Monday, June 25, 2007

Spicing Up the Low Calorie Foods

Most people don't realize that many spices have a good amount of vitamins and nutritional goodness. Spices can add wonderful zing to many low-calorie dishes that may otherwise taste bland. Especially if you are trying to cut down on your salt intake, many spices make marvelous substitutes.

Here's a great beginner's guide to the key spices available out there today. So try some bay leaves in your lentil soup, cumin in your chili, sage on your chicken breast and some fresh cilantro in your salad.

Check out the health benefits of cayenne pepper, basil, cinnamon and mustard seeds here.

Strange weigh in...

Well here I am again writing from my NEW PC. Yep. The old one finally died yesterday morning. We have had it fixed twice before and we were basically throwing good money after bad, so thought "stuff it" and drove to PC world and bought the cheapest one in the shop. Its got Vista on it, which is well different to XP. I like it though. Seems OK to me.

went for my weigh in today. I weighed on my scales at home and they said I had lost 2 pounds... 16 stone 4lb (or 228lb) but when I went to the chemist and jumped on their scales they yelled "OUCH GET OFF YOU FAT GIT" and said I was 16stone 8pounds (232lbs).

Hmmm So I have either put on 2 or lost 2... Its definitely 2 though!!

So I don't know if I am happy or not. I think that my scales are correct, as they have been accurately measuring me for ages... but I just can't trust them totally.

Whatever, I have a fill on Saturday, so we shall go from there and I am also taking my Friends advice and doing slimfast for a bit to help me out. I am not going to start until Wednesday though, because that is when we get our meal delivery from Wiltshire farm foods. It will be much easier then.

But until then, I am making a concerted effort to stick to blew 1000 cals again. I think I have been a bit wayward since being home from holiday, especially as we ran out of meals last Monday, and I have *shock horror* had to cook myself! Its never easy late at night when I am tired, and I do tend to think "Oh whatever" and do something easy, rather than nutritious.

So today started badly... ish.

Went to the chemist and was annoyed because it said I had put on 2 pounds and walked straight into the next door newsagents and bought a bag of crisps. I know... comfort eating. I even stood there looking them up and down for a while. then I walked around the corner and looked at the notepads and colouring books and rubbish they have in newsagents, and then I wandered back to the crisp selection. I grabbed one guiltily. I was even thinking whilst I paid for them and DS's sweets that they might think about how fat I am and how could I buy that. I also thought that they were thinking stuff like "I bet her boy turns out just like her" which is so never going to happen. Its like torture. I hate myself. I hate the way my mind works ad puts me down all the time. If I want a packet of crisps I should not feel guilty, but conversely I should not just want a packet of crisps because I feel bad about putting on weight. I mean what is wrong with my brain???? Its like self destruct.


I should have the courage to think "right I am going to cheer myself up by NOT having the crisps and knowing that I have a few less calories than normal" or something.

I have read that people with eating disorders the opposite from me.. (i.e. the eating disorders where people DON'T eat) actually get a pleasure out of denying themselves stuff. I can't help but feel jealous to be honest. I know that's a bit "out there" but I am serious. Why, out of all the eating disorders there could be do I have the one that makes me go to food as a comfort rather that look at food denial as a comfort. I mean if I had to have an eating disorder at all, then I would prefer the latter. I am not being facetious. Of course guess people with anorexia or similar would wish they could eat more and not deny themselves and think the total opposite of me. To be honest I just wish I was frigging NORMAL, but that is obviously not the case.

I want to change my mindset and the way my mind looks at food. HOW DO I DO THAT? How do anorexics stop punishing themselves and looking at food as the enemy. How do I stop looking at food as my soul mate and only comforter? I mean, it doesn't actually HELP me either. I ate that bag of crisps and I didn't feel any better. I know that I will feel crud after eating them, but I still make myself believe that I will feel better if I eat them. God I am screwed up.

I guess none of this makes sense to anyone, but it makes sense to me. I feel like a psycho.

Rant over...

