Monday, May 12, 2008

Giving myself the feel good factor

This time last month I was 16 stone 1
That's 5 pounds off in a month. Coooooool.

I am officially at my 6 month mark today. I have lost 32 pounds in 6 months.

I have to forget about the whole year that was wasted before this.

I should be feeling BLOODY FABULOUS right now. 32 pounds in 6 months??? UNBELIEVABLE Without dieting??? Its a MIRACLE.

But I am not feeling fabulous because of the wasted time I went through for 8 months putting all that fat back on again when it broke. How can I forget about it. this time last year I was feeling THE BUSINESS. I was full of confidence and self assured and all was right with the world. I had lost less than I have now at that time, but I felt better then than now.

the band break was a really disastrous thing to happen. It has made the process seem very very very slow... and actually...


I am gonna try and think positively about it, and consider the second operation a completely different operation... maybe I can think of it like I had a better band put in, or an upgrade or something and then I might feel less annoyed at the whole breakage debacle.

I am feeling better just writing this actually. I am feeling really good at losing 32 pounds... 2 stone 4!! WOW in just 6 months without starving myself or having to combine different types of foods or cut out this or that. This is the most wonderful invention and I have to start believing in myself that I actually AM going to be slim... slimmer than I ever felt possible. I have to also believe that the band is NOT going to break. I am looking forward to May 21st with a feeling of dread. I am not superstitious, and I am not thinking that something will happen at all, but the thought that last year on the 21st May I was in such agonising pain and no one found out... makes me want to throw up. How did the leave me like that. I had x-rays and scans and all kinds and NO ONE SAID ANYTHING. They must have seen it as I saw it clear as a bloody bell and I'm no doctor. It makes me feel terrible.

But 32 pounds... when this thing is working its working like a wonder horse!

Dare I think about buying smaller clothes yet?? Everything is hanging off me... but I am so loathe to buy new stuff in case I cry like an idiot or something that it either fits or doesn't or whatever. God I feel like a complete emotional wreck today.

I repeat... I am 6 months out of my band upgrade (Hmm feels good)
I am 32 pounds lighter.

I feel GREAT.

Better post my 6 month photo I guess!!! check out my photo log later.

Getting smaller... slowly

Well the mega weight losses are a thing of the past now, but I am losing steadily. I lost 3 pounds this week... taking my weight to 15 stone 10 pounds. This is excellent. I am really really proud of myself. I just want another couple of good weeks so that I can be a bit slimmer for my holiday at the beginning of June. It will be a really nice feeling to be 15 and a half stone or something when I go away. I haven't been on a nice hot summer holiday weighing less than 16 stone since I was a teenager. It makes the heat so much more bearable, I remember that from last year in Sri Lanka. I cant imagine being 2 stone heavier than I was then... it would have been dreadful.

So total weightloss now is 2 stone 4 pounds since banding in February 2007 - or 32 pounds! YAY

food today so far... 1 berocca, and 1 carton of veggie juice to get my nutrients. tonight I am making chilli con carne with rice, so that will be nice. Off to work in a bit, not looking forward to that in this weather, but it brings home the bacon.

Talking of bacon... DH still hasn't heard if he got the job at McDonalds yet. I think he is secretly hoping that he wont, but on the other hand hoping that he will because we need the regular cash. That scumbag Terry Spellman really sold us down the river. If he had told us that he was not really in a position to do it, we could have claimed on our mortgage payments insurance when he was made redundant, but going self employed for that Shit head has meant we cannot even get dole money or any financial help whatsoever. I hope he fucking chokes on his money. The bastard hasn't even sent us the money he does owe us. I hope he goes bust. no one should treat people like that, especially my DH because he is so lovely and doesn't deserve it.

So now DH is carrying stock for his old company on a 10% commission deal and also another local supplier for 10% too... if he gets the job at McDonalds aswell, we will be laughing.

Bit of a come down for the poor guy, but beggars can't be choosers. We went out and got him a car yesterday... a fabulous bargain of a diesel saloon for £600 just like my old Rover I crashed. so I feel a bit awful driving around in my new MG whilst DH has no air con or any luxuries... but he says not to feel awful because its a nice family car and we need one decent car in the family anyway. There isn't any point getting a good car just to plow it around the country and run it into the ground, so he is happy, so I should be too.

will update later if i get any more news...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Diabetes and Your Small Intestine

In the last post, I introduced you to the remarkable antidiabetic effect of gastric bypass surgery. It rapidly reverses diabetes in 83% of patients, and it seems to be due to bypassing the upper small intestine specifically, rather than caloric restriction. This points to a special role of the upper small intestine in regulating food metabolism. I told you I was going to look into the mechanism of why this effect happens, and here's the short answer:

It's complicated and no one understands it completely.

