Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Fat Boy

My family, some friends and I were at a restaurant last night. We ordered coffee after dinner. I poured a (very) generous amount of cream into my decaf. One of my friends gave me the nickname "fat boy" because I eat so much fat. The reason it's funny and not insulting is that I have a low bodyfat percentage. Paradox? I don't think so.

My family was also wide-eyed when I had three eggs for breakfast this morning, fried in butter. Sounds decadent, but it only adds up to 300 calories, or roughly 10% of my daily caloric intake.

How Does a Geek Lose Weight?

An anonymous geek asked for help on how to lose weight at home (too shy to go to the gym) and he got over 1,000 replies from fellow geeks on the Slashdot comment boards.

One response was from Binaryboy who told him to try Yourself Fitness;

Yourself Fitness is an Xbox title - not sure if it runs on Xbox 360 - and is like having a personal aerobics and yoga instructor at home. I was little shy of aerobics in general at first, but once I got into it, learned the various moves without looking like an idiot, I was hooked. In the first year I lost 30 pounds (which was my target) and I felt 1000 times better.

See the interesting discussion at How Do Geeks Exercise?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

P'd off

Not in the mood. Completely pissed off with myself.

I cant believe we are the end of July and I have lost nothing basically since MAY.

Oh what the hell is wrong with me?

I feel shit. Cystitis is killing me slowly, as are the stupid ,ind games I play with myself. I just need to relax and let life happen. If I could, I think I would inject lard into my veins... such is the self sabotaging of my stupid fat ass!


What a screw up. I am even considering forgetting the bloody band as eating is a joke. I just cant handle it, and I am thinking about having all the fluid out and just having a normal life for a bit. I just don't know what to do because on the other hand I really do like the fact that I weigh less and stuff, and look better bla bla. Being slimmer doesn't seem to be making me as happy as I thought it would, or even as happy as I was last year in the initial weightloss phase before it broke.

The band break is still well and truly with me. I have not got over it. I am so wound up about how this works for everyone else and even the people who had the operation in November for the first time have lost like 60 pounds or something.

I feel very fucking sorry for myself.

Today's food & drink intake:

1 coffee
1 bag of 'Skips' style crisps in a party size bag
1 coffee
2 jelly babies
2 pints of water
1 pint of squash and potassium citrate liquid
Salad - comprising lettuce, beetroot, potato, coleslaw & a bite of quiche
2 pints of water

I feel as miserable as sin, and I hate the band. I just want to eat. I want to eat so badly.

I wish I had had the bypass.

Randy Jackson Diet Book Coming Soon!

Randy JacksonAs reported in OK Magazine Randy Jackson, who had gastric bypass in 2003 and lost 150 pounds, announced the forthcoming publication of his own diet book, "The No-Nonsense Guide to Getting Fit, Eating Better, and Living Longer" due out in November.Jackson 51, who announced this year that he has Type II diabetes, says he has tried every diet under the Sun, and he swears that his new

Monday, July 28, 2008

Woman Loses 100#s with 5 Day Pouch Test

5 Day Pouch Test Ambassador Gretchen100 Pounds Lost with the 5DPT and Day 65 Day Pouch Test HomepageIt has been nearly a year since I first introduced the 5 Day Pouch Test to our LivingAfterWLS community and what a phenomena it is. In today's Bulletin you will read about Gretchen who has lost 100 pounds since doing the 5DPT last September. You will learn from her that there is always hope and

Red Lion Inn Smoked Salmon

More Fish & SeafoodOur Recipe of the Week yesterday featured terrific appetizers for outdoor picnics and parties. Summer is time for casual entertaining using fresh ingredients and easy preparation. Here is another healthy appetizer to enjoy when you are outdoor entertaining.Learn about the nutritional value of fish proteinRed Lion Inn Smoked SalmonThis is a quick and showy appetizer adapted from

One Cure for Bingeing

Clara was able to end a humiliating cycle of bingeing and starving herself when she started meditating on a regular basis. See her story here.