Saturday, January 26, 2008

Treadmill Workouts for Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama looks really fit for her age. She just celebrated her 44th birthday last week. The highly publicized story is that she works out most weekday mornings on her treadmill, starting at 4:30am and is in bed by 9:30pm. She has two daughters aged 5 and 8. I'd be interested in getting more information about her actual workout routine, can anyone supply some good information?

Apples instead of Donuts

Kathy was told she had high blood pressure and had to lose weight. She started on the South Beach Diet in June and had lost 49 pounds by this January. See her story and a couple of other stories of people who want to lose some weight at the New York Times today.

The art print above is Apple Modern.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Weight Goal Success for Heather

Heather has been fat since her teen years. But now at age 31, she is very slim for the first time since childhood. She weighs 140 pounds and her height is 5'9".

She lost 110 pounds in just over one year. See her inspirational story at CNN.

Acai Berry And Weight Loss

For many centuries, the health benefits of acai berry was unknown outside of the Amazon , but today more and more people are discovering the health enhancing power of this antioxidant-rich berry.

Benefits of Acai Berry -

Acai Berry cleanses and detoxifies the body of infectious toxins and accumulated fats from the body, which leads to weight loss.

Acai Berry increases the metabolism in the body, which helps in burning fat from the body. It is s a natural product available at reasonable cost. It helps in weight loss only if a person is willing to control his diet. None of the product will work if the person is eats carelessly.

Acai Berry is a rich source of protein and dietary fiber which helps in weight loss.

Acai Berry helps in sound sleep.

It has high levels of omega 6 and omega 9 fatty acids which play a role in lowering cholesterol level.

Anti aging - Acai Berry slows down the aging process.

Superfood - It is known as one of the most powerful superfood (a general term used for foods that provide significant nutrition and are believed to fight diseases)

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Pedometers as a Weight Loss Gadget

There's been several studies that show pedometers can be helpful to encourage people to get moving and walk more.

In this other study from a few years ago, researchers found that sedentary women had a higher BMI and a higher belly fat ratio than more active women. This would seem obvious to most people but the numbers are interesting anyway. Here 80 middle-aged women wore a pedometer without changing their activity level for a week. The researchers measured their body mass index (BMI) as well as waist and hips (to determine belly fat).

The average sedentary person walks 2,000-3,000 steps per day.

This study found that women who typically walked less than 6,000 steps had a BMI of 29, 44% body fat, a 37-inch waist, 42-inch hips, and a 0.87 waist-to-hip ratio.

6,000 to 10,000 steps had a BMI of 26, 35% body fat, a 32-inch waist, 40-inch hips, and a 0.80 waist-to-hip ratio.

10,000 steps or more had a BMI of 23, 26% body fat, a 29-inch waist, 29-inch hips, and a 0.75 waist-to-hip ratio.

Basically those who walked less had more total fat, and more centrally located fat.

Walking 10,000 steps is doable in 30 minutes time.

The pedometer shown above costs less than $20. It's the best-selling Omron Pedometer

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Whats happening? Can it really be true...?

My band is being the best buddy in the world.

Today I ate:
Breakfast: tablets
Lunch: a small piece of bread for lunch.
Dinner: 1 chip size portion of quorn's fake lamb grills, 2 baby carrots, 10 peas (no joke!)
Supper: 1 slimfast

Todays cal intake is about 400 if that.

Can it really be true? I am like FULL after this. Its strange. I am a little concerned too...

Oh its ok, now I'm over it! HA HA. I don't know why but I seem to be having a lot of restriction this week. Its like its suddenly got tight or something. I'm not knocking it, but just hope it carries on. I am now going to make sure that I eat the right things first, because I was actually MAKING the flipping lunch today and just decided to have a bit of the bread whilst I was preparing it, and I was full. I had to chuck mine away. This evening's meal I was eating for about 10 minutes. I knew, just KNEW, that there was NO WAY ON THIS EARTH that I was going to be able to eat another bite. If I did, I would have been sick for sure. So I just put my plate down and left, basically, the whole dinner less 2 bites!

This is sooooooooo COOOOOOOOL!



I am now off to Hungary for 5 days - ironic or what! So I think I am going to try something really OUT THERE. I am going to simply order for DS and eat from his plate. At the end of the day, if I am still hungry I can have a snack in the apartment. Its got a kitchen and stuff, so its not as if I have to eat. I am going to give it a go. What I don't spend on meals, I can have on massages!! OH BOY WHAT A SWEET DEAL!

A shout out to my Bunk Mate M:
*Frantically screaming in ecstasy*
BABE THIS IS SO WORKING!!! If you are not restricted yet, you soon will be and its totally doing its thing honey! It was so cool the other day when you all came up. Really love you guys and cant wait to see you again.

Ok peeps, I am gone.

Montel Williams is Drinking his Vegetables

Montel Williams, age 51, is feeling really great these days. In the mornings he works out in the gym on an elliptical machine and he has been drinking a lot of green vegetable shakes for a couple of years. His face is glowing with health, he says his wrinkles have disappeared and he feels very energized.

He's just written a book called Living Well: 21 Days to Transform Your Life, Supercharge Your Health, and Feel Spectacular.

See an interesting interview about his tips for kick-starting a healthy routine here.