Saturday, July 10, 2010

Danger! HOTSummer Weather May Lead to Dehydration For WLS Patients

Following bariatric surgery for weight loss patients are instructed in the Four Rules of weight loss surgery; the second of which is drink lots of water. This rule is of particular importance during the warm summer months when perspiration and elimination cause greater water losses and the potential for dehydration increases.

Water constitutes about 60 percent of an adult's body weight. In the

Weight loss supplements

The best weight loss pill is one which is reliable, consistent and has no sideeffects. We are all looking for one. A diet is equally good if used properly.

A balanced diet is one that not only contains the necessary nutrients, but also the energy that balances the body in relation to the yin and yang.
Combining the five tastes (sweet, spicy, bitter, sour and salty) and five temperatures (hot, cold, warm, cool and neutral) according to our needs.
For example, if our body is exceeded heat the food needed in greater amounts are cold and not hot because otherwise we would cause more heat. At present more problems that cause us to lead a healthy and balanced diet is the time we have for this activity, people have a working lunch hours from 30 minutes to 2 hours. If you have not prepared their food should go to a kitchen or restaurant where unknown quantities of fat, salt, cooking food, plus what we can pay and time chewing and saliva is not adequate, alone in Moving and I choose to eat at least 10 minutes if I lose this in the same place where you work.
This will cause poor eating habits and hence nutritional problems (malnutrition or overweight).
If the activity is busy work, after eating digestion causes us a little sleepy (heaviness varied according to the intake) and low productivity or performance a bit, if the Bureau is working on a chair usually spend no calories. Schedule It is best eating habits, where they organize time to eat our food, if possible, a timetable and a weekly plan that includes the essentials: Hot food and salt, cold drink and sweet-sweet fruit neutral, for example.
In addition to program a habit of exercise because your body requires the movements of our muscles to give the right functions and energy balance, if we maintain a sedentary lifestyle and accumulate the energy not only alters digestion but cellular metabolism throughout the body making slow physiological functions and retaining fluid and toxic waste. Do not miss eating those snacks you like so much, do not hurt the cause you trouble is the amount you eat "balanced" only, learn to treat your body and give it just enough. It is possible to achieve this we should only have Longing and desire to improve habits towards a healthy life of good quality.

Till next time..

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 82/365:Tuesday-Bad, bad blogger

Yes, that would be me.  I'm a bad, bad blogger.  I completely neglected my blog over the weekend.

Not only have I neglected my blog, I have neglected my body.  I haven't workout out, I have allowed the busy and the tired side of me to win.  It's all about choice, and for the last few days, I have made choices that bring me farther from my goals.

Does that make me a failure? NOPE!  Does that give me reason to feel guilt?  NOPE!  Should I just let it pass and then move on, YOU BET!!

I am human, so I guess I am just keeping it real, right?  I have to admit I do feel an inkling of guilt for letting things slide on my blog.  As for myself, I understand this is a journey.  A journey without a destination, and with bumps along the way. Accept the bumps and move on.  Don't let them be stumbling blocks that put you on a path that takes you even farther away from your goals.  Don't let a couple of days off the path keep you months from the path.

I am grateful for what I have learned on this journey.  I know that I need to work out daily to keep my appetite and weight in check.  I have also learned that there are times where I rebel and like to sabotage myself.  Learning to understand yourself is so important.  Be real with yourself and then you can stop playing the games.  I've played games for years, I have gained many pounds because of it.  Now, understanding this, when I find myself slipping back into that game mode, I can get out of it a lot faster, because I have listened to myself. Learned to understand and forgive myself.  Forgiveness is a huge thing on this weight loss journey.  Without forgiveness, it's hard to move on and easy to punish.

Day 82/365:Monday

Day 82/365: Sunday

Day 82/365:Saturday

Monday, July 5, 2010

Going Shit

Unbelievably so.

oh well fuck it right?

I feel exactly the same as when I resume any diet. I don't want to. I know how hard its going to be and I just put it off, and then some.

I just cant face being banded again. I just cant face the puking, then chewing, the fucking bloody fucking around.

The poxy small meals, the looks when you push your food around your plate and then dash for the loo, then cooking for 5 healthy appetites and no sharing with them, even the pain of having a fill - not in my stomach but in my wallet!! £125 is no freaking joke - and that's just for 1 of them.

The pain of failing again. The pain of sharing it all with people and then having hope dashed. The embarrassment that I couldn't make it work and my complete self loathing.

This is not for me

Not now.

This blog has officially ended. I have come full circle and today weigh in at 18 stone 12 pounds.
Its taken nearly 6 years to lose half a sodding pound, so I cant be bothered any more guys.

Thanks to all of your peeps who have followed my journey, you were there during the good and the bad and the very ugly. Most of you are banded too, and as my parting goodbye to you all - may I wish with all my heart that you never have to endure anything that I have encountered.

I am jealous of all of your successes, it's true, and it doesn't spur me on, it makes me feel even more shit about how crap I am. I tried to see the other side of it all, but its not working for me. Every time I see people who were banded and the amazing results it makes me feel like a bucket of cold piss. Sorry, but its the truth. I am like the team that lost, envious, emotional, sorry for myself and know i should have just done better. Somewhere deep within me, I am happy for you all individually - but banded people as a whole make me want to cry. Its like the day the wall went up... I feel like I am on the other side of your happiness, and there is nothing I can do right now to change it.

I lay my failure squarely at the doorstep of Heliogast and their batch of faulty bands. Thanks for nothing you bunch of arseholes. You ruined my dreams and fucked my mind over. I simply cannot get over that. There are not words on this earth to describe how I feel about you. You should have put a recall on them you bastards. How many people have them still inside them? No one even knows. Lovely.

I also blame Hinchingbrooke hospital for completely wrongly diagnosing me, blowing me off with IBS when the consultant radiologist obviously didn't bother putting down his newspaper & coffee to look at my results. You made me suffer agony for 6 months. Fucking cheers.

I also blame my brain for being a mound of blubbering shit. Because of you i could not get it together after this crisis and get the FUCK over myself. As soon as I can get a transplant i am going to freaking have one. I am even considering a lobotomy. be warned you mass of grey bollocks

All three of you deserve to be imprisoned for the pain you gave me.

This was Bunny, flattened by the juggernaut. Splat