpful to me to re-read exactly why the high protein diet works - and then recommit my focus to high protein eating. I hope you find this refresher helpful too.Gastric Bypass Patients Succeed Eating High Protein DietBy Kaye BaileyThe first rule for successful weight loss

Friday, June 1, 2007

Before and After Weight Training Pics

Adam shows us some pretty impressive pictures of how his body has changed over 100 days with an intensive fitness and weight lifting program. It seems hard to believe this kind of transformation would be possible in less than four months but if it's true, it's very inspiring. See his three minute video here.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Protect Your Self-Care When Others Tempt You To Stray

One of the challenges we face as we evolve with our weight loss is protecting our boundaries and efforts for self-care. At times we may feel derailed by others who do not understand the changes taking place with our bodies and our lifestyles. The following article by Linda Dessau has some great hints for protecting our self-care and boundaries without feeling guilty.Protect Your Self-Care When

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

How To Lose Weight And Enjoy Life

===================================For Reviews of Today’s Top Diets Visit:Diet Reviews===================================How To Lose Weight And Enjoy LifeAre you stuck in the mental and physical loop of being overweight whilst wanting to be slim? Do you find you're going round in circles and getting more upset, frustrated and helpless?You're not aloneMore people than ever are overweight. It is

The Ideal BMI Varies Each Decade

The Diet Blog has an interesting post about how BMI (body mass index measurements) have varied over the last century. They note that the mean BMI for U.S. females keeps going up. It was 28.1 in the 1990's and 24.9 in the 1960's. Yet in the modeling and celebrity world, the average BMI just keeps going down. Here's Kate Moss, who is said to have a BMI of 16. See their other examples of famous stars in each decade and their body types.