Saturday, August 7, 2010

It's official, I can get the senior discount at IHOP now...or 55 and still alive!

Today is my birthday, and I am now 55 years old. In some circles I qualify for the senior citizen discount. If you Google "is 55 a senior citizen?", this is the most popular answer (and one I personally like):

Depends on who's asking. many businesses have set 55 as the age to qualify for a senior citizens discount. This does not mean that one is actually "over the hill" so to speak but is a marketing gimmick to draw the business of baby boomers. The official age of a senior citizen of the United States is 65.

I started to write a list of my accomplishments, but it's a pretty short list and I don't really feel like tooting my own horn today (not that there's much to toot about). The only one that's important to me anyway is my weight loss. Sadly, I'm not at goal today which was what I set out to do in January.

This morning I was at 174.2 pounds (down from the 176.6 on Monday). Not great, but it could be worse (it could always be worse). I have reined in my eating somewhat, but not to the level I need to lose weight quickly. Also, because of various reasons (excuses), I only made it to the gym four times last week.

I saw a show on TLC last night, "How I Lost 100 Pounds", which is exactly how much I need to lose. It was somewhat inspirational. They told the story of five people and how they all lost a significant amount of weight (including two with surgery--learned a lot about Lap Band--definitely not for me).

The first couple lost their weight through Weight Watchers, although they never said "Weight Watchers" they did say they were using a Point system that counts calories, fat and fiber. Plus I saw a Weight Watchers food scale they were using (just like the one I own).

The husband lost over 200 pounds and the wife lost 90 pounds. They reminded me of how I was in the beginning, three years ago, maybe even two years or a year ago, still very gung-ho on the weight loss path. They were diligent about weighing and measuring their food, exercising consistently, and have made it a "life change".

I remember the excitement of losing weight, of nearing goal. Then I stagnated for some reason that I've yet to figure out. Boredom? Just plain exhaustion from the constant vigilance it requires? The hard work? Fear of reaching goal?

That last one is just plain stupid. I have no fear of reaching goal, even though it might appear that way since I keep sabotaging myself. I don't harbor any unrealistic fantasies about reaching goal and living happily ever after.

I've been near goal several times in the last year, hitting 151 a few times (goal is 135). It didn't make life all that much sweeter, I just felt better and my clothes fit better. I still had to go to work every day, I still struggled with food, I still had fight arguments with my  husband over stupid stuff, I still had to exercise. Life was still hard, just not as hard as it was at 240 pounds.

Funny, I don't really know where I'm going with this post. I guess I have no point to make. Just that it's my birthday, I'm older than dirt, and I'm still struggling with my weight. At least, for today, I get to do something I love, hiking at Mt. Rainier.

With that final note, I have to get ready, pack our rain gear (darn Pacific Northwest weather), a little food (all healthy stuff), and get the heck out of Dodge (Federal Way, WA)!

Have a great weekend!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Weight Loss Testimonials. Lose Weight Fast With Proactol


Weight Loss Reviews

. Read Them And If You Act Quickly, You Will Be Able To Change Your Life Forever. Lose Weight And Achieve The Perfect Body In Less Than A Month!!!

How to lose weight fast

Achieve the perfect body fast

Weight Loss in less than a month

Get rid of the fats

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Saturated Fat Consumption Still isn't Associated with Cardiovascular Disease

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition just published the results of a major Japanese study on saturated fat intake and cardiovascular disease (1). Investigators measured dietary habits, then followed 58,453 men and women for 14.1 years. They found that people who ate the most saturated fat had the same heart attack risk as those who ate the least*. Furthermore, people who ate the most saturated fat had a lower risk of stroke than those who ate the least. It's notable that stroke is a larger public health threat in Japan than heart attacks.

This is broadly consistent with the rest of the observational studies examining saturated fat intake and cardiovascular disease risk. A recent review paper by Dr. Ronald Krauss's group summed up what is obvious to any unbiased person who is familiar with the literature, that saturated fat consumption doesn't associate with heart attack risk (2). In a series of editorials, some of his colleagues attempted to discredit and intimidate him after its publication (3, 4). No meta-analysis is perfect, but their criticisms were largely unfounded (5, 6).

