Sunday, April 27, 2008

Chicken with Mushrooms and Cream Sauce

Elise over at Simply Recipes has done it again with a great low-carb chicken recipe. For the recipe and detailed information link here: Chicken with Mushrooms and Cream Sauce"Your website readers are going to love this," my father exclaimed when he finally finished his plate of chicken smothered in creamy mushroom sauce. Mom found the recipe from one of her favorite cookbooks* now long out of

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Calorie Calculator - Running Calculator

Calorie Calculator/Running calculator - Calculate amount of calories burned from running.
This calorie calculator will calculate the amount of calories burned from running.
Enter your weight, miles run and click on the Calculate button.

Running calculator - Calculate amount of calories burned from running
Calorie Calculator - Running Calculator
Enter Your Weight
Enter Miles Run
Calories Burned

Calorie Calculator-Daily Calorie Needs
Body Mass Index Calculator
Ideal Weight Calculator
Kg - Pound Calculator

So far, No kitties

We are playing the waiting game now. It has to be literally any minute!

Mary, bless her is absolutely shattered. She is so unbelievably fat and pregnant that I fear she could go pop! we have now stopped her from going outside. She has the luxury of being free of all our other cats for a while and having the whole of the upstairs to herself. We put a litter tray in the bathroom, and her special food and water near her bed. We made her this huge box with a soft lining and a towel in the bottom. So, we are all ready to go. I am sure she will be glad to have them now as she is just lounging about all day. She was really staying upstairs a lot and only coming down to eat and pee anyway, so it is kind of better for her not to have to negotiate the stairs and everything each time she wants to do that.

I cant wait to see how many there are, and what they are. I just hope its going to be ok for her. I know its natural and all that, but still, its gotta be pretty horrible whatever type of animal you are. we are all guessing about how many she will have:

Me: 4
DH: 3
DS: 4
Maria: 4
Xandra: 5

So we shall see. I have never seen a pregnant cat before, or seen kittens born or anything like that, so I have no idea if the size of her has anything to do with the amount of kitties in there.

Anyway, band wise... things have been, how can I put it... TIGHT.

I have not had a lot of food for the last couple of days. I have been feeling pretty darn dodgy too to be honest.

Wednesday, I cant remember, but I know I had practically nothing all day and then a curry in the evening. Thursday we got fish and chips from the F+C Shop. I don't even bother ordering chips any more. I just had cod, but I only ate half, and then had to go be sick.

Yesterday was totally odd. I had an apple for my lunch, a stick of celery and some humous for a snack and then a potato waffle with a fried egg and baked beans for dinner. It was hard going, and I know I pushed it down there. I could have eaten half of it and been totally fine.

Today, as yesterdays dinner was so yummy, I made waffles, beans and fried eggs again for lunch. HA HA HA! My band was NOT having that at all.

I ate about 1 teaspoon each of waffle, egg and beans. Then after half an hour of seeing if it would 'go down' I handed my plate to DH who gobbled it down (after eating his own 3 waffles, beans and 2 eggs!!!OMG!). Then I threw up. I gave it about half an hour and tried to eat a banana. got 1/3rd down me and 45 minutes later I was seeing it for the second slimy time.

So I have not bothered to eat anything else. There doesn't seem much point. I am just drinking orange juice and might have myself a vegetable juice later. Tymbark, a Polish company, make this Vega Juice which is really nice. Beetroot and all kinds in it and its so tasty. They are only £1 for a 500ml which I think is well cool as they are really handy to have in the car and instantly fill me up. I got them in the Polish isle in Tesco's.

So feeling a bit tired right now and am going to go and have a sleep. I hope that later I will be able to eat something nice. I really miss chewing.


OK, I give in. No food for me today. I tried (twice) to eat a couple of Polish thin breadsticks with humous and the Band did not want them.

I have been sick 3 times today. The first time after the potato/egg lunch. The second after the banana. And finally the Bread Sticks and humous.

So today I had managed practically nothing. I did however manage a packet of sesame snaps, A pint of orange squash, a pint of water, a pint of vega vegetable juice and am currently in the process of eating an Activia Yoghurt.

I feel quite raw and to be honest it feels like I am a little swollen in there. I can actually feel my band if you know what I mean...? Its strange. Its definitely a tight day today. I don't think trying to eat anything else today is gonna help me much, so I am going to try again tomorrow.

Eating is definitely not the pleasure it used to be. I still enjoy what I eat, of course, but there is always that thought whether it Will go down, did I chew it well enough, am I full yet... So many questions.

