Sunday, October 14, 2007

What are weight loss surgery "slider foods"?

Good Morning Neighbors!Since we have been talking about the 5 Day Pouch Test so much the word "slider foods" has become a regular part of our vocabulary. Slider Foods is a commonly used term in the bariatric community to describe foods that simply slide through the pouch without providing the sensation of fullness.In a malabsorptive procedure the pouch is made and the stoma or outlet is attached

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

From Size 22 to Size 8

Melissa was a size 14 for much of her adult life but gradually moved up to size 22 by the time she was 28 years old.

Now, two years older, she is wearing size 8 clothes. She's gone from being a couch potato to an active person and she speaks very highly of the Curves program which helped her lose the first 65 pounds.

She said the most weight she lost in any given month was six pounds. It's taken her two years to lose 92 pounds.

See her very inspirational before and after pics here.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Boost Potassium Intake with Salmon and Grapefruit

Potassium is one of the nutrients gastric bypass patients tend to be deficient. In fact many weight loss surgery patients (WLS) supplement their diet with potassium. By including certain foods in the diet weight loss surgery patients can increase their potassium intake.Read more: Potassium Rich FoodOf course we have heard all our lives to eat a banana when low on potassium. But did you know there

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Kaye's Huggy-Touchy Empowerment Talk (again)

Previously Published 8/30/2007 in the You Have Arrived Postcard.Hello Neighbors!Today's postcard is about the personal empowerment that group support brings us. I know, you probably roll your eyes and think, "Here Kaye goes again pushing all that huggy-touchy empowerment talk." Perhaps some days I do get a little sentimental-corny about it, but trust me, when we travel together we become an

Saturday, October 6, 2007

What did I say?

Yes that's right

I quote:

"I have had less to eat this week than the last 2 weeks. Less wine as
well...I am guessing I will probably put on weight, as is the wanton and
perverse reaction of my body when I think I have actually been good for a

I was TOTALLY right.

I put on 2 pounds this week. HOW CRUD

This week I couldn't give a stuff about my band I HATE IT.

I want to be able to eat NOTHING

I want to be full on fresh air and a baked bean ok????

I want to puke each time I even sniff fresh baked bread, let alone eat a whole shagging baguette!

I actually ate a WHOLE baguette, stuffed with prawns. I also ate it quicker that my husband ate his roast beef one. Quite a lot quicker to be precise.


I know I have to be careful but for GAWD'S SAKE.

If I could be careful I would have lost the flaming weight without resorting to the having a band in the first place!

I had the thing done so that it would MAKE me careful. I WANT to be full after a sniff of a strawberry yoghurt!


It's so damn frustrating.

Who says they cant inject you with 8 ml right there... They are bleeding me dry with the £100 a throw fills. It has so far cost me £600 to lose half a poxy stone.

I know it will work eventually, but I am EIGHT MONTHS DOWN THE ROAD!!!!!!!

I need a break. And quick.

I am just about as far away from liking my band as anyone can possibly be. I think the whole things is a load of rubbish, waste of money, agony for months and too much sheer sodding hopelessness of a tragic woman's plight to look better.

I thought I felt crap before I started slimming. I feel a whole damn lot worse now I can tell you.

Before I joined slimmingworld 2 and a half years ago, I was fat.

When I had my band done 8 months ago I was fat.

today I am STILL FAT.

I have lost pounds though! THOUSANDS OF THEM!

£500 in slimmingworld fees
£100 (approx) in gizmo's like Easy Yoghurt makers, juicers, faddy diet stuff
£hundred's on horrible food that tastes like "The Real Thing's" washed out distant cousin
£6000 on the Lap Band and hotel bills and food for me and TB for a week.
£hundred's on new clothes I bought in my excitement

I am teetering on the absolute last, tiniest, craggy, splintery ledge at the bottom of the bottom of the bottom of the chamber of the deepest darkest pit of human despair in the entire universe.

My name is Bunny and its been 5 weeks since my last fill.

*round of applause*

Friday, October 5, 2007

Stop Telling People to Lose Weight

On her blog, Losing Leelee points out what everyone should know;

When people tell you to lose weight

First of all, overweight/obese people do think about it or at least attempted to lose once in their life. It is not that they don't want to, it's deeper than those words, 'lose weight'. Being overweight myself, I can tell that it is not easy to change yourself. To lose weight, you have to find the core of the problem of your weight gain. It varies for every individual. My problem was stress and boredom. Whenever I was frustrated I would stop what I was doing and head towards the fridge. Eating took my mind off work because it was an excuse to take a break. Then there were times when I had nothing else on my mind that I would think of what to eat. In the end I paid the fridge another visit. It took me about 3 years to stop this habit by going on different diet plans (took me a while to find one that suited me). I wasn't losing much at the beginning, but I gained knowledge in return.

When people tell you to lose weight when you are losing weight

I understand people can't read your mind to know that you are losing weight. But the fact that some of those who know you have lost weight will tell you to lose more weight, or imply it. For instance, when I had lunch with a few friends I remarked how stuffed I was. It didn't take long for someone to say 'you should lose a bit of weight'. Uh yes, I am already working on that, thank you! And what's wrong with me anyway? After feeling refreshed from losing 20 over pounds at the time, did you think I looked as big as ever? See, when you dictate to people on what to do, especially a delicate matter such as weight, it agitates them. Why? Weight is also an emotional part of us. Ask anyone who has been taunted at school as an overweight child, left out among a group of friends, mocked while walking down to their local shop because of their weight.

Sometimes talking about the past hurts, and on top of that having people tell you what and what not to do is degrading another.

See her weight loss blog here.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Hair Care Revolution And Bangs

With new products focusing on the health of your hair you have more control and can now work with many different hair styles. The new formulas are created to meet the needs of a fast paced society. These new products feature ingredients that restore moisture and nutrients that tend to make hair stronger and thicker in appearance. With time being a factor for many women, the need for these