Monday, August 13, 2007

Five Day Pouch Test

Does my pouch still work?Have I broken my pouch?Have I ruined my tool?These are questions many weight loss surgery post-ops find themselves asking occasionally during their journey. Perhaps it feels like we can eat more food or we know that we are eating more food. Sometimes these questions are asked when there has been a weight regain.Today I present a 5-day plan that I have developed and used

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Long time no post

Hi all,

I am still alive. Things have just been crazy here.

I have no idea how my weight is doing, as I haven't been to the shop to get weighed because last time I went it was out of order (GRRrrrrr!) and I haven't had a chance since.

I am still trying to weigh in on a Monday, so I will go on Monday and see how its going.

It will be 6 months since banding very shortly... 14th August. I can at least say I have lost weight with the band. Even if I dont lose weight, thankfully its not going on as badly.

Since my last post, I have been a combination of good and bad. Angel and Demon... I even bought a perfume in France called that!!! Its lovely and by Givencey (or how ever you spell it)

I have been so busy finishing stuff, DS has been to camp, the pool is complete (see pic below) and we have all been in it. DS has had a party for all his friends, which was cool and they had an ace time... and at the moment I have two Poles staying. They have been helping me out. It has helped me make the decision about getting another Au Pair... so we are getting another one on Monday. I can't wait!! At last I will have the help I need around the house that means I wont make my port sore. Just washing the floors makes it ache like crazy for a couple of days. Its just not good.

So today we went to Legoland. What a load of crap. Don't go there if your kids like fun. DS was pretending the enjoy it, but we all know we could have had more fun on a trip to the local superstore. It was the most expensive walk with wasps I have ever been on. I am glad we only used Tesco Clubcard vouchers for it and didn't stump up hard currency, otherwise I might have had to have a little cry.

It was totally out for making money. Everywhere you turned there was a shop, or an amusement that you had to pay for (basically everything that your kid actually wanted to do was NOT free!!). Rubbish

Right, I am off to bed with a sore port again... too much walking about I guess.

Take it easy!

Sizzling Hot BamaGal

Ladies and Gentlemen stand on your feet and put your hands together for our own BamaGal who has been named by Jimmy Moore one of the Sizzling Hot New Low-Carb Blogs for 2007!!! This is no ordinary blog shout-out - this is HUGE!!!! Jimmy Moore is a leader in the grass roots low-carb movement and he knows a good thing when he sees one. Diane started her blog in March 2007 and is now a leader in

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Fat Burn: Catching the Regained Weight

Early this summer I found myself in the same fat-pants as many post-WLSers a few years out: I had regained some weight. About 16-18 pounds over my best weight. I blame it on stress eating and relaxing the rules. Actually, there were no rules and it showed. I knew I had to do something, for myself and for the weight loss surgery community that is such a part of my life. Afterall, I often answer

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Thiamine Deficiency and WLS

I just finished reading another great piece of research and information from our own Professor Bama (aka Bamagal) regarding Thiamine (Vitamins B, B1) and thiamine deficiency in gastric bypass patients. This is an extremely important issue, particularly for those in the first two years of post-gastric bypass. Bamagal writes, "As you can clearly see, this can be very dangerous. We're talking about

Hair Loss Cause - Blood Circulation

Hair loss is a concern for most new weight loss surgery patients. We have heard the stories about patients losing their hair during the first year of massive weight loss. Many of us take vitamins believed to improve the health of the hair and prevent hair loss including silica complex and biotin. But here is another approach to avoiding hair loss: improved blood circulation. Mr. Silva writes, "

Religious Weight Loss

Maggie Sorrells used to weigh 440 pounds. And her husband was even bigger. They've lost an astounding 580 pounds between the two of them. Maggie now weighs 140 pounds.

They went on a faith-based weight loss program soon after they married. The Weigh Down workshop teaches people to conquer their addiction to food by turning to God. See their incredible before and after pictures as well as their full story here.