Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Holidays And Diabetes: Six Tips For Enjoying Season’s Treats

Tired of Dieting and Losing the Battle?Learn how to increase your metabolismwhile eating pretty much anything you want.Check out our top rated weight loss plan.Check out this video on Contolling diabetes:Diabetes and Diet Holidays And Diabetes: Six Tips For Enjoying Season’s TreatsThe holiday season spanning November to January is a special time for many. Whenever you celebrate Thanksgiving,


Exactly 10 months since banding.
4 weeks since re surgery

Weight this morning: 17 stone 5 pounds - 243lbs


I feel gutted.

When you think you have lost more and find out its not true... its wrenching.

But hey, this blog is real man!
I have know idea how the scales read such different results but they were obviously wrong last time.

Today has been random.

I have booked a holiday to Hungary again. We are going on 24th January for 5 nights. Thought it would be good to go somewhere and my friends are coming too. It was really really cheap, so what the heck.

We also insured our German guest on our car and she took it for a spin. The first and the last one... She hit a wall. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

So my NEW car is down at the body shop being touched up can you believe. Little dent and some scrapes. Bummer. She felt terrible about it. I felt terrible for her too. I couldn't care less about the car to be honest, I just hope she doesn't feel bad. She doesn't want to drive in England any more. I can understand that. Its a real shock for her.

Ho hum... what a day.

I wanted to thank Tina ... for your comments. Thanks honey :o)

*Update at 11:45pm*

We just got back from bowling and dinner. We had a cool time, and went to the Chinese afterwards for all you can eat. Yeah! HA HA.

I was sick in the toilets!! Oh MY!
I am so glad that happened. I am really feeling it now.

I was a bit naughty though as I felt full after the starter, but had 2.5 duck pancakes and a tablespoon of noodles and about 5 prawns in tempura batter and sweet and sour sauce.

If I had not had a drink with my meal, I could not have eaten this much, but I was following every couple of mouthfuls with a swig of juice because I wanted to eat the Chinese so bad.

I wont do that again. Its so obvious that it really helps the food go down. Its just cheating.

I have also booked my fill with Dr Chris De Bruyne in London on 17th January.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Which Habit is Your #1?

Thanks much to everyone who answered the first poll. The results are surprising, I'll sum them up when the poll is finished.

Now for the second poll, I'm wondering if most people share the same habit in terms of what is keeping them from losing weight faster.

If you were to state only one habit that was MOST responsible for you not being able to reach your goal weight, what would it be?

It will be interesting to see whether a couple of habits really stand out with the majority of readers. Please consider your answer to be as honest as possible.

(Don't worry about the reasons why you have this habit, we can go into this later.)

I'm leaving this poll open for just six days. The poster above is Kitchen - cupboard.

Bunny and the peculiar chain of events...

The Company have been true to their word. They have been totally cool and I am being PAID OUT! Also its MORE than I asked for! YAY
Things are on the turn.


I am a little bit weirded out.

I heard from The Company yesterday morning.

This was shortly after I heard from 'The Informer'... remember her? She was the lady who helped me to realise there was a problem with my band and to get my carcass back over the Belgium pronto.

I haven't posted until today because I honestly didn't know what to write, or handle the chain of events that panned out from Monday morning.

Talk about false comforter.

The Informer made me feel totally rubbish. Over the course of 30 minutes she basically told me I was a money grabber and obsessive about my weight and weight loss and that I should get a life.

I couldn't believe it.

Compared to a month ago when she was bemoaning her problems and all the strife it had caused, now she was saying what a wonderful company they were and how glad she was that she chose them... bla bla. Then she told me that I shouldn't bother claiming for 3 months lost wages, or my emotional compensation because "After all they have had 100's of people in the situation and they know if a claim is over the top". She also noticed that people like me who talk about their band a lot don't do so well with the band (!) and the best advice she had had was to "consider it like going to the dentist" and forget about it.

Then told me its life and we have to get on with it.


I was stunned. I was even agreeing with her as I was so flabbergasted that someone could so brazenly rubbish the way I dealt with upset, stamp all over my feelings and tell me I was obsessive - and all this on the phone to boot!

Well I think you were the stupid one. What you said was rubbish and obviously The Company think so too and I wanted to let you know that because, literally, 15 minutes after you put down the phone, The Company called me and told me that they are going to settle out of court and are paying MUCH more than I claimed. I think maybe you should not have been so hasty...

More fool you.

So I have been considering why you would tell me such stuff and make me feel so rubbish...

I have no idea. Maybe you get a handout every time you 'find' one of us that's had the same problem? Maybe you work for them? Maybe you are just plain cheesed off that you didn't claim enough and lost out on thousands (YES! Sorry about that!) Maybe you are even the person who leaves those nasty comments...?


All I wanted you to know was that I am THRILLED that you told me about your problem, and helped me and my Bunk Mate both get our bands sorted out. I will never forget that you ended 8 LONG months of frustration, pain and suffering, tears and gave me the key to get back on track.

I also want you to know that what you said yesterday was hogwash and this was no 'little thing' for me. Yes, we all deal with things differently... do you really know me? If you did, you would know WHY I handled it the way I did and why I deserve to claim far more than I actually did.

Oh, and don't bother calling me again ok? I don't think I need that kind of person in my life thanks.

Ayres' Huge Weight Loss Story

Ayres topped the scales at 550 pounds not too long ago. It was in early 2006 that he started a drastic program to lose weight. What finally motivated him to do it was that he started losing his vision due to diabetes. This really frightened him and got him motivated in a big way. A year and a half later, he was down to 225 pounds. That's an amazing weight loss of 325 pounds!

He completely changed his lifestyle and what he ate. These days a weekly exercise regimen includes going to a personal trainer at VQ Fitness four times a week plus an additional four sessions a week of aerobics at the YMCA. And on weekends he walks as much as 10 miles.

Because he lost so much weight so quickly he has a great deal of sagging skin. He wants a surgical body lift at this point and he'd like to go on the Oprah show to help him pay for it. But maybe this sagging skin would also disappear after a couple more years of regular exercise?

See his incredible weight loss story here. The main page of his website is here.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Changing Attitude for Weight Loss

The New York Times has a perplexing but interesting story today about how a study showed that women (hotel maids) lost weight and decreased their blood pressure without increasing their daily exercise but by just being more mindful that they were getting some exercise.

See the mindful exercise story here.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Weight Loss for a Kidney Transplant Patient

Not Sure Which Diet is Best for You?Check Out Our Diet Reviews===========================By John TiniakosA client recently came to me for help with weight loss. He was the recipient of a kidney transplant one year ago. He was extremely overweight for his body type (he carried the majority of the weight around the mid section) and was desperate to lose the excess fat. His name is Ted.First of all