Tuesday, October 23, 2007

8 months and 9 days since banding

I am gonna do a resume of my banding

Firstly, lets refresh stats.

BANDED Dr. Dillemans in Bruges 14th February 2007 - 18 stone - 252lbs - 114.5kg

#1 fill (Clayson) - 15th March 2007 - 4ml (cc's and ml's are exactly the same)
#2 fill (Clayson) - 26th April 2007 - 1 ml - total 5ml in a 10 ml band
#3 fill (Clayson) - 14th June 2007 - 1.2 ml - total 6.2ml in a 10 ml band
#4 fill (Dovey) - 30th June 2007 - 1.5ml - total 7.7ml in a 10ml band
#5 fill (Dovey) - 8th September 2007 - 2ml - total 9.7ml in a 10 ml band
#6 fill (Dovey) - 20th October 2007 - 1.75ml - total 11.45ml in a 10 ml band YEAH RIGHT

Doesn't look good when you put it that way huh.

Weight today - 17 Stone 5.5lb - 243.5lbs - 110.5kgs
Starting weight Weight - 18stone - 252lbs - 114.5kgs
LOSS TO DATE - 8.5lbs - 3.86kgs
Lowest weight - 16 stone 3lb - 227lbs - 103kgs
Weight regained - 16.5 lbs - 7.5kgs


The date when I was at my lowest was Wednesday 16th May 2007 when I weighed
16 stone 3lb - 227lbs - 103kgs

This was before I fell down the stairs et al.

I am gonna put a photo of me on shortly too. Not yet cos I can't actually be bothered to get up and get changed (I am ill remember!), but soon. I didn't want to put a photo on being fatter than some of the others. I really psychologically wanted to see a smooth steady drop... but maybe that's me avoiding the truth, and obviously for those of you out there who are trying to decide if this is for you... then I need to show the truth.

So I am gonna update the Photo section shortly. Probably tomorrow I will get DH to take pic of me again in the same get up as the others. But I want you all to know how hard that is gonna be for me ok?

Today's food:

This morning I cooked up 3 scrambled eggs and 2 slices of toast (no butter).
I actually ate just under half of that.

Lunch I cooked 2 quorn Cumberland style sausages and some antipasti - pepper, courgette, aubergine, tiny mozzarella balls etc. It was About 200g of antipasti and the 2 sausages chopped up. I actually ate 1 sausage and 3/4's of the veg.

Dinner I cooked Quorn Swedish style meatballs in gravy, peas and mashed potato. Funnily enough I got a bag of baby carrots and also a bag of broccoli and cauliflower florets out as well, but as I was preparing to cook I was paring it down thinking 'Hmmn. I don't think we will eat that much actually...' so put the baby carrots and broccoli and cauliflower back in the freezer!

I actually ate half a meatball, a spoon of mash and a spoon of peas. DS finished of the meatballs I left, and DH wolfed the leftover mash.

I am rapidly going to say that this is not a 'change' in restriction, but a change in my attitude.

I am eating slowly and when I feel full, I am stopping. I have also only eaten when I have been hungry. So I am using the band to help me, rather than trying to force as much as I can down my gullet to see how much it stops!

See the switch?

I am making a concerted effort, even though its obvious from the history of fills above that something or someone has completely messed up. I shall be sorting it shortly, never fear!

Fast Weight Loss with the Atkins Diet

Kent used to weigh over 400 pounds. He's lost 200 pounds by adhering to the Atkins diet. The weight loss was fast for him, though it was not easy initially to give up all his comfort foods such as pizza and a 4 liter per day Diet Mountain Dew habit.

He has maintained the weight loss for over two years now and is running his first marathon this week. Read his story and see him at his heaviest weight here.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Today's update

Today has been particularly cruddy.

I felt steadily worse over the course of the day, and after writing my blog earlier this morning, I thought to myself "I have to eat something". I know, I know... It should be 5 days of fluids, but OMG its so hard.

Having nothing in your system and being on liquids = diarrhea. Pain in my stomach and the trotts? Enough was enough. I had been in utter agony for 2 days and knowing that I could easily get rid of one of these problems just by eating something, I did.