*Actually, people who ate the most saturated fat had a lower risk but it wasn't statistically significant.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Diana's Weight Gain Journey

I was thinking about renaming my blog today, to Diana's Weight Gain Journey. I wondered if anyone would even notice. Since all I'm doing lately is gaining weight it seems like an appropriate name.

It's all Geneen's fault, her stupid idea of eat what you want when you want it Ha! What a preposterous idea. Seriously, it's my own fault. I didn't read past chapter 10, that's where she tells you what to do to lose weight. I purposely didn't read that far because I kind of liked the idea of eating what I wanted.

I went on vacation and stayed with my sister for nine days, in a house full of treats for the grandkids, cookies, candy, and lots of ice cream. She doesn't have a sweet tooth and doesn't touch the stuff herself. Me, well, that's a different story. It triggered something in me that continued after I got home. Add in the stress of going back to work after being off for sixteen days and you have the recipe for a big, fat gain of 10 pounds.

That's right, I'm up to 176.4. Scary territory. After squeezing my big, fat butt into my slim fit size 12 jeans today,  I was miserable. Clothing should not leave it's imprint on your skin. By the end of the day I had a tummy ache, and I know it was from my tight jeans that were cutting off the circulation to my lower half. And yes, I said size 12, the 10's are just hanging in the closet, mocking me.

So what am I going to do? Lose the weight of course. My plan is simple and it involves restriction of my food intake. Smaller quantities of what I've been eating this week, and continue with the workouts but amped it up a bit. I really need to get to the gym at 5am and not at 6am so I can get in 40 minutes of cardio and 40 minutes of weights. My 30/30 plan isn't really enough, especially since I haven't been walking at lunch. I'm adding that back in to my routine and have a lunch walking date already scheduled for tomorrow.

My beloved StairMaster was finally working this morning, after being out of service for two months. I was practically squealing with joy this morning when I saw the pink out-of-order sign was missing from it. It's my favorite piece of cardio equipment and it's where I get my best cardio workout. I thought that was a sign from God that I need to get serious about losing weight.

A lot of people might think I'm on the road to going back up to 240 pounds, but for the first time in my life, I don't think that's going to happen. I started this journey February 2008. I've been under 180 since July 2008 (yes, I lost 60 pounds in the first six months). I've been down to 152 since that time and up as high as 179. I'm pretty sure I can stop this freight train I'm on of gaining weight and shift gears back to what has become my normal. Healthy eating and exercise (and losing weight!).

Besides the tight jeans that made me physically ill today, here's a good visual to help me get my butt in gear 110%. I was looking at some pictures on a friend's Facebook page and stumbled on this picture taken of me at at wedding three years ago. I weighed 240 pounds. That's me in the black dress. I remember how awful I felt, big, fat, hot (that's hot not in a good way, sweaty hot), and ugly. It's not a feeling I want to re-visit. Today's jean fiasco was as close as I want to get to that time in my life.


I had a post up for a few hours and then realized that although I planned on getting it up days sooner, I probably should wait until my guest post on another site went up first.  Oops!  I don't want to do a blogger no-no.  So I'll talk about something else for now.

I don't have a picture for this, I could go take one of the left overs that sits in the fridge, but the photo wouldn't be appealing.  I'll spare you.

Ben was in the kitchen yesterday being creative and he stumbled on something fantastic!  Our tomato production is yet to get into full swing and we don't have enough to make what we normally do with our tomatoes ie.spaghetti sauce, salsa, bowls of chopped tomatoes with mozzarella and basil.

In efforts to use up the many zucchini we have, Ben had the girls chop up zucchinis in little chunks.  He went ahead and made salsa like we usually do and added the zucchini to make up for the lack of tomatoes.  It looked a lot like gazpacho.  I had some yesterday in a bowl and it was okay.  But today, when I went at it like salsa with a chip, it was AMAZING!  Next time we make it, I'll take a photo when it's fresh and pretty!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Its Back To School Time-do You Have Your Tools Ready?