Now for the long answer. Nutrient homeostasis is very important and we have sophisticated ways of coordinating it among different tissues. Part of the small intestine's job is telling the body that nutrients are on their way into the bloodstream. Two ways it conveys this signal are by secreting hormones into the bloodstream, and by sending signals to the brain and liver via parasympathetic nerves.

The small intestine secretes dozens of hormones, one category of which is called the incretins. Incretins by definition increase the secretion of insulin by the pancreas, among other things. They were discovered when researchers realized that oral glucose elicits more of an insulin response than intravenous glucose. The reason is that cells in the upper small intestine secrete incretins when they detect glucose.

There are two known major incretin hormones that are secreted by the small intestine, GIP and GLP-1. There was a recent study by the lab of Blanca Olivan which looked into the levels of incretins in patients who had undergone Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, a common type in which 95% of the stomach and part of the upper small intestine is bypassed.

Their results are very interesting! Compared to controls losing an equivalent amount of weight on a low-calorie diet, the bypass patients saw a HUGE increase in their oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) GLP-1 secretion (9.8 vs 112.5 pmol/L), a large increase in GIP secretion, and a corresponding increase in insulin secretion (575 vs 769 pmol/L). Two-hour OGTT blood glucose levels went from borderline diabetic to "normal", by American Diabetes Association standards. Fasting glucose and insulin dropped substantially. The bypass group gained considerable glucose control, better than the matched controls on a low-calorie diet.

It looks like part of the mechanism involves whipping the pancreas to produce more insulin in response to glucose. It also affected fasting insulin, although that could simply be due to calorie restriction because it went down in both groups. Interestingly, non-diabetic patients who get a Roux-en-Y bypass often get reactive hypoglycemia, where their pancreas overproduces insulin after a meal and they get dangerously low blood sugar. Dr Mary-Elizabeth Patti calls it "diabetes reversal in people who don't have diabetes". So the effect doesn't seem to be specific to people with diabetes.

There is some suggestion that the effect on incretins is due to bypassing the duodenum, which is part of the upper small intestine. Here's how the (very sophisticated) reasoning goes: when the duodenum doesn't get glucose dumped on it, that somehow increases release of incretins by the small intestine further along the line.

There's actually an antidiabetic drug that mimics GLP-1; it's called Byetta. There's another that inhibits the breakdown of GLP-1 called Januvia. A second effect of GLP-1 is to delay stomach emptying, which both drugs do. They have been effective for some diabetics.

Well this turned into a long post, so I'll follow up on the parasympathetic (nerve) signaling of the small intestine next time.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Fun Friday in the Neighborhood

Greetings Neighbors!Happy Friday to you all! I hope you enjoyed a good week of treating your body well and living your best life after surgical weight loss.Today is Fun Friday in the Neighborhood. That means a quiz game with fabulous prizes and better yet, a chance to get to know your Neighbors. This week I ask the question(s) - Five questions to answer with one-sentence each. Quick and easy yet

Halelujah - I can eat

Well a nights sleep seemed to settle the problem of the strangulating tightness of yesterday.
I was able to have my coffee this morning without incident, and a couple of thin bread sticks for lunch and I have managed to get a couple of pints of water down me too which I am VERY pleased about in this heat. Its 28 degrees in the garden... wonderful! Long may it continue.

Dinner tonight is Chicken casserole with new potatos and peas. Hopefully our burgeoning family will enjoy it. Goodness knows what it will be like when Alexandra arrives! 5 adults and a child in one house. Phew!

Clenbuterol Fat burning pills

Were you amidst the large number of citizenry who were impressed with the Fat Burning Pills weight loss claims which were developed by Ephedrine? A lot people laid claim spectacular effects, even although it often induced rest disturbances, and additional unasked side effects. A few still find them even though it comprised banished in the U.S. Additional favored humans have comprised able to discover Clenbuterol weight loss, although.

Clenbuterol weight loss follows important rules and produces these consequences in a very small amount of time, much as Ephedrine did. Ephedrine was a accessory that asked to be accepted by every couple of hrs as it promptly would allow for the system to get toleratant, but rarely would anyone accept it unendingly as of the side effects it acquired. Clenbuterol, on the other hand does not allow for your system of rules so fast. It stays in your body twenty-four hrs a day. It does have a decelerating effect on the body's beta-adrenergic receptor though; consequently it continues effective for a circumscribed add up of clock time, there fore considered to be among the Fat Burning Pills

It embodies most beneficial accepted applying a pyramid approach path. The convention itinerary taken with this accessory is to begin with one tablet carrying twenty mcgs (a few pills accept 40mcg) and easy increment the dose. After about a month it are step by step reduced to acquire off the drug and allow some time for downregulation before commencement the following regime.

