Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Poll Results: How Much Weight Do You Want to Lose?

Thanks to the 804 people who answered the first poll. The question was - How Many Pounds Do You Want to Lose?

The results were surprising as I had thought a larger percentage of people would have wanted to lose more than fifty pounds. But it turns out that 65% of the readers here want to lose less than 50 pounds.

I haven't focused too much on weight loss success stories which involve losing less than fifty pounds. So as a result of these poll results, expect to see more of these stories here soon, though I realize everyone (like me) is inspired by the really big weight loss stories and these are also easier to find and write about. But for anyone who has succeeded in their goal to lose 10 to 50 pounds, please let me know about it if you'd like your story featured here.

Thanks again for voting.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Happy Holidays!

Wishing everyone very happy holidays ahead.

I'll be back to posting in a few days. Thinking of New Years resolutions yet anyone?

The poster here is Santa Skiing.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Alli -is it among the best weight loss pills ever!!

Alli is the next big weight loss pill taking the markets by storm. It has a compound called orlistat (also marketed under the trade name Xenical by Roche or as an OTC as alli by GlaxoSmithKline). As you may guessed this is a drug designed to treat obesity. It is marketed in among weight loss pills and some even claim it to be the best weight loss pills ever.

Its primary function is preventing the absorption of fats from the human diet, thereby reducing intake of calories. It is intended for use in conjunction with a physician-supervised reduced-calorie diet. As had been described in one of my earlier posts that it does this by inhibiting an enzyme in the gut and therefore prevents fat from breaking down and eventually getting absorbed. This results in decreased fat absorption and eventually decreased caloric intake. If one is able to exploit this situation to his benefit by increasing caloric output one can easily lose some extra pounds. This is very realistic and it is for this reason why Alli is being considered to be on of the best weight loss pills ever.

Another thing to consider in this regards is that it is one of the few “best fat burning pills” out there which is FDA regulated. Clinical trials have clearly indicated that between 35.5% and 54.8% of subjects on Orlistat achieved a 5% or greater decrease in body mass (not all of this mass was necessarily fat); Between 16.4% and 24.8% achieved at least a 10% decrease in body mass; 37% had a reduction in the incidence of type II diabetes. The problem arose after orlistat was stopped- a number of subjects regained upto 35% of the weight they had lost. Subjects who had lost 5% of their initial body weight in the first three months, lost 16.4% of their weight at the end of the year.

One should be aware although this is one of the best weight loss pills (best fat burning pills) out there it does have some sideeffects and only 50% of these last over a week. These include:



Frequent bowel movements

Poor absorption of fat soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K and beta carotene)- it may be a wide idea to supplement these vitamins.

It may interact with some other drugs like cyclosporine.

Before you do commence this drug it is important to consult your doctor to see if you do not have any contraindications to the use of olistat (alli). Experience with this drug has been extensive and for this reason it is being considered as one of the best weight loss pills (best fat burning pills) ever. It should be used like other products to get you out of the woods rather than to be dependent on this for ever.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Farewell for a couple of weeks

We are off to Moscow in about 2 and a half hours!

Its come round really quick. I am still up to my eyes packing and cleaning etc. At least we have Carina to look after the cats and the fish. I hope she will be ok on her own though... I would be really lonely.

So band wise, I still cant eat anything that is dry-ish or eat too quickly, but I am not being very good to be honest. I am going to make a concerted effort in when I get back from holiday to really sort myself out.

I am having a fill a week after I get back, so that will help no doubt.

Hydroxycut(fat burning pills) claims to be the best weight loss pills ever?

Hydroxycut is made by MuscleTech and is one of the most advertised fat burning pills on the market. It is a dietary supplement that increases weight loss when used in conjunction with exercise. It is like other supplements being marketed as fat burning pills with similar claims of being the best weight loss pills in the market.

Hydroxycut (Hydroxy Cut, Hydroxicut, Hydoxycut) once made headlines for containing a controversial compound called Ephedra (now banned by the FDA). Now you can get a Ephedra-free product that claims to increase your metabolism and energy while curbing your appetite, therefore cutting calories and hence weight loss.

