Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Video: Before and After Weight Loss

Phil lost 192 pounds. He lost the first 100 pounds in seven months. He started off by just walking a mile a day and switching to a low-carb diet of 15 - 30 grams a day. There's a really nice video about his before and after weight loss story here. Check out his inspirational story at CNN.

Can I band my brain?

Nothing wrong with being banded around the guts, but I think my brain needs a band too.

On the way home last night I picked up a packet of pancakes... the large fluffy ones a little bit like pikelets as my Mum used to call them - like American pancakes or the ones you get in McDonalds.

As Carina was off to the shelter this morning I thought it would be nice to have something filling and nice for her before she went for the day. I really find cereal so utterly boring.

So I toasted the pancakes and laid them on the plates (tea plate size) and put some maple syrup on them. I ate a quarter of one. A QUARTER.

My mind seriously wants to eat the rest. I am going to experiment with blindfolds. I truly think that its my EYEBALLS that lead me into trouble.

So I stopped after the quarter and its half an hour since and I am still full.

I wish we could put lapbands on our dumb greedy brains.

Oh, and by the way the spell checker on blogger is NOT working right now and hasnt been for some days. Goodness knows why, but if the spellings a bit whack, thats why! Bear with me. LOL

What a cruddy day. I feel proper rubbish about it, but cant be helped.

Yesterday I put off my students because DH was coming home, so now I have to do them tomorrow. Not a problem, until tomorrow comes and I ill wish I hadnt bothered.

I made couscous for lunch. It was yummy. I couldnt eat much of it. I felt crap, hence we stopped on the way to TB's at the local shop. I bought, and ate, 1 mars, 1 twix and 1 twirl. I can eat them until the cows come home. So finally I ate something, stopped shaking like I was going to pass out and felt full.

After I ate the pancake for breakfast, I couldnt eat any more, but I was STILL hungry. After the couscous I couldnt eat more than 3 bites, but I was STILL hungry. I dont understand why I still feel hungry. Do I need a fill so the food sits on top of my stoma? Or do I need an nfill (GOD FORBID!) so that I can just eat. I am seriously worried that the only food I can eat is crap. I mean, short term, I am less than bothered. I do NOT mind having to survive on Mars bars or whatever for a couple of weeks, but long term I know this is not good.

BUT, yesterday evening I ordered a curry. Carina wanted chicken (TOTAL NO NO FOR ME) and so did DH. So I got a prawn dahnsak. I ate most of the carton. I ate in little tiny nibbles from a baby spoon and I made sure that 1 single prawn was good before I swallowed.

If this is how I am supposed to eat, fine, I just feel like I am out in the dark somewhere with NO HELP!

I am torn because I want this band to work, but I havent lost anythign fopr 3 weeks. I know I have not been a saint, but I never used to be on slimmingworld and I would ussually lose then.
So I am eating hardly nothing thats any good for me and because I am literally shaking and faint with hunger I eat high calorie sweets or a spoon of sugar. YEP! I even did that once as I thought I was going to pass out.

I am going to try being a good girl today. I will eat off of a tea plate and eat with a tea spoon and feel like an idiot and eat the tiniest mouthfuls and see what kind of day I had.

At the moment it feels like my band is getting tighter day after day. That cant be possible obviously. I haet felt a slackening in restriction at all since the fill 4 weeks ago.


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I keep forgetting if I took my tablets or not...

I seriously cannot remember if I took my pills today. I think I am going to have to get one of those pill sorters like granny's have. I tried getting a plastic lidded one where you put all your pills into a pot for each day, but for some reason it didnt work... I think I am going to have to have them put into one of those card things by the chemist for people with althzeimers. I am losing it man.

Today has been totally average. Nothing odd happened, nothing great either.

This morning I had scrambled egg, mushroom and tomato. Not a lot mind you, because I felt a tad raw from last night. I could still 'feel' the food an hour later.

Lunch was borscht (beetroot, potato, stock, dill, onion and... stuff - not fattening)

Felt a bit dodgy eating that too.