I had a coffee and then half a bowl of porridge.

It was well nice. It was a new type I think... Quaker oats with bits of apple and sultanas and cinnamon in it. Yum Yum Yum!

So after I ate that I went to bed as my guts were just raw. I had run out of paracetamol as I had been eating them copiously all weekend. I had 4 lessons to do today, and as I was lying in my bed feeling exceptionally crap I knew that it was not going to be happening.

I think I went to sleep. Poor DS is downstairs saying "Mum can I have some sweets; crisps; another ice cream as I have already had 18 today already?" etc and I am just going "Yeah Ok baby... Mummys not well, you have whatever you like. Love You"

What kind of mother am I? Its so horrible to be sick and have no one around to help you or anything. Thank goodness he is a good boy and knows how to make his own lunch and stuff... doesn't make me feel any better though.

So I was lying festering in my pit, and talking to TB on the phone when I realised that my port scar was not just swollen and raised, but hot, red and angry.


I made an appointment with the doctor in the village and went to see them. I couldn't drive. TB's hubby dropped her around and TB, DS and me walked down to the surgery. It took 20 minutes to walk about a quarter of a mile!

The quack looked me over, said I obviously had an infection and prescribed me with flucloxicillin 500 4 times a day for a week. He also gave me codeine for the pain. So I have had 2 doses of antibiotics so hopefully by tomorrow things should start looking up.

I can't believe I have an infection in my port. What an absolute nightmare. Its so weird too. my scar is all swollen and red and stuff, but the injection site is about 2 inches below the port scar. I have no idea how this all works.

My band journey has certainly been an interesting one!

This evening DH got fish and chips. I ate some fish, no batter, and was really pleased with myself. So today I have had porridge and fish. Hmmm. Well below 1000 cals me thinks.

I will keep you posted

Half-Assed : A Weight Loss Memoir

Jennette has lost almost 200 pounds. She has one of the best personal weight loss blogs out there and a few months ago she was approached by publishers about writing a book about her story.

I'm excited the book will be available soon. But I was disappointed to read that the publisher didn't accept Jenette's title suggestion; Half of Me: The Last 200 Pounds are The Hardest.

Instead they picked a title which I don't find half as appealing; Half-Assed: A Weight-Loss Memoir
Even worse, I wonder why they didn't include her whole picture on the book cover? Why just include her lower half? It's so much less appealing, don't you think?

Age: 26
Starting Weight: 372 lbs
Current Weight: 176 lbs
Goal Weight: 160 lbs
Total Loss: 196 lbs
Left to Lose: 16 lbs
Starting BMI: 54.9
Current BMI: 25.9
BMI Lost: 28.9

Jennette already has such a large online following that I wonder if it wouldn't have been better for her to go the self-publishing route. She could have created her book with Lulu.com, sold it on Amazon, and attracted a lot of attention through word-of-mouth reviews around the net. I wonder if her book would have been an even larger success if she was in control of the marketing herself.

Jimmy Moore interviewed her last week. Here she talks about how surprising it has been to have such a great affect on other people. She mentions that;

I once got a comment from a woman who had spent several days secretly reading my blog at work. Afterwards she said she didn't feel like she wanted to die anymore. I was stunned that words typed into a text box could do that to someone. I felt a heightened sense of responsibility afterwards to remain honest and open about my experiences. Words have a lot of power.

I write a post about once a month where I try new fruits and vegetables and people have told me they've tried golden kiwi or mangoes because I wrote about them. It's funny to think I'm influencing the profits of the mango farmers of America in some small way. I learn a lot from my readers too. An entry might start about one topic and spin off onto something else, like how to cook radishes that sound really tasty or discussion of what a super-taster is.

See the very interesting interview here.

Best Weight Loss Pills

Best weight loss pills

There are countless weight loss pills available today, all claiming to be the best weight loss pills ever. Most of these are scams to make money out of all of us. Very few actually live upto the claim. If you are on the heavier side you must have asked yourself this question a thousand times. Looking for the best weight loss pills, you might have even been scammed a few times.

