Saturday, June 16, 2007

Rain stopped play!

I cannot believe it, but on the day I decide to start building the swimming pool... it BUCKETS down. The sky's opened on and off all day. This was ok..ish. We managed to do a lot of the preparation. Then when it seemed to have eased and finished (?) DH and I started mixing up the first bag of cement. He had literally turned it over into a fat mix when the weather pulled it's final trick from its sleeve. A full on thunder and lightening storm and a flooded garden!!! Like I said - Unbelievable. You can see the wonderful flooded path and the covered cement mix. Oh and don't worry, the BBQ is moving! We wont be flipping burgers and taking a swim at the same time! It looks really small from DS's bedroom window. Its actually 3 metres square. You wouldn't believe it but until a few weeks ago we had a pots and tubs and an 8 seater dining table on it!!

I have come to the decision that I am actually mad. I don't know what possesses me to do these things but I know that we are the only family I know of who seem to do these weird things. Are there any other crazy dudes out there?

Band wise... cool. No problems and seemingly no flaming difference either!
breakfast I had 2 banana's and a coffee and for lunch I made pasta. I don't know what we are having for tea, but I think it will be curry and rice if I can persuade DH to make it. :o)

Friday, June 15, 2007

Back on Solids

Everyone, I have to say I could not stick the liquids.

I simply could not do it.

Last night I cooked the boys tea and made the decision that I was going to eat as well.

I made sure I chewed well and ate slowly and that every mouthful went down OK.

I was fine. I was also fine this morning and breakfast (an omelet) went down nicely too. I am going to steer clear of dry foods for the moment, and stick to stuff with gravy or sauce or that are generally 'wet'.

I have read so many different surgeons opinions on the post fill diet. They range from saying 2 weeks of liquids followed by mushies to eat normally and see how you go.

How on earth do they expect us to cope with this band when everyone - including the people who deal with your care - say something different.

Basically I think I know my body better than anyone else, so that's what I am going to go by.
If it feels wrong, then I wont do it.

I am going to up my fluid intake too. I don't think I am drinking enough between meals. I am going to try to drink at least 2 pints of liquid between breakfast and lunch and between lunch and dinner. I find that it helps to keep me full to be honest. If I am a bit peckish, having a drink or squash fills me up for about 20 minutes and takes my mind off snacking or grazing.

I had my breakfast at 10:30am and its 2pm now and I am still not hungry. I made a 3 egg omelet with onions and a tiny amount of grated cheese and I would say I ate 2 thirds of it. I feel good that I left something on my plate. Last nights meal I ate completely... it was a WFF meal again, but I was able to eat the lot. I didn't have a pudding though, as I know that that would have been too much food.

For me, I think I should be leaving the plate with food on it. that's how I envisioned it when I had the band. I really thought I would be full on an egg cup of food. Evidently that is still not the case, so I am going to have my next fill on the 30th for sure.

When I was discussing this with Dr. C yesterday and saying "I really don't think I should be eating that much..." He said "Well my wife eats well. She has a plate full of food. You want to be able to eat and enjoy your food and not starve" which I get, but for goodness sake! I have had a lap band to make me eat less.... I actually want to starve... I thought that was the point! Being able to starve without realising it. And Yes! Truth be told I AM eating less that I did in February, but its still a bloody lot in my honest opinion. Especially when I read about other people who can only manage half a lean cuisine meal or whatever. I WANT TO BE LIKE THAT. I don't give a flying fig if it looks stupid to leave food on the plate, or if people ask if there is something wrong with my food. In fact I cant WAIT for them to say stuff like that. It will mean I really am eating less. I want to be able to eat a saucer of food and feel stuffed. Honestly. If that means I need 176 fills then bring it on! I know what I am like and I know that if I CAN eat more, I WILL. I don't have willpower when it comes to food. That's why I stumped up my hard earned cash and had the surgery.

I wish I could explain it better, but I feel like the band and I will have achieved perfect harmony with each other when I can't eat a whole meal. Bottom line.

We are not there yet, so it still needs a couple of ml or 3!

Hopefully I will get on with the other Doctor better. I really didn't like Dr. C. I thought he was snide and sarcastic. I felt like an uneducated fat cow in his eyes. Like someone who is a bit dippy and doesn't know what they have done and who needs everything explaining in baby language and diagrams and I felt patronised to be honest.

I said to him... "To be honest, I don't really feel like I have any restriction at all. I can eat what I want, any amount of it and when ever I want to."

He said "Well are you eating less that you used to" with a little play of a snide smile around his lips... inferring that I do have restriction. Of COURSE I am eating less that i did before the operation. Yes of course you stupid git! Of course I am eating less, but what I am telling you is that I still don't have any MORE restriction than I had last month... especially as I weighed 17stone on his rubbish scales. (I KNEW that I wasn't 15 stone 6 last month when he weighed me! I told him they were up the shonker at the time too! By his scales I have gained 1 and a half stone in a month! [For the benefit of anyone who doesn't remember what I am on about here, Last time I had a fill he weighed me and I was 15 stone 6 on his scales (216lbs). I of course was flabbergasted as my scales, slimmingworlds scales and the chemists scales all said 16 stone 6 (230lbs)! I told him they were wrong, but he would not have it and told me they were calibrated and all that jazz. Well guess who was actually right?? When he weighed me yesterday they said 17 stone (238lbs) which is ALSO wrong, but there we go.])

