Friday, May 9, 2008

Halelujah - I can eat

Well a nights sleep seemed to settle the problem of the strangulating tightness of yesterday.
I was able to have my coffee this morning without incident, and a couple of thin bread sticks for lunch and I have managed to get a couple of pints of water down me too which I am VERY pleased about in this heat. Its 28 degrees in the garden... wonderful! Long may it continue.

Dinner tonight is Chicken casserole with new potatos and peas. Hopefully our burgeoning family will enjoy it. Goodness knows what it will be like when Alexandra arrives! 5 adults and a child in one house. Phew!

Clenbuterol Fat burning pills

Were you amidst the large number of citizenry who were impressed with the Fat Burning Pills weight loss claims which were developed by Ephedrine? A lot people laid claim spectacular effects, even although it often induced rest disturbances, and additional unasked side effects. A few still find them even though it comprised banished in the U.S. Additional favored humans have comprised able to discover Clenbuterol weight loss, although.

Clenbuterol weight loss follows important rules and produces these consequences in a very small amount of time, much as Ephedrine did. Ephedrine was a accessory that asked to be accepted by every couple of hrs as it promptly would allow for the system to get toleratant, but rarely would anyone accept it unendingly as of the side effects it acquired. Clenbuterol, on the other hand does not allow for your system of rules so fast. It stays in your body twenty-four hrs a day. It does have a decelerating effect on the body's beta-adrenergic receptor though; consequently it continues effective for a circumscribed add up of clock time, there fore considered to be among the Fat Burning Pills

It embodies most beneficial accepted applying a pyramid approach path. The convention itinerary taken with this accessory is to begin with one tablet carrying twenty mcgs (a few pills accept 40mcg) and easy increment the dose. After about a month it are step by step reduced to acquire off the drug and allow some time for downregulation before commencement the following regime.

A few accept been acknowledged to claim Clenbuterol a sex hormone, but this is not only misleading but entirely inappropriate. It's widely acknowledge to comprise used by bodybuilders and trainees alike. Muscle builder specifically favour this dose and talk highly of it. You may be dumbfounded at the amount of them who apply it faithfully to raise their coming into court for competitors.

Body Building world are adoring of the Clenbuterol as a Fat Burning Pills . There is admiration because it efficaciously additions the hurrying of which your body burns up adipose tissue and protein. Gram calorie that are taken in are burned up quickly, resulting in the add up diminishing measures of adipose tissue. You're then left with a leaner and more muscular appearing. However, the consumption of Clenbuterol from those who are not really knowledgeable it can be risky. If it is not taken in the correct dose, and over the correct amount of time, it could conduct to an extreme increase of heart rate amidst other things. This could result in hospitalization.

If Clenbuterol weight loss is something you are thinking about, research the information available to you or better yet, speak with human whohas used this medicine at a dose.

As it concerns carving agents for a musclebuilding appearance, there are commonly alone two words that come to mind: ECA and Clen. ECA is the at ease, legal solution because weight loss employed by many beginner and mediate musclemen when preparing for a show. Boosted musclemen (top level NPC and pro athletes) leave often apply ECA in conjunction with Clenbuterol as an unbelievably synergistic fat loss effect and therfore considered among Fat Burning Pills. Both are viable alternatives, but Clenbuterol should only comprise used once ECA is no longer adequate to accomplish coveted body fat levels.

The basic principle

Clen comprised originally designed for treatment of lung ailments, letting in asthma attack. Athletes soon ascertained that accepting it directed to greater muscles and lower body adipose tissue, just put. Scientifically, Clen makes the use of oxygen in the bloodstream more efficient. In real life terms for musclemen, this transforms to decreased muscle wasting, bigger body aggregate, and faster burning of stored body adipose tissue. Clen is a preferred amidst top amateurish bodybuilders, and the majority of professional bodybuilders to employ it to a few degree initiating to a demonstrate, typically stacked with ECA.

Risk & Reward

Clenbuterol comprises a very anabolic dose. It has positive effects are experienced almost immediately, which has in mind that the foundation because side consequences begin almost immediately as well. Short condition, the user may feel hot, nauseating, shaking, and apprehensive. The longest term fallouts of clen use primarily include heart cardiac arrhythmia, heart failure, and heart impairment. It makes the system move more fast-paced, and the heart comprises definitely part of the system. Clen had better never be accepted year-round. Musclemen should only believe clen for short-term use, to lose bodyfat immediately before a appearance.

Bottom Line

If you're new to musclebuilding or contending in a local NPC charge show, you are in all likelihood not in a position to be ready for Clenbuterol. ECA is definitely the chemical compound you had better be utilizing at this time. Because your competition bodyweight approaches 220 (240+ off-season) and you've peaked for 4 or more shows, it might be time to add Clen to your pre-season regime. Again I personally donot recommend anyone using this as due to risk of cardiac side effects. Till then we should keep looking for the best weight loss and Fat Burning Pills

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Miracle Diabetes Cure You Don't Know About

What would you say if I told you there's a cure for type II diabetes that's effective in 83% of people, extremely rapid, and requires no lifestyle changes? Would you think I was crazy? Well maybe I am, but the cure exists nevertheless.