Good Morning & Happy August Neighbors!

Did you thrive in July or did you just survive? I'm on the "survival" list & happy to turn a page on the new month today! August & September are my favorite months of the year; I especially love the excitement of a new school year! fresh notebooks, pens & pencils. Tons... of new things to learn & experience! How about you - are you excited for a new

Thursday, July 29, 2010

So how's that working out for you Diana?

I was raving to my girlfriend about God Women and Food, about how wonderful it is to not be consumed by thoughts of food. I eat when I'm hungry, which is a really new concept for me. I eat what I want, and surprisingly I don't crave sweets. I eat healthy food, and I don't weigh or measure my portions.

As I'm telling my girlfriend how great this is and how free I feel, she asked the inevitable question, so how's that working out for weight loss? The honest answer to that question is that it's not working out at all for weight loss.

I've been home for four days. I'm still on vacation if you call cleaning house, doing mounds of laundry, vet visits, and a Costco run and grocery shopping a vacation.

I've been eating pretty much when and what I want, including handfuls of Thai Curry Cashews that I discovered in the bulk foods in the "nutritional" food center at Fred Meyers. My recommendation is to stay away from those things because they are addictive (and full of calories and fat).

Here's the strange thing. My weight on Monday morning after nine days of eating out, desserts and really eating what I wanted, was 173 pounds (up seven pounds). My weight this morning is still 173.

Now that would be a wonderful thing IF I was at goal. I am NOT at my goal weight.

My conclusion is probably pretty obvious to anyone reading this. Although the theory of eating when you're hungry and eating what you want sounds really good, it's not really working out for me. I want to LOSE weight, not maintain my weight and especially not at 173.

I'm not giving up on Geneen's ideas in Women Food and God because I think they're valid and most of them can work for me, I just have to be a little more restrictive in order to lose weight. I don't plan on torturing myself with a strict 100% on plan "diet" or starving myself. I do plan on going back to counting Points, starting today.

It's also back to the gym six days a week since that seems to work out best for me. I've been going every other day this week and it makes me feel lazy and like I'm cheating. When I work out really hard I want to eat better (no cashews).

I'm on Chapter ten of Women Food and God, The GPS from the Twilight Zone. This is the chapter where she talks about The Voice. I really like this chapter so far. Here's an excerpt from pages 130-131:

The Voice feels and sounds so much like you that you believe it is you. You think you are telling yourself the truth. And you are utterly convinced that without The Voice as your conscience, your wild and unruly tendencies would run amok.

Let's take an example that probably occurs with alarming frequency, possibly many times a day. You are humming along with your morning routine when you try on an old pair of pants. Uh-oh. You can't get your right leg into the designated hole.The hole that just last year was already a size bigger than the year before. The Voice says, Look at you! You are pathetic! Your thighs are the size of the Rocky Mountains. You look down at the appendages in question. Hmm, you think, my thighs really are taking over my body, the living room, the neighborhood. The Voice says, You should be ashamed of yourself! You agree. You think, I am ashamed of myself, look how I've let myself go. The Voices says, Bad bad bad. You think, Bad thighs, Bad me.

A few minutes later you notice that you feel as if you've been vaporized. In the space that you once occupied there is a ghostly dread and a vague feeling of being needy, weak and fat. Within minutes, you've ricocheted into feeling as if your life is not worth anything.


Nothing--not one thing--has changed since earlier this morning when you felt spunky, feisty, irreverent. The objective fact is that you can't fit into your pants. The reality is that you've gained weight in the last few months. But why should gaining weight have the power to devastate every last shred of your well-being? Why can't you realize you've gained weight and make some decisions about how to proceed with some degree of wisdom and self-worth?

Sound familiar? It's like a chapter taken right out of my life that I've repeated over and over for decades. Geneen continues on with how to deal with the voice. I'm only half-way through this chapter, but so far, it's one of my favorites.