A few accept been acknowledged to claim Clenbuterol a sex hormone, but this is not only misleading but entirely inappropriate. It's widely acknowledge to comprise used by bodybuilders and trainees alike. Muscle builder specifically favour this dose and talk highly of it. You may be dumbfounded at the amount of them who apply it faithfully to raise their coming into court for competitors.

Body Building world are adoring of the Clenbuterol as a Fat Burning Pills . There is admiration because it efficaciously additions the hurrying of which your body burns up adipose tissue and protein. Gram calorie that are taken in are burned up quickly, resulting in the add up diminishing measures of adipose tissue. You're then left with a leaner and more muscular appearing. However, the consumption of Clenbuterol from those who are not really knowledgeable it can be risky. If it is not taken in the correct dose, and over the correct amount of time, it could conduct to an extreme increase of heart rate amidst other things. This could result in hospitalization.

If Clenbuterol weight loss is something you are thinking about, research the information available to you or better yet, speak with human whohas used this medicine at a dose.

As it concerns carving agents for a musclebuilding appearance, there are commonly alone two words that come to mind: ECA and Clen. ECA is the at ease, legal solution because weight loss employed by many beginner and mediate musclemen when preparing for a show. Boosted musclemen (top level NPC and pro athletes) leave often apply ECA in conjunction with Clenbuterol as an unbelievably synergistic fat loss effect and therfore considered among Fat Burning Pills. Both are viable alternatives, but Clenbuterol should only comprise used once ECA is no longer adequate to accomplish coveted body fat levels.

The basic principle

Clen comprised originally designed for treatment of lung ailments, letting in asthma attack. Athletes soon ascertained that accepting it directed to greater muscles and lower body adipose tissue, just put. Scientifically, Clen makes the use of oxygen in the bloodstream more efficient. In real life terms for musclemen, this transforms to decreased muscle wasting, bigger body aggregate, and faster burning of stored body adipose tissue. Clen is a preferred amidst top amateurish bodybuilders, and the majority of professional bodybuilders to employ it to a few degree initiating to a demonstrate, typically stacked with ECA.

Risk & Reward

Clenbuterol comprises a very anabolic dose. It has positive effects are experienced almost immediately, which has in mind that the foundation because side consequences begin almost immediately as well. Short condition, the user may feel hot, nauseating, shaking, and apprehensive. The longest term fallouts of clen use primarily include heart cardiac arrhythmia, heart failure, and heart impairment. It makes the system move more fast-paced, and the heart comprises definitely part of the system. Clen had better never be accepted year-round. Musclemen should only believe clen for short-term use, to lose bodyfat immediately before a appearance.

Bottom Line

If you're new to musclebuilding or contending in a local NPC charge show, you are in all likelihood not in a position to be ready for Clenbuterol. ECA is definitely the chemical compound you had better be utilizing at this time. Because your competition bodyweight approaches 220 (240+ off-season) and you've peaked for 4 or more shows, it might be time to add Clen to your pre-season regime. Again I personally donot recommend anyone using this as due to risk of cardiac side effects. Till then we should keep looking for the best weight loss and Fat Burning Pills

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Miracle Diabetes Cure You Don't Know About

What would you say if I told you there's a cure for type II diabetes that's effective in 83% of people, extremely rapid, and requires no lifestyle changes? Would you think I was crazy? Well maybe I am, but the cure exists nevertheless.

All it requires is a little intestinal mutilation. It's called gastric bypass surgery. It's an anti-obesity surgery where the digestive tract is re-routed, bypassing 95% of the stomach as well as the duodenum and jejunum, which are parts of the upper small intestine.

The effect was first reported in 1995 by Dr. Walter Pories. Initially, researchers thought the cure was simply from caloric restriction due to a smaller stomach volume, but since then the story has become much more interesting. The key finding was published in 2004 by Dr. Francesco Rubino, who showed that bypassing the duodenum and jejunum but not the stomach of type II diabetic rats was enough to cure their diabetes. The effect wasn't due to caloric restriction, since both groups ate the same amount of food.

What this suggests is that there's some kind of feedback coming from the upper small intestine that affects glucose control and insulin sensitivity. What could be causing it? It just so happens there are some pretty good candidates: hormones called GLP-1 and ghrelin.

I'm going to dive into this and see if I can figure out what's going on.

Sorry for the cheesy post title, I'm practicing for my best-seller. Maybe I should add the word "secret"? How about this: "101 Secret Diabetes Cures THEY Don't Want You to Know About".