All it requires is a little intestinal mutilation. It's called gastric bypass surgery. It's an anti-obesity surgery where the digestive tract is re-routed, bypassing 95% of the stomach as well as the duodenum and jejunum, which are parts of the upper small intestine.

The effect was first reported in 1995 by Dr. Walter Pories. Initially, researchers thought the cure was simply from caloric restriction due to a smaller stomach volume, but since then the story has become much more interesting. The key finding was published in 2004 by Dr. Francesco Rubino, who showed that bypassing the duodenum and jejunum but not the stomach of type II diabetic rats was enough to cure their diabetes. The effect wasn't due to caloric restriction, since both groups ate the same amount of food.

What this suggests is that there's some kind of feedback coming from the upper small intestine that affects glucose control and insulin sensitivity. What could be causing it? It just so happens there are some pretty good candidates: hormones called GLP-1 and ghrelin.

I'm going to dive into this and see if I can figure out what's going on.

Sorry for the cheesy post title, I'm practicing for my best-seller. Maybe I should add the word "secret"? How about this: "101 Secret Diabetes Cures THEY Don't Want You to Know About".


Does anyone have problems when the sun shines? I have been getting progressively tighter over the last 3 days, and am wondering if it has anything to do with the heat...? I cant think of any other reason why today I have had the sum total of:

1 60mg Prozac tablet
1/2 coffee followed by another 1/2 coffee an hour later
2 teaspoons of yogurt
1/2 glass water
1 teaspoon rice and 1 teaspoon of chicken

Its now 9:30pm and I can still feel something in my band. I am actually worried about drinking anything. I really am at a loss as to why my band is just SO tight today.
Yesterday it was really weird... I had a happy meal from McDonald's and I took it really really slowly and managed to eat the hamburger and chips. THIS IS A MIRACLE IN ITSELF... firstly because its like... bread! and second because it occured before 2pm! Food before this time is practically unheard of these days. Then later on at dinner time I couldn't even eat 1 bite of lasagne. Random

Today has been the MOST frustrating day on my band to date. To be honest, I think today is what I thought my life was going to be like every day after I had my operation. But that hasn't happened... until now. Its not as if I have been puking and puking and making myself sore or anything like that. there is no reason I can possibly think of other than its got a bit warmer and I have been feeling really hot these last few days, whereas I have been freezing for months. Ho Hum. I guess it can only help with the weight loss though hey!

I am getting into a really bad habit too. If I can't eat my dinner, I get DH to go get me some chocolate. Today that's not going to happen, because I cant even drink water let alone chocolates... but yesterday I had M&Ms and the day before it was minstrels (a personal favorite!). I have gotta stop that really.

Anyway, a good day in every other way. Our new lodger Sue moved in, and although it seems like she has taken over the house with plants, I hope to be able to streamline everything so that it goes back to being nice and clean looking again. Plants are wonderful, but they do seem to make the place look cluttered.

Night all.

Getting Back to Normal BMI

Danielk lost 15 pounds and this has moved him out of the overweight BMI position, back to the upper end of 'normal BMI'. See his success story here.

The beautiful photo here is by Wolfgang Staudt

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Insulin Controls Your Fat

I'd like to point out a great post by Peter over at hyperlipid (keep in mind when you read it he has a sarcastic style). He dug up a bizarre paper published in 1998 in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. In the study, they put 24 overweight subjects on a low-calorie diet composed almost entirely of meal replacement shakes and "nutrition bars". Half of the participants got the drug diazoxide, which reduces the secretion of insulin by the pancreas. The other half took a placebo.

The bottom line is that the diazoxide-treated group lost much more weight over time than the placebo group, and they continued to lose after the placebo group's weight had stabilized at around 8 weeks. Yes, these poor people drank meal replacement shakes and ate nutrition bars for 9 weeks.

This result makes a lot of sense. Insulin is the hormone that keeps your fat cells from releasing fat. It's also the hormone that tells them to grab fat and sugar out of the blood and store it. Overweight people tend to have elevated insulin.
Low blood insulin is a signal to fat cells to release their contents into the bloodstream to be burned by other tissues. This is one of the reasons why I emphasize keeping insulin low. If you need some motivation, here it is. Here's how to normalize insulin without taking a toxic drug:
  1. Avoid grains (especially wheat and its derivatives), and keep carbohydrate intake low for weight loss.
  2. Avoid all sugar in any form except occasional fruit.
  3. Exercise.
  4. Intermittent fasting. A 24-hour fast once a week is a good way to start.

My Turn: 5 Day Pouch Test

Hello Neighbors!!Well, it's been a long time coming but I'm on my way to kicking butt on regain (again)! This winter some badly prescribed medicine (long story - I'll save it for another post) resulted in a ballooning gain for me. Seventeen whoppers to be exact all centrally located on my rear view and thunder thighs. Ok - a few may be on my upper arms too. sad-smiley-018.gifany whooooo...... I'm