Thursday, May 8, 2008


Does anyone have problems when the sun shines? I have been getting progressively tighter over the last 3 days, and am wondering if it has anything to do with the heat...? I cant think of any other reason why today I have had the sum total of:

1 60mg Prozac tablet
1/2 coffee followed by another 1/2 coffee an hour later
2 teaspoons of yogurt
1/2 glass water
1 teaspoon rice and 1 teaspoon of chicken

Its now 9:30pm and I can still feel something in my band. I am actually worried about drinking anything. I really am at a loss as to why my band is just SO tight today.
Yesterday it was really weird... I had a happy meal from McDonald's and I took it really really slowly and managed to eat the hamburger and chips. THIS IS A MIRACLE IN ITSELF... firstly because its like... bread! and second because it occured before 2pm! Food before this time is practically unheard of these days. Then later on at dinner time I couldn't even eat 1 bite of lasagne. Random

Today has been the MOST frustrating day on my band to date. To be honest, I think today is what I thought my life was going to be like every day after I had my operation. But that hasn't happened... until now. Its not as if I have been puking and puking and making myself sore or anything like that. there is no reason I can possibly think of other than its got a bit warmer and I have been feeling really hot these last few days, whereas I have been freezing for months. Ho Hum. I guess it can only help with the weight loss though hey!

I am getting into a really bad habit too. If I can't eat my dinner, I get DH to go get me some chocolate. Today that's not going to happen, because I cant even drink water let alone chocolates... but yesterday I had M&Ms and the day before it was minstrels (a personal favorite!). I have gotta stop that really.

Anyway, a good day in every other way. Our new lodger Sue moved in, and although it seems like she has taken over the house with plants, I hope to be able to streamline everything so that it goes back to being nice and clean looking again. Plants are wonderful, but they do seem to make the place look cluttered.

Night all.

Getting Back to Normal BMI

Danielk lost 15 pounds and this has moved him out of the overweight BMI position, back to the upper end of 'normal BMI'. See his success story here.

The beautiful photo here is by Wolfgang Staudt

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Insulin Controls Your Fat

I'd like to point out a great post by Peter over at hyperlipid (keep in mind when you read it he has a sarcastic style). He dug up a bizarre paper published in 1998 in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. In the study, they put 24 overweight subjects on a low-calorie diet composed almost entirely of meal replacement shakes and "nutrition bars". Half of the participants got the drug diazoxide, which reduces the secretion of insulin by the pancreas. The other half took a placebo.

The bottom line is that the diazoxide-treated group lost much more weight over time than the placebo group, and they continued to lose after the placebo group's weight had stabilized at around 8 weeks. Yes, these poor people drank meal replacement shakes and ate nutrition bars for 9 weeks.

This result makes a lot of sense. Insulin is the hormone that keeps your fat cells from releasing fat. It's also the hormone that tells them to grab fat and sugar out of the blood and store it. Overweight people tend to have elevated insulin.
Low blood insulin is a signal to fat cells to release their contents into the bloodstream to be burned by other tissues. This is one of the reasons why I emphasize keeping insulin low. If you need some motivation, here it is. Here's how to normalize insulin without taking a toxic drug:
  1. Avoid grains (especially wheat and its derivatives), and keep carbohydrate intake low for weight loss.
  2. Avoid all sugar in any form except occasional fruit.
  3. Exercise.
  4. Intermittent fasting. A 24-hour fast once a week is a good way to start.

My Turn: 5 Day Pouch Test

Hello Neighbors!!Well, it's been a long time coming but I'm on my way to kicking butt on regain (again)! This winter some badly prescribed medicine (long story - I'll save it for another post) resulted in a ballooning gain for me. Seventeen whoppers to be exact all centrally located on my rear view and thunder thighs. Ok - a few may be on my upper arms too. sad-smiley-018.gifany whooooo...... I'm

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Royally annoyed

Gained a pound this week. Can't say I am surprised as my diet has mostly consisted of chocolate and wine, but even though I have thrown up ever ounce of goodness I have consumed and followed it by crap, I still expected to lose.

So, feeling pretty darn shite, and that's about it really.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Does the pouch size change from morning to night?

Hello Everyone!Over in the LivingAfterWLS Neighborhood we have several great conversations going on right now. catsroomie, also known as Vivian, asked if our pouch size changes from morning to evening. Seems like many of us are familiar with this sensation - take a look at some of the conversation:It seems that my pouch is physically smaller in the mornings than the evenings - seems like it

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Mary the Mummy!
They started at 10 to 10 in the evening and she was all done by 2:30am. 5 beautiful bundles.

1.) All Black
2.) All black with white feet and little white patches on the back legs and white nose
3.) All black with white feet and big white patches on feet and white face
4.) White with black spots!
5.) All black and slightly smaller that number 1.

Will write more later...

Above: Number 2 at the top, Number 3 underneath it, Number 4 in the middle, Number 1 on the right and Number 5 on the left

Above: Number 1 on the Left, Number 2 on the right!

Above, a 5 minute old Number 4

Above: A brand new Number 5 with Number 3... after a nice 1 and a half hour break Mary delivered the last little nit nit.