Today I feel really tired and weak as its been several days without many calories at all... Something like 700 over the last 3 days. So I am going to have to see how it goes.

My main aim is to NOT puke again. I am going to make a concerted effort for it not to happen. Each mouthful 1 or 2 minutes apart. I have the chewing thing down, now I think its more a case of eating too fast and taking down too much air with my food/drink.

So there we go. I am also going to go back to slimmingworld - not because I need to, but because I want to. I really liked the whole process of weighing weekly and being accountable and rewarded for my progress. I know its quite sad, but I think I need that focus. TB is also going back. I think if you could steal Lap Bands she would sneak in one night and nick it from me! HA HA. So we are both going to go. Me for positivity and reward and her for motivation and accountability.

We are team "Gonna be a skinny bastard" again!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Scientist Discovers that Only Pills can Control Hypertension

I went to a presentation today by a prominent hypertension researcher. His talk began with a slide that had two pictures side-by-side: one of the late fitness advocate Jim Fixx, and the other of Winston Churchill. Fixx was a marathon runner, while Churchill was inactive, overweight and had a famous appetite. Fixx died of a sudden heart attack at 52, while Churchill lived to 90. The presenter went on to state that this is an example of how genes control CVD risk, implying that despite Fixx's exemplary lifestyle, his genes had condemned him to an early death.

I wanted to jump up and yell "I think you're leaving out the alternate hypothesis: running marathons and stuffing yourself with grains isn't healthy!" But instead I suffered quietly through what ended up being an inane yet informative presentation.

His lab looks for gene variations that affect blood pressure (BP). There's a huge amount of money and research going into this. His lab and others have come up with two classes of mutations:
  • Common allele variants that have an insignificant but measurable effect on blood pressure.
  • Rare genetic mutations that have a significant effect on BP. The most common affects 1 in 2,000 people in the US.
Despite truckloads of funding and research, they have yet to uncover any gene or combination of genes that accounts for even a fraction of hypertension in Americans. So what's the next step? Keep looking for genes.

I suspect they will never find anything interesting. The reason? Hypertension is tightly linked to lifestyle. It's a quintessential aspect of the "disease of civilization". It's highly responsive to carbohydrate restriction, as a number of clinical trials have shown. Remember the Kuna? They don't get hypertension when they live a non-industrial, grain-free lifestyle (despite eating more salt than the average American), but as soon as they move to the city their hearts explode. It's been demonstrated in a number of other similar cases as well. Genetics are clearly not responsible.

Don't get me wrong, I do think genetics can modify a person's response to a poor lifestyle. But when the lifestyle is healthy, the vast majority of these differences fade away. I have a more thorough discussion of this point here.

If you give just the right dose of poison to a group of animals, 50% will die and 50% will survive (called the EC50 dose). You might then conclude that genetics had determined who lived and died. You wouldn't be wrong, but you'd be missing the point that what killed them was the poison.

The thing that really bothers me about this thinking is it's disempowering. The presenter suggested that the reason for the difference between Fixx and Churchill was their genes. If genes have us in such a tight grip, why bother trying to live well? The only logical solution is to pop hypertension pills and eat cake all day.

My guess is that if they had lived a more natural lifestyle, Fixx would have made it to 90 and Churchill would have been fit and lean.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What is wrong with them?

I cannot believe the places our cats decide to sleep.
Dave has taken his morning snooze on Ds's Lap top. Makes for a great excuse for him not to have to do his spellings huh!
We have a range of comfy beds, sofa's, cat baskets and snug warm toasty places, but no... it has to be across the keyboard of the laptop.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Visualize Yourself Thin - Weight Loss Tip

Weight Loss Tip -Visualise success - Your mind can influence your actions, which can lead to healthy eating and motivate you to exercise and lose weight. Visualize yourself thin. When you continue to visualize yourself as a thin person, your subconscious mind will move you into the right direction and you will exercise to lose weight. Visualization influences your mind and your mind controls your actions. If you want to be thin, picture yourself thin. Think about things you would like to do but can’t do because of your weight. Visualize how you will look when you will lose weight and fit in to your favorite dress.
Think Fit Be Fit

Hunger is NOT an Emergency

Just this week I had a breakthrough moment when I read that naturally slender people do not treat hunger as an emergency. “Most of us who struggle with extra pounds tend to view hunger as a condition that needs to be cured – and fast,” writes Judith S. Beck, PhD, author of the Beck Diet Solution. “If you fear hunger, you might routinely overeat and avoid it,” she says adding, “Thin people