Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Feeling ... underappreciated

Today I had a slimfast for breakfast, Venison for lunch and am about to have beef and stout pie for tea.

Slimfast 200
Venison 312
Beef and stout pie 602
1114 cals

I am continuing to eat SHAG ALL, but still seem to be losing nothing.....

Anyway, I am feeling under appreciated because of... like... stuff....
I don't know. Does anyone else every feel like this?
I seem to run my butt off for my family. I educate, work, clean, cook, build ad goodness knows what else, and am constantly doing stuff. Every time I turn around DH has wandered off to the TV or PC and DS has left his work and gone off to play the PS2.
I have to be constantly nagging at both of them... One "get up and help me" the other "Get some clothes on". DS seems to spend half of every day in the nude. This was endearing when he was 2 and all he wandered about in was a sun hat and tellytubbie wellies... but at 8 and a half I think he should be able to manage to get dressed without me nagging "Pants!" .... "Socks NOW!" "Put your shirt on"... "What did I say, get those socks on!"... "Where are your trousers gone?".... Get your shirt on again"... "Where are you socks" until I give up and think... well hey, at least hes liberated.
But its just another thing to add to my list of chores.
I really wish my life was like one of those novels.... where the dashing husband comes home (and the house is all neat and tidy and well cared for) and ravishes the wife on the kitchen worktop whilst little johnny is handily at a friends house. Then they sit and chat cosily while she twiddles her hair and he massages her feet in his lap... Crap like that. Then they have a candle lit dinner lazily, and the plates disappear magically and stuff... Then after only one glass of wine and immaculate make up they both slither off to bed (the child would have gone to be magically on his won of course) and then make love again for about... Oh I dunno...more than 5 minutes anyway!!
The sheets would still be ironing board flat and the room would smell all lush with roses and shit.
And that would happen every day.
Oh jeez, the reality.
Oh, and she would be bought expensive little goodies at least once a week because he was thinking of her, and at least once a year buy her something really special as a surprise - over £10 and not from the garage up the road.
One of the last pressies I bough DH cost £350. My money is his money, and his money is my money.... we don't do that "who's gonna buy the food this month..?" rubbish... we just have one account and pool all the dosh. Now, I still was able to wangle it so that he didn't notice that I had bought him something so nice.
He has had trousers, shirts, a nice pair of shoes, all kids of things...
The last thing that Phil bought me was a lovely necklace for £25. I can't really call it a pressie, but it would have been so nice, except that I had to hint so amazingly badly that I was practically buying it myself. So I kind of don't think about it as a gift... so it has to be the bouquet of flowers that he got for me (from Tesco) when I came back from my Lap Band operation in February.
Now, we did go on a fabulous holiday that cost an arm and a leg, but I don't consider that a gift... that was all of us. I am talking about specific Nice Ladies Things that can be shared across a pillow and involve delight and exquisiteness. I cant think of anything more lovely than lying there talking and then getting a little box given to me all wrapped up in a bow with a pair of earrings or something.
These things cost just a couple of quid... its not the money, its the thought. It could be a sodding stone off of the beach for all I care, but the timing and the thought....
I just realised why I am feeling like this again.... Its another anniversary of one of my dead babies. I lost it just before we got married... So 10 years ago today.
I wish I never remembered. No one else does.

Low Carb or Slow Carb?

Not Sure which diet is best for you?Check out our Diet Reviews===========================First I’d like to thank all of you that have participated with your wonderful and insightful blog comments. I would like to invite others who read this blog to participate as well. I’d love to know your thoughts and opinions – and many others would as well. So by all means let us know – Don’t be shy – spill

Drinking Tap Water for Weight Loss

Drinking lots of water is one of the easiest ways to lose some weight quickly, especially for many people who are chronically dehydrated.

But tap water is usually a better alternative to bottled water. Bottled water companies are not regulated for safety or purity. And the environmental waste resulting from the bottled water craze is horrific. Here's an eye-opening passage from the Food & Water Watch:

Bottled water wastes fossil fuels and water in production and transport, and when the water is drunk the bottles become a major source of waste. It takes more than 47 million gallons of oil to produce plastic water bottles for Americans every year. Eliminating those bottles would be like taking 100,000 cars off the road and 1 billion pounds of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. Each one of those bottles required nearly five times its volume in water to manufacture the plastic and may have caused the release of nickel, ethylene oxide, and benzene. Then, rather than being recycled, 86 percent of them are thrown away. Breaking down these plastics can take thousands of years, while their components seep into our water supplies.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

How long does it take to build a pool???

Well, as you can see.... it takes quite a long time.

I started on 16th June, and now its the 10th July.