Here's what I have had to eat today... and given that I feel pretty sorry for my self and annoyed and want to eat, I think its pretty good.

1 big eat size bag of walkers crisps 265 cals

1 pitta bread 225 cals

5 cherry tomatoes 15 cals

56g cheese 205 cals

So today I have had 710 cals.

That's not good considering I have to eat tonight.... but I will be getting in late so I could stop and get a ready meal. Yep, that's what I will do.

Pool update...

If it doesn't stop raining I think we will have a disaster on our hands....

Friday, June 22, 2007

Virtual Weight Loss with Photoshop

Here we have an entertaining video clip of extreme and rapid weight loss using Photoshop. If only we all lived in the virtual world and could lose weight like this in a couple of minutes....

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Checkups key to success of obesity surgery

From Reuters: By Megan RauscherSeriously overweight people who undergo gastric bypass surgery to shed pounds should try to make as many scheduled post-op doctors appointments as possible, according to a new study. It shows that follow-up care is a key component of the long-term success of the weight-loss surgery.With gastric bypass surgery -- the most common method of "bariatric" surgery --

Day 6 on the Swimming pool instalation

I am shattered.
This is a photo of the pool.... so far. Its got tiles all around the outside now and been grouted in. Its also been completely filled with gap filler and had 2 coats of Thermacoat sealant. Its a black liquid rubber stuff that smells terrible. It costs an absolute fortune but does the job. Its watertight alright! Its raining right now, and this stuff is holding its own. The pool could even be half full with water and you can still start painting... underwater!!! Its tough stuff man.

However, it now looks like the pool from HELL and the garden looks like a builders merchants.

I will be starting to tile the inside either tomorrow or at the weekend. I need DH to help me with all the cuts though. I have bought some pebbles in navy blue to go around the top edge because I didn't want cut tiles on the top where you sit just in case it cuts.
So its taking shape, but its back breaking. If any one wants a nice pool in their garden I am taking commissions! HA HA. But don't ask me for 5 years ok? I might have got over the ordeal by then.
My band I am sure is broken. It does nothing at all and I eat what ever I like. Rubbish. Sod millilitres. I want 30 pounds per square inch in there so it will squeeze the gullet closed so that I can actually not eat at all. I think its for the best. :o(

Getting in Top Shape for the Baby

Bret Baier set out to lose 25 pounds by the time his son is born in July. He started his exercise and diet plan on Christmas day. Baier is the Chief White House Correspondent for Fox News Channel. He travels with the President and covers all foreign policy and domestic issues involving the Presidency.

He started at 225 pounds and is now down to 198. His new goal is to be under 195 pounds by the time his child is born.

See his weight loss story at Mens Health.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

18 Weeks After my Lap Band in Belgium

Thought I would just add it up. 18 weeks. WOW. I can't believe it was that long ago. I was 18 stone exactly on the day of the operation. That's 252 pounds. I am now 16 stone 6. That's 230 pounds.

22 pounds lighter.

I am not sure if that is actually that brilliant in 18 weeks. I guess its more than a pound a week, but I did think that it would be more than this by now, or am I just being greedy (No pun intended!)?

I am having another fill in just over a week with Dr. Dovey in Barnes. I am looking forward to meeting him. I would really like it if he could check to see if everything is OK with my band. However, I haven't gained any weight, so it must be doing something right!!

I had a good day today until dinner.. I didn't have breakfast as I wasn't hungry, and then for lunch I had a cucumber sandwich. For dinner we ordered a take away. The first one in a long long time, but a take away kebab nonetheless. It was yummy. Had a little sticky PB moment when I thought I was going to have to be sick, and then it all got better. So, bit of a bad tea, but there we go.

This is a bit boring, but I just sold loads of old junk on eBay. I am amazed. I got about £140 for it all. Its amazing really that I had that amount of stuff lying about the house.

We watched this programme about a couple who were really skint and were in loads of debt and stuff. They called it beat the bailiffs or some rubbish. Another one of those "Lets look at your sad life" kind of shows where they seem to help but probably don't in reality.