Dinner was salad. Beetroot, cucumber, tomato, lettuce, pepper and caesar dressing. Then I had a bowl of home made chicken soup later (chicken off the bone, water, onion and yesterdays sprouts/carrots)

This was all ok. I think my stoma was a bit swollen today from all the drama from last night. I was certainly aware of my food/band today.

Anyway, off to bed. Have played 3 hours of Sims, and had just about enough. Once you know the cheats, and also how its really hard to kill your sims, its kind of boring. Mine always have top of the range everything, massive house, massive pool and no job. My kind of life! HAH

Going to miss Carina when she goes home. Maria and Xandra move in on the 4th March. Yep... 2 lodgers! Cool!

night peeps

Elated About Losing 20 Pounds

Paul has lost 20 pounds in the past month since he started a new lifestyle as a New Year's Resolution. He wants to lose 30 more pounds but he is absolutely elated about his progress so far. He's changed his diet by eliminating fast food and eating healthy meals. He snacks on fruit and nuts. He's been walking a lot and plans to join the gym as a next step.

Now I'm not jealous or anything, but it's pretty hard to truly lose 20 pounds of fat in one month. Half of it might be water loss. When you give up junk food, all the excess sodium in your body that was forcing you to retain water will help you lose a lot of water weight. Also, it is possible to lose more than 1 or two pounds per week when you initially weigh 270 pounds. Anyway, as he starts exercising and building more muscle over the next month, his weight loss will definitely slow down, but he'll be looking and feeling even better than he does now.

See his photo and story here.

Monday, February 4, 2008

2 hours for a carrot.


Attack of the Killer Carrot - 3Parts.




I spent a most of what was supposed to be an enjoyable evening with my head down the sink.

2 hours choking, barfing and salivating, hic-coughing, back thumping and belching. Grim.

The contents of the bowl is NOT sick. Its like chewed food plus saliva. Its not even got anywhere near my stomach. So its just like a load of spit and food mixed up, not grim or stinky like sick.

It is the slipperiest, slimiest stuff on earth though.

A very naughty piece of carrot escaped my gnashers and slipped down the throat. What a nightmare over a thumbnail size piece of carrot. I actually filmed my pb for posterity, but its too large to go on here or youtube. I find that really strange. How come other people can get their videos which take AGES but are less than 100MB? The PB incident is only 6 minutes of film because the SD card ran out, but its like 388MB so too big for youtube. So there we go. Anyone wants it, then I will email it to them.

So today has been random. I started out with the sniffles and ended up with a cold which has now disappeared. Goodness knows what that is all about, but glad I havent got a cold still. I have never heard of a 12 hour cold. Bizarre.

So, have had a strange day band wise too. Didnt have breakfast, but had beans on toast for lunch. Or should I say, I tried to have beans on toast. It was seriously hard work. I thought I was going to chuck several times. Then I went to work, although seriously didnt want to, and when I got home DS and I had roast chicken and veg. Sadly mine is now making its way to the sea. So the only thing I have eaten this evening is an ice cream. My throat is raw.

I am off to bed to get some kip.

Night all

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Visit These Blogs!!

Hello!As you know, at LivingAfterWLS we celebrate the WHOLE person, not just the person who happens to have undergone surgical weight loss treatment. Apparently we are not alone - check out these blogs from real life, real people who are fighting morbid obesity and LIVING! That's what I'm talking about! Take a click - you won't be disappointed!To inspire and motivate your creativity! by Jana in

Super Bowl Meatballs

Last minute recipe for your Super Bowl Bash: Appetizer Meatballs from page 1 of the Neighborhood Cookbook. Great for Day 4 of the 5 Day Pouch Test.Appetizer MeatballsPage 1: A Neighborhood Collection of Recipesby BamaGalMeatballsIngredients:2 lbs extra lean ground beef or turkey1/2 cup minced onion2 large eggs1 teaspoon salt1/4 teaspoon ground pepper1 clove garlic, crushedSauce:Ingredients:1 cup