Claims by their manufacturers are pretty bold. They claim that this product has been proven to decrease body fat by 8%, and increase norinephrine by 40%. For this reason they consider this to be among the best weight loss pills in market. The ingredients for this product used to be:

1. Hydroxagen™: Hydroxagen ™ supplies a compound which has been shown by several studies to decrease the activity of the enzyme which is responsible for the conversion of excess carbohydrates into fat. This as a result makes it extremely effective for low fat diets and binge eaters. It may also act to curb hunger and cravings for food.

2. Guarana Extract: Guarana, is the herbal form of caffeine. It has been shown to stimulate fat stores. This results in fat being burned as energy. It is also worthy to mention that caffeine accelerates the effectiveness of ephedrine, thus making it a more potent fat burner.

3. L-Carnitine: This is an amino acid that has been reported to carry fats to the interior of cells where the fats can be burned as energy. Due to the increased fat mobilization caused by the Hydroxycut formula, the addition of L-carnitine is an absolute necessity to get fat burning.

4. Chromium Picolinate: It has been shown that dosages of chromium as that contained in Hydroxycut have cause fat reduction and increases in muscle tone.

When combined with caffeine effectiveness of Hydroxycut becomes dramatically increased. Most reviews suggest that this supplement is again good for people are looking to get a kickstart into weight loss. To keep that weight off one has to follow a long term weight loss plan which includes dietary and exercise modifications. These kind of “fat burning pills” weight loss pills are usually good for motivation.

Among the sideeffects, a lot of people say that they get more energy when on Hydroxycut. Some even say that it increases libido and feel as if their whole system is on speed. If you have heart problems, hyperthyroidism etc. then you should stay clear from this product (see all contraindications before commencing)

Although many people swear by it and consider it to be among the best weight loss pills” ever in my opinion if you do plan to try this then it should not be taken long term rather to be used as a short term booster to get your metabolism going. This is because Hydroxycut is not among the FDA regulated “fat burning pills” and experience with this is limited.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Biggest Loser Finale is Tonight

“The Biggest Loser” finale is on TV tonight. One of the four finalists - Hollie, Isabeau, Julie or Bill will win $250,000.

A lot of people seem to think Bill will be the winner. If you've been following the series and have a firm opinion on who's going to win, go place your vote for the winner here.

Update: Bill is the winner. He lost 164 pounds for a current weight of 170.

Here's a photo of Bill before his weight loss.

How fine can you cut it...

Still not received the dosh... apparently it was done this afternoon, but obviously it takes a few days for everything to go through.

Trouble is I am going on Holiday on Friday, and it also happens to be pay day. Whoopee. This means that I have to do all the bills and everything, otherwise I will be in Russia without a bean.
This is pretty horrendous to be honest.

I am seriously considering not going to Moscow and cutting my losses. I know its crazy but I just cant seem to work out how it will all happen. DH's wages don't cover our bills, and I haven't been at work this month as you know. My Mum subbed us 2K but that covered last month's bills, not this month too. If the money doesn't go in tomorrow or Thursday then I will have to call it off as I simply don't have enough money. I always account for everything at the beginning of the month. It works for me. I shove all the money for the bills into one account on the 22nd and then I know whats left is all mine to spend on goodies. This is the way we have done it for years. I need to have the money in there to do this obviously. Normally its there. It earns interest all the while its sitting in the other account anyway. I hate to think about it, but maybe I will just have to wait here to sort it out when the transfer finally arrives.

Its just such an awful situation. I don't want to cadge any more off my Mum either as that's just pathetic at my age. Honestly. When someone says they will do something then they don't, what are you supposed to do with that. They have really let me down.

Anyway, it WILL come at some point which is the main thing. At least that is for certain. I received the signed copies from them today in the post.

I am in a horrid place with my weight. I am not thinking about being good, or careful and all I am doing is eating as much as I can of everything and anything without being sick. It normally means not a lot, but I know its the wrong things.

Ho Hum.
That's life I guess.

I will update when I know more.