If we hadn't lived in good old Britain, we may well have finished by now, but because of the DAILY DOWNPOURS its sat under water for many a day whilst I mourn for it.

But, as you can see... its coming along well now. Just have to put in the little glass pebbles (already they are half done), grout them and then its finished. YAY! It has 2 inches of water in it and holding, so that's cool. I put a bit of water in there so that it will soften the grout haze (I seem to suffer with this phenomena rather too much to be honest!) so that I can scrub it off with a wire brush. It works thank goodness. I just couldn't see baby oil doing the same job here - we would all just crack our heads open.

Anyway, band wise its all a blur. I have been drinking way too much I think. I have had a glass of wine every night, which is not good when trying to control calories, but my meals have been good. Its weigh in tomorrow (yep, I changed to Wednesday because that's the day I had my lap band) so we shall see.

Anyway, my husband is being renamed Jane. Calamity Jane in fact. He is SO hurting himself right now.

Last Sunday he tripped over the piles and piles of crap down our side passage and fell onto his arm whilst holding 10 40x40cm tiles in his arms, which slammed into him. The bruise is the length of his arm right now... Then this Sunday he went to badminton and performed a teenager move in a 36 year old body and his ankle touched the floor whilst the sole of his foot was still on the ground.... Mmmm that's gotta hurt right? Yep!! Not broken but just about every tendon severed! What a guy! His foot is Black. No exaggeration. Its just black. God knows what it will look like in a week. His arm just gets worse and worse, and this looks set to be another splendid show.

Here's a pic of him with TB's husband just after the accident. TB's hubby looks right pleased having a blokes foot on his knee doesn't he!! HA HA

Confronting Morbid Obesity

Here's an artist who is morbidly obese and has created this very touching video about his weight loss issues. His name is James Barany.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Bonsoir - just watched Shrek 3

Just got back from the cinema, £50 lighter (OUCH!!!) and probably 2 lb heavier.
Hows that for funny!!!

it costs a FORTUNE the cinema. 2 adults, 2 kids (one is on loan for the night!), 2 pots of minstrels, 2 small popcorn, 2 large (aka demi pins!) of coke and a bottle of water. FIFTY QUID.

Good grief. I feel like I have been violated.

I was not too happy about the rude word for 'bottom' being used in a UNIVERSAL rated movie for 4 years and above. Nor was I really delighted with the amount of - quite realistic - violence involved. Its quite unnerving simply because the lines between cartoon and reality have been blurred by technology. I wasn't quite sure at certain points whether it was a REAL leg on a cartoon body, or not... Scarily real. Just hope kids get the difference.

When I think about kids getting a grip on reality, I always think of that programme about the kids born in 2000. Child of our time show. I remember when they were about 6 he asked them to look at the television, and it showed a bowl of popcorn. Then he asked them all individually what would happen if he turned the telly upside down.

Interestingly he asked the parents whether their kids knew the difference between reality and fiction on TV before hand. All said that "Of course they know the difference" (and let them view things like Eastenders and other things depicting 'real life' - mind you if real life were that bad I think I would slash my wrists and be done with it!)

well interestingly enough, only 1 child said that "nothing would happen... its just telly" A few didn't know what would happen, but the majority said "NO! It would all fall out silly!"

So there we go.

Proved to me that I needed to curb what DS watched big style.

Anyway, I was also not pleased with the fact that there was a lot of things about magic, witches and other stuff in it. don't really like all that for kids. I wouldn't dream about letting DS watch Harry Potter, so a watered down version of Arthur and Merlin and witches all wreaking havoc still has the same essence.

I VERY nearly dragged them all out... that's how strongly I thought about it. Happily for them the bad words and the majority of the witchery/cussing/frighting etc happens within a 5 minute span about 4/5ths the way through. It was all over and went back to fantasy fairy stuff again.

But, different to the other happy go lucky innocuous Shrek 1 and 2. Didn't really do it for me.

I am about to eat my first take away curry after 2 months and have a glass of wine. Its a day off the diet, as the pot of minstrels will tell you.... Oh No. Actually they wont tell you because i ATE THEM ALL. HA HA HA HA

I am also going to watch Marie Antoinette this evening with DH, Travelling Buddy and TB's husband.

As of now I am NOT going to call her travelling buddy, I am just going to write TB. I know its also a horrid disease, but she knows I love her!!

nighty night

Friday, July 6, 2007

Janet Jackson Gains Weight

The Skinny Website has just posted these new photos of Janet Jackson. After losing over 60 pounds and keeping the weight off for more than a year, it looks like she has gained more than a few pounds since her cover photo on US Magazine (just seven weeks ago) where they celebrated her one year weight loss anniversary.