Back to topic, I don't talk to people trying to be absolutely precise with my English grammar. I should have said "I have some restriction, but no more restriction than I had at the beginning of this debacle." But for God's sake! He knew what I meant. Everyone else does.

He just infuriated me with his play on my words. The only reason I didn't go off on one at him was because I wanted the flipping fill BAD. I had to bite my tongue though! I am just not like that normally but the guy is such a snide nasty bloke and really rubs me up the wrong way.

This is not the first or only case of similar conversations with him. Imagine those programmes where you see someone in the witness box and you know exactly what the person is trying to say, but the lawyer twists it so that they cleverly manoeuvre the witness to admit something in such a way that it sounds bad... You know that kind of thing. Well he has SERIOUSLY missed his vocation man.

On a brighter note, the receptionist has obviously had some kind of pleasure recently as she was positively pleasant. Either that or she reads this blog! HA HA. She actually spoke to me as if I had a pulse and was from earth for a change. WOW.

Well at least I don't have to go back there. Its such a depressing town, Tamworth. No wonder they have to have a massive surgery... its truly humongous. 2 storeys and goodness knows how many doctors. I wouldn't wonder if everyone in the town is getting treated for depression or SAD or something. Its grim.

So, that's all for today. I have to go to work at 3:30pm. Tomorrow I have to work in the morning, but my afternoon appointment has cancelled as the little darling has a party to go to. *huge sigh* But that means that DS and I can start building our swimming pool! I am really looking forward to doing it. Its a huge project, but it will be brilliant. It will be a metre deep and 3 metres by 3 metres square. Big enough to float in and cool down at any rate. Also decided that I am going to give my kitchen a face lift. I have ordered new door knobs for it (Cream porcelain) and I am going to stick beading on the doors and make it look rustic - shabby chic - with cream paint. My good old Travelling Buddy is going to do it. Shes wicked at that kind of stuff. I just have to prepare it for her. Cool.

Marcia Brady Loses 34 Pounds

Maureen McCormick, better known as Marcia Brady from the Brady Bunch has lost 34 pounds in 100 days. As she only weighed 150 to begin with this is an amazing accomplishment in such a short time. She lost the weight with an extreme exercise regiment and a very nutritious diet on the Celebrity Fit Club show.

She is only 5'3" and now weighs 116. She lost even more weight than had been her original goal when she started the show. See more before and after photos at ET here.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Miss FAT for 2007?

Who will be Miss F.A.T. in 2007? The hype is just starting now. Here's a short video of Tanisha Malone being crowned last year as Miss F.A.T. 2006.

This is the third year "Mo'Nique's F.A.T. Chance" beauty pageant is being hosted on Oxygen. The final 20 contestants are flying to Paris and the winner will be chosen on July 28.

I'm so going to miss traveling to Birmingham..... NOT!

Well I have had my last fill from Dr. Clayson.

I had 4mls the first time, 1 ml the next and this time I had 1.2mls.

So I have now got a total of 6.2 mls in my band.

I am back on to fluids now for 3 days, and we shall see how that goes, but I am reckoning on getting my next fill on the 30th as planned.

Dr. Clayson is not doing the fills any more, so I have to go to Barnes now. there is a possibility of Norwich, which is still a trek, but not as bad as London. Oh well. This is the only problem with having had the band placed in Belgium. If you have it done abroad, no other surgeons in the Uk want to entertain you as they want to discourage you going abroad for surgery.

Mmmm. I know a way they could discourage people like me... chop the price by half! Its still cheaper and worth all the travelling about to save £4000 - £6000 believe me!!

Anyway, hopefully I am on the track to bintness again.


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I'm going for a FILL tomorrow

Oh yeah! Its fill 'er up time again!

Sorry, I am a bit wasted on cooking sherry!! :o)

My Mum and Dad gave us 2 bottles, and now its all gone.... hic!

No, seriously, I am really looking forward to getting up at 7am and driving to Birmingham during rush hour to get 1ml of fluid injected into my stomach and part with £75.

I am going to train to be a 'filler'. OMG I would earn myself a killing!

£75 for 15 minutes work? It would be hard, but then again someones got to do it right?

I will let ya all know how it goes.

At least if Dr. Measly will only give me 0.5mls or something I can get a good fill up on the 30th.

I hope I get more than that for £75 though!!!! I need to shift some serious FAT.

I got a new watch strap today and the woman in the shop went "Oh, I cut it a little bit getting the pin out, but its fine."

NO! Its flaming CUT! I don't know whats wrong with me. Why didn't I say "What? its worse than the one I came in with!" rather than go "Oh yes, that's Ok..." I am such a wet fart. I think people see me coming and say "FAB! Its a mug coming straight for us at 10 o'clock!"

DH also bought me a lovely torque/necklace thing whilst we were in there. Its well lush. Silver and twisted. I love it.

Also my new sofa covers from Plumbs were fitted today. They look well nice. Just goes to show how you get used to the same old crud. They look so amazing, its like having a brand new suite, with the added bonus that I can wash them if they get dirty. It was well worth getting loose covers. I also got a cover for a little Victorian nursing chair that I have in my front room. It looks really sweet and goes nicely with the suite (no pun intended!!)

Anyway, gotta go to bed as I am cream crackered.

nighty night.