What are weight loss pills?

Weight loss pills are pills overweight people use to help them lose weight. There are no miracle medicines which on there own will get you a slim, slender body magically. Of course these medicines help one a great deal to lose weight and keep it that way. You might already know that weight loss pills can be divided into different categories, according to there mode of action. Therefore the best weight loss pills for anyone depends on which gives the best and safest results without disturbing the human physiology.

The 3 major players in weight loss pills are - appetite suppressants, fat burners and fat blockers. Fat blockers are now available more easily, and have recently gained enormous popularity. Xenical which is the brand name for Orlistat in particular has been very popular. Due to its undeniable success Xenical has been considered to be among the best weight loss pills ever. It works by blocking and enzyme called lipase. This subsequently inhibits fat absorption and therefore blocking fat absorption eventually helps one lose weight as then you are absorbing less calories.

So is Xenical among the best weight loss pills ever?

I will let you decide this. Here are the facts - clinical studies have proven that Xenical works on varying degrees on different people, but undoubtedly it does work in everyone. The reason for this variation seems to be related to individual compliance, diet and exercise. Clinical studies showed that in one year between 35.5% and 54.8% of the subjects achieved at least a 5% reduction in body mass. Overall up to 24.8% actually achieved at least a 10% reduction in body mass! More importantly from the morbidity point of view, the most impressive finding was the reduction of incidence of type II diabetes in almost 37% of the subjects. No doubt Xenical is considered among the best weight loss pills ever.

A point to note is that although the above results are very impressive, after the subjects stopped taking Xenical i.e. after one year period, a significant number of subjects regained 35% of the weight they had lost i.e. if someone lost 30 pounds over one year they regained 35% of that. To understand this further, an important thing to remember about Xenical is its mode of action. Although it is among the best weight loss pills, it’s mode of action is by binding fat and preventing fat absorption. Once you stop taking Xenical (and therefore let the fat absorb) and continue with the same fatty diet as before commencing Xenical then of course the fat which was before not being absorbed by Xenical now goes to your system and hence results in weight gain. So the solution is to start with Xenical and modify your diet along the way. Although it is among the best weight loss pills out there an effort on ones part is important for long term goals.

Sideeffects of Xenical

Common side effects are gastrointestinal related i.e. flatulence, nausea etc. Usually these are more severe when initiating treatment. Most of these last less than a week. It is important to remember that fat soluble vitamins like vitamins A, D, E, K and beta-carotene are also not absorbed. Therefore while on Xenical taking multivitamins will prevent one getting deficient in these vitamins.

Contraindications of Xenical

Consult your doctor before commencing Xenical if you are nursing, pregnant, have any kind of malabsoption syndrome, or reduced gallbladder function.

Where can you buy Xenical?

I have seen that the best deals to buy Xenical are through online pharmacies. Please stay away from the following online pharmacies (these have had bad reviews and customer experiences):




Frontier Pharmacy Group

To know which are reliable pharmacies where you can buy medicines online email me at m98075@gmail.com

Lumpy Bumpy Sore and Bloated

Went for my fill on Saturday. Another drive to Barnes. Another meeting with Dr. Dovey, who wasn't up for chatting for some reason. I was early for my appointment, very early, but he saw me and then left the building. Strange. Oh well I guess its nice to finish early for a change.

I met D after for some TLC in Starbucks and a peek through her weight loss expedition too. It was SO LOVELY of you to come and meet up. I must admit I am very depressed at the moment, and I didn't feel much better after the fill. Chatting to someone who knows what you are going on about really does help.

I have come to some opinions..

There can be either 2 things wrong with my band experience. Each throws up new questions...

Here they are:

1.) When I fell down the stairs in May, went to Sri Lanka and then re gained everything I had lost up to that point (20 odd pounds) I dislodged something or caused a leak in the system... one end of the tubing come off or something like that.

2.)Dr. Clayson from The Peel Medical Practice in Tamworth did nothing except inject my tummy with very expensive water - missing the site completely and therefore I was empty until I met Dr. Dovey.