This family bought their kid a new toy every week as a treat, and it was like 5 years old or something. They spent at LEAST £40 on the item whatever it was. Basically the kid had shed loads of stuff it never played with ever. They also had loads of clothes, PC's camcorders, TV's and HiFi's and gadgets and stupid gimmicky things like massive floor to ceiling lava lamps and stuff still in the boxes it was bought in. The had all this rubbish in there house that they didn't use basically and they were asking them what on earth they bought it for. They had loads of reasons, but none held water.

So they gave the couple a wake up call. They came into their house one afternoon unexpected and took everything of value away to show them what it would be like if they didn't pay their bills and the bailiffs came around.

The woman said she was devastated and they had to live like it for a week or something. No telly, PC or anything like that you know? They said it was an awful experience. Then they took them to this MASSIVE warehouse with a small pile in the middle, which was their belongings. It looked so sad. This couple had sold their freedom for these few items and it did look really pathetic as I think we are all a little bit guilty of buying things for the sake of it and then repenting at leisure...

Anyway, they were stood over these items tat were the be all and end all of this couples lives and there was a house clearance man. They held up various items and asked him how much they would get for this and that. They held up the telly and he said £20 and they held up a brand new laptop and he said £50 things like that.

Now this is where I thought the show fell down, because you would never get such a crap amount for those items. This couple were like "Oh man, I paid £500 for that" and they were all upset and stuff at how their stuff would be sold like that if in fact the bailiffs did come around. Its just not right. Fair enough, I thought the whole psychology of putting you off debt and even getting you into a more "Lets sort this out" mode was good, but it fell down when they said you would only get like a couple of quid for stuff. Who in their right mind would let the bailiffs come and take away their telly without trying to flog it on eBay first and get the cash for themselves.

I mean, if it was me, I would have sold my stuff long before the bailiffs came knocking. Oh well, what do I know. Maybe its different when its for real. But I sold some SERIOUS rubbish on eBay today, and I got £140 for it. I sold a set of 24 ladybird books I used to teach my son to read, some contact lens cleaner, a pair of swimming arm bands, 3 little lead men for a railway set, a box of coffee and a shower attachment and a load of old karaoke discs. I really expected to get about £20 for the lot. I was WELL chuffed! I have some more crud that I am going to put on tomorrow and see what happens with that.

Its amazing how much spare "cash" you have just lying on your shelves. I am so thrilled with getting £140 for junk that I have the bug! I am looking at all the shelves thinking "Mmmm get rid of that, and that!" Well cool. I am also so annoyed with having such a messy house. How do these other people do it. It is TRULY impossible to have a clean and tidy house for more than 12 hours. I think they pay people to do it. I just turn around and its a pig sty again! So getting rid of some knick-knacks will be a good thing indeed! It just clutters up the place and collects dust. Since we moved the Piano after the remodelling of our lounge, I never put the photos and bits and bobs back. i am so glad. I can get my duster and 'sweep!' and its done. All shiny. It used to be a pigging nightmare!! I am really into to 'cash for clutter' club!

I will post a photo of the swimming pool tomorrow. Its going well. I have tiled the outside and levelled the floor off with concrete and filled all the gaps with sealant. I am going to paint the whole of the inside of the pool with roof sealer tomorrow before I put on the tiles just to make extra sure that the pool does not leak. It is wicked stuff. In our first house, we accidentally cracked the toilet cistern when we were about to move house. We couldn't get another one as it was one of those old manky avocado coloured ones, so we painted it with roof sealer a couple of times and it worked like a dream! So there we go. Slap it on nice and thick and then tile it all.

The grout annoyed me today because I had just grouted the whole outside when someone called me and I had to take the call. When I got back it had gone and sett lovely and hard for me. Not good. I had to scrape it all off painstakingly which took hours. I still have one other wall to scrape off!!

Anyway, off to bed now for an early start tomorrow in the garden!