Friday, April 11, 2008

What No Chemo?

Can you believe it ?

My dad has the all clear. The Cancer Nurse said that the tumour was really small, they have had a good look at it and the lymph glands and he has absolutely no need for Radiotherapy or Chemotherapy. It was totally isolated and they caught very very early.

I am ecstatic.

Also I am well pleased with myself.

I weighed in at 16 stone 1 pound, meaning another pound has bitten the dust. I know I usually weigh in on Mondays, but I just couldn't wait. I needed to know NOW.

So 225 pound is a total record. I am looking forward to hitting the 16 stone ZERO mark as that will be a real milestone, as will being in the 15 somethings!

I have decided that buying ice cream is not a good idea. I am having trouble eating and find its easier to get a quick sugar rush by having an ice cream. I am not going to buy any more I promise.

That said, since my fill I have noticed a little more restriction... its not a huge change, but it is surprisingly effective. I feel like I have puked a LOT today. I puked first on a kiwi fruit. I didn't realise but I swallowed a bit of skin with the fruit on the seemingly first bite, and sadly the whole lot came back at me. Then later on when I had my dinner, the girls brought out a bread and butter pudding that they had made. It was absolutely delicious, but I simply had to have the extra bite... and it was sink time again. so it has only been twice, but food is starting to be annoying rather than pleasurable. I must admit I don't get as much pleasure out of my food when I have to chew it to death. Its really strange. It kind of makes me feel horrible swallowing a load of mega munched cud. Also I think my pleasure was in the feeling of the swallowing which I think I have mentioned before. Now I am scared of swallowing too quickly, so its kind of put a dampener on things. GOOD!

So hopefully I will see the scales start to trip downwards again nicely. Only 6 weeks until Malta so I want to be getting my finger out really!

Anyway, beddie-byes now. Night Night

Portion Control

One of the key ways to maintain a healthy weight is to control your portion sizes. Long term weight loss is often achieved through portion control as calories do matter for your weight loss and learning how to control them makes the difference .You have to change the way you eat.

Tips for portion control:

Don’t wait until you’re hungry - Eat at regular intervals throughout the day. If you wait until you’re hungry, you’re more likely to overindulge at the next meal. Instead of eating three large meals a day, try eating smaller, more frequent meals. Reduce portion sizes at your regular meals, and add small snacks in between each meal.

Eat Slowly- It takes around 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain that it is full . Chewing your food longer will help prevent you from over eating.

Eat fruits and vegetables - Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber which helps us avoid food cravings.

Drink more water -Water suppresses the appetite naturally .

Keep a Positive Attitude to Maximize Your Success in Weight Loss

Negative self talk is our greater enemy than food .

To be successful in weight loss, you have to change your attitude. Having the positive attitude is critical if you want to stick to your weight loss plan. Start thinking positive and take care of your mental state. Peace of mind is as important as exercise for weight loss because stress leads to over eating.The stress hormones cause cravings for high sugar and high fat foods.

Lose weight for you and no one else. Love yourself as you are a special person. Take care of your health as your health is precious and you deserve to lead a healthy life.

Highest Food Standards

Google has the highest food standards you may find in any employee cafeteria. Check out 13 photos from Google's employee cafes here.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Leptin and Lectins: Part III

Thanks to everyone for the great comments, this has been an interesting discussion.

I received a very kind e-mail response from Dr. Lindeberg, in which he told me that his group didn't measure leptin levels in his paleolithic pig study because it would have required special reagents. He also sent me two very interesting papers, both hot off the presses.

The first paper shows that glycosylation (bound sugars) of the leptin receptor is required for normal leptin binding. One of the molecules they use to probe the function of the leptin receptor is our good friend wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), a lectin found in wheat, barley and rye. They used WGA to specifically block leptin binding at the receptor.

This fits in very nicely with the hypothesis that grain lectins cause leptin resistance. If WGA gets into the bloodstream, which it appears to, it has the ability to bind leptin receptors and block leptin binding. It doesn't take much imagination to see how this could cause leptin resistance.

One caveat is that they used a high concentration of WGA in the study; 10 ug/mL was the lowest concentration they used. I can't imagine that concentration is possible in an actual human body. However, the paper doesn't explore the lower limit of WGA's ability to block leptin binding. At the lowest concentration used, it blocked 50% of the leptin from binding. It's possible that much smaller amounts could still have a significant effect.

The second paper Dr. Lindeberg sent me was on the soy isoflavone genistein. Here's the executive summary: it's bad. Unless you are a man who really wants to embrace his feminine side. It gets into all tissues and effectively activates the estrogen receptor in mice. It shrinks the prostate just like administering estrogen. It also passes into pups through the mothers' milk at levels high enough to activate their estrogen receptors. All this from the same amount of genistein you can get by eating a meal of soy.

The bad news doesn't stop there. Fermentation doesn't break it down. Miso, tempeh and natto actually have more genistein than non-fermented soy. Sigh...

Strength Training

What is Strength Training?
Strength training is defined as exercise that requires your muscles to exert a force against some form of resistance, such as free weights.

Aerobic exercise and strength training are equally important for successful weight loss.If you are not doing strength training then you're missing a key component in your weight loss plan.
Strength training increases metabolism by increasing lean muscle mass which helps in long term weight loss. Muscles burn calories and gives you more leaner look. It increases bone density.

Strength training can be accomplished by using dumbbells, weight machines, push ups or squats etc.