Arguments for the first case:

1.) When I fell down the stairs I was in agony in my stomach. I ended up being admitted to hospital for 3 days where they systematically gave me a rectal exam, ultrasound and x-ray and various drips and plugged me full of morphine.
2.) I weighed 16 stone 4 before the fall. I now weigh 17 stone 12, slowly regaining the weight in the following 5 months down the track.

3.) Every time I get a fill I am incapacitated for DAYS. I have to plan my fills carefully so that I don't need to work after them. My stomach swells around my port scar and is sore and hard like a rock. (check the photo) Today the scar is a little inflamed and red round the edges from the swelling.


Arguments for the second case:

1.) I never liked or trusted the guy Dr. Clayson in Tamworth. He was a smug arse.

2.) His hands were shaking when I was there and he was giving me my first fill

3.) I didn't feel a thing. No whooshing in my band area, no pain in my port. It also didn't feel the same as when Dr. Dovey does it. With Clayson it was like getting a tetanus jab. With Dovey there is all this pressure and I feel the needle connect with the titanium plate at he back of my port and everything.

Arguments against case one:

1.) I know that you are able to do all kinds of violent sports with a band, and 3 months after it should have been ok.

2.) Even after going to sri lanka I didn't put on an ounce, it was only slowly after that

3.) I have some kind of restriction now, which I dont think I'd have if there was a leak or something

4.) I am allergic to loads of stuff and its possible the reaction at the injection site is just me

5.) I lost 6 pounds after my last fill, and then put it back on, but I hadn't exactly been eating good things :o(

Arguments against case two:

1.) there arent any.

Dr. Dovey actually said to me that he thinks Clayson screwed up and that I had absolutely no fluid in my band. The initial restriction was simply from the swelling after the operation and the fact that there was a band there giving some form of restriction. Also I was being a very good girl, eating carefully, stopping when I was full and taking my time, not drinking wine and not drinking with meals.

He now thinks I have 5 mls in my band in total from what he gave me.

If I count Clayson's fills I would have 12 mls in there or something, so you can see why I am worried that its not working or broken and that there is a leak!!!!!!!!

I think basically that I have to forget Clayson's fills, and only consider Dovey's fills. That means I have 5mls in there. Its a complete swine because I thought I was so much further along the line. But I am going to run with it.

Just to put my mind at ease, I have booked a Fluoroscopic fill with Dr. Dillemans in Brugge on 27th November. I am hoping that this will allay my fears, restore my faith in the band, and then I am going to SO HAVE A GO AT CLAYSON! I will be wanting my money back actually. And my petrol money for the 5 hours drives there and back. Yes, I think so...

I am going to try and consider that I have just had my operation, and now I am on the way to being restricted. 5 mls is not a lot, and most people need 6 or 7 mls to get good restriction... but guess what? Dovey said my next fill is Free!! Ha ha. I wonder why that is... maybe they know the other guy was RUBBISH.

So In 4 weeks I will have another fill anyway under fluro, so things should start to shape up.

I am also taking myself in hand and not drinking whilst I eat, and am not going to eat junk like takeaways and stuff. I am also not going to have any more wine, as I don't think its helping at all.

The morning before my fill on Saturday weighed 17 stone 12 pounds. This morning I weigh 17 stone 6 and 3/4's. I have done 2 days of fluids granted, but it makes me feel better.

I got down to 16 stone 4 before all this crap.

My next target is 15 stone 13 and 3/4's.

I know I am making progress when I hit that! I know its a far off target, but I think it has to be. anything less will be an empty target as I have been there so many times before.

I am also going to dob that slimmingworld Pig in. MWA HA HA HA HA


Sunday, October 21, 2007

Halloween and Holidays Around the Corner – Diet Tips Anyone?

Not Sure which diet is best for you?Check out our Diet Reviews===========================Tips On Weight Loss – 3 Helpful Tips For Parents To Lose Weight During The Autumn Months And Holiday Season By John PurfieldAre you worried about gaining weight during the fall and winter months? Well don’t worry, while it is challenging enough to maintain your weight, you can actually lose weight during the