Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 62/365 Update on Progress

It's been a year since I took photos.  For those who have been following me, you know that I had hoped I would have had an "after" shot by now.  Please know that I am not complaining because maintenance is a wonderful thing, especially when I have spent most of my life, gaining.

In talking about maintenance, I wanted to show proof that I really was maintaining my loss, not just hiding behind a blog.  (For a better side-by-side comparison, look to the side----> )

I WILL have an "after" photo before the end of the year!!

What I did today:
50 crunches

So here are my "Maintenance" photos:

Do the stuff that makes you happy

Recent studies have proven that the older we get, the happier we become. This article came out in the New York Times a few weeks ago, but it's just one of many similar articles.

There are a lot of theories on why older people are happier, but the one that makes the most sense to me is because older people have figured out what makes them happy. Instead of doing the stuff they don't like, they do the things they enjoy.

Therefore, I'm done with bootcamp class. I paid for a month, but it was deeply discounted to $39. I only went twice, and I hated every minute of it. I liked the group class atmosphere. I hated everything else about it. Especially the frantic pace and the exercises. I hated the music, and most of all I hated how I almost couldn't walk for two days after the class. I don't think it's good for a person to exercise so hard that they can barely get out of a chair.

I'm 54. I don't want to waste time doing things I hate. I don't exactly love to exercise, but I don't hate it. I enjoy weight lifting, and never dread doing it. Cardio really isn't my thing, but I know it's a necessary evil and I do it six days a week. Great music helps a lot, as well as variety. I try to do a different machine every day at the gym. Or better yet, a bike ride or a brisk walk outside, both are preferred activities over the gym.

Yesterday was a beautiful day here in the Pacific Northwest. Sun shining, 72 degrees. Perfect bike riding weather. I rode from our house to the mall, then the mall to the gym for strength training for 45 minutes, then back home. I stopped a few times to take pictures and talk to a lady walking her yellow labs (I love yellow labs). It was the best two and half hours of my entire week. It made me very happy.

The swimming and the bootcamp class didn't work for me. There are still other things I can try. Next is an aerobic/strength training class at my gym. The only problem is that it's at 5:30 p.m. I'm really not much of an evening exercise person, but I'm going to try it a couple days this week. The last time I went to this class I was very overweight and although I liked the instructor and the music, I wasn't physically able to keep up. Hopefully I'll do better now.

A few pictures from yesterday...

Rhododendron in the gym parking lot

A view from my bike trail, Mt. Rainier in all her glory.

Me and the bike on the BPA trail in Federal Way, WA

Eating until I feel full
Last week I tried the Weight Watchers Filling Foods technique and not tracking every Point, I only tracked my weekly 35 Points. I tried eating until I felt "satisfied". It came as no big surprise to me that it didn't work. I gained 3.4 pounds this week. It's just a problem I have when left to my own devices, I will eat too much. It's who I am and a problem I have to deal with.

This week I'm counting Points again. It's another necessary evil, but I know it'll make for a much better weight loss week.

Chili Pepper may fights Fat

Scientists are reporting new evidence that capsaicin, the stuff that gives chili peppers their kick, may cause weight loss and fight fat buildup by triggering certain beneficial protein changes in the body. Their study, which could lead to new treatments for obesity, appears in ACS' monthly Journal of Proteome Research.

Jong Won Yun and colleagues point out that obesity is a major public health threat worldwide, linked to diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and other health problems. Laboratory studies have hinted that capsaicin may help fight obesity by decreasing calorie intake, shrinking fat tissue, and lowering fat levels in the blood. Nobody, however, knows exactly how capsaicin might trigger such beneficial effects.

In an effort to find out, the scientists fed high-fat diets with or without capsaicin to lab rats used to study obesity. The capsaicin-treated rats lost 8 percent of their body weight and showed changes in levels of at least 20 key proteins found in fat. The altered proteins work to break down fats. "These changes provide valuable new molecular insights into the mechanism of the antiobesity effects of capsaicin," the scientists say.

Source : ScienceDaily

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day 61/365 Cooking with your children

My sister-in-law introduced me to a website that she likes to use often with her children.  It's called Cooking With My Kid  It has wonderful recipes to do with your kids.  Today we made Soft Pretzels and they turned out tasty.  I substituted half the white flour for whole wheat pastry flour and they were filling!

Cooking together with your children makes an excellent opportunity to talk to your kids about nutrition.  How it's important to take care of your body while having fun doing it is a lesson they will remember for a lifetime.

My kids love to help me and I look forward to several years of happy times in the kitchen with four excellent chefs to replace me!

What I did today:
Elliptical Trainer 15 min. @ level 15
55 push-ups

Day 60/365 Project Finished (Phase One)

Today, Friday, I finished the first part of my project that took me a month and a half to complete!! (I will soon share, I promise!)  :o)

For those who know me personally, you know when I get focused on something, I get focused and pretty much OCD all over it until it's done.  It's a very productive method, but I haven't figured out how to balance it yet with everything else in life.

I have kept up with my regular exercise, but I haven't been doing the most with the blog as I should be.  As I catch up with everything else in life, I will get caught up with this blog too by posting more interesting things.  The biggest of which is some progress pictures!!!  Or just progress posts!  Maybe just some sort of progress besides maintenance...basically, just something more than what I have been giving.  :o)

What I did today:
Elliptical Trainer 15 min. @ level 15

Day 59/365

What I did today:
Elliptical Trainer 15 min. @ level 15

Friday, June 11, 2010

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