Monday, August 23, 2010

Feta Chicken Salad

Refreshing Summer Fare For Healthy Diets

Cooked chicken tossed with fresh vegetables and dressing topped with pungent feta cheese and served over mixed salad greens is an excellent way to enjoy a healthy high protein meal full of flavor and nutrients. Use left-over roast chicken from a previous meal or take advantage of deli rotisserie chicken being careful to remove all skin and bones.


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Why I haven't been posting very often

My posts have been few and far between these days. Last week I only posted once. That usually means something bad in the blog world. If that's what you're thinking, you're right.

I'm kind of in a funk lately. Not exactly depressed, but not my usual happy self. I'm finding it harder and harder to even fake happiness, and usually I'm pretty good at faking happy. In fact, I'm so good at it I can usually talk myself out of a bad mood just by pretending to be happy. Lately though, it's just not that easy.

I wonder if maybe this is depression and what if I feel like this forever. Is that what people feel like when they're clinically depressed and seek out psychiatric help and antidepressants? Okay, maybe I'm not that sad, I'm just kind of sad. I'm not happy where I am at this point of my life, on many levels, but I'm not quite ready for nut house.

I'm reading all your blogs, but I'm not commenting. No particular reason, just that I always feel rushed and exhausted. Plus, honestly, I say the same old thing over and over. It's never really inspiring or helpful. Just the same old thing. I wish I had some worthy bits of wisdom to share, but I'm struggling myself so I don't feel anything I have to say is worthwhile. If I had the answers, I'd fix myself.

My personal weight loss journey has come to a standstill. I'm not gaining weight, but I'm up 20 pounds from my lowest weight in the last two years (175.6 this morning). I'm not losing weight. More importantly, I'm not really trying anymore. I've become lazy, bored, and just tired of it all.

I still exercise, but lately my heart really hasn't been into it. I'm finding it difficult to make myself get out of bed in the mornings and get to the gym. Instead of working out six or seven times a week, I've cut back to four times a week.

I haven't been tracking my food either. I usually start out with good intentions, but about halfway through my day, I usually just give up.

My eating isn't terrible, I'm not eating junk food unless you call the Dreyers 70 calories Pomegranate frozen juice bars junk food (and they are sort of). Other than that one thing, my food is completely healthy and wholesome, but my servings are too large.

So what am I going to do about this situation? I honestly don't know. I'd kick my own butt if I could, but I just don't have the energy nor the desire anymore. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I need to get out of this mood I've been in. I miss the old me.

There were a few things that made me smile this week:

1. I tried to call Riverroad Animal Hospital on my Blackberry using my Bluetooth. I said, "Call Riverroad". The phone said, "Call rrrr-rrrr?". I thought, well, sort of sounds like Riverroad. I said "yes". Phone said "Calling rrrr-rrrr". It called Linda Mathys (my niece). Really, Linda Mathys sounds like "Riverroad"?

2. I constantly forget to lock my cell phone when I throw it in my purse. As a result, it's always yelling at me "Say a command!". Yesterday I said, "Just shut up and turn off!". The phone said "Voice prompts off". Blessed silence. Then I had a moment of my panic because I didn't know how to turn voice prompts back on.."turn on" worked.

3. I was sitting at my desk at work today (and yes, today is Sunday!), stepping through the same chunk of code for five freaking hours and not being able to figure out why my web service call kept failing, I literally said out loud to myself (alone in the office): "I wish I was smarter!".  Then it occurred to me to to take the web service error I was getting and search for it in Google. The first search result that came back said to check the CurrentState of the object. That was the problem! Okay, so I'm not smart, but Google is smart (thank you Larry Page and Sergey Brin!).

4. I was listening to a new Ke$ha song on my iPod. I wanted to know the name of the song so I pressed the middle button, the iPod said "My First Kiss featuring Kah-dollar-sign-ha 303". It's obviously Ke$ha
30H!3. No wonder iPod is confused!

5. Thursday was my twenty-second wedding anniversary. After work my husband met me at a restaurant for dinner. When I pulled into the parking lot he was standing there holding a dozen peach roses and the sweetest card he's ever given me. I haven't exactly been a joy to live with lately so I was surprised. It made me smile.

I guess life isn't all black and horrible. As my mom would say, this too shall pass. :)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Weight Loss Power of Peppermint Tea

peppermint tea lose weight

Lose Weight by drinking Peppermint Tea

While British women are known for their strange fad diets, like the "eat only curried beets" plan, the latest U.K. trend which is Drinking peppermint tea, may actually work.

Drinking six cups of the brew daily helped dieters shed 30 pounds in six months.

The reason: A peppermint-leaf compound called menthofuran signals fullness in the brain's satiety center, which helps people eat less.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Late Night Junk Food Snacking

Check out this fun video. Anita Renfroe parodies Carrie Underwood's video for those who want to reconsider the next trip to the fridge.

Get Rid of Love Handles by Eating Broccoli

broccoli lose weight and belly fat

Have a Mushy Middle? Add Broccoli florets to your Salad to rid your love handles

Add four or five broccoli florets if you're having a salad to raise the body's levels of the enzyme glutathione S-transferase (GST) by up to 42% and lose that stubborn belly fat.

GST quadruples the rate at which the liver flushes the body of fat-trapping toxins and burns fat for fuel, tapping into the fat stores located nearest to it (the belly) first!

Love making a salad? Here's a startling advice: 

Did you know that fatty dressings can be good for you?
Walk right past the fat-free dressings in favor of regular varieties. When paired with fat-free dressing, practically none of the beneficial antioxidants in salad, such as beta-carotene and vitamin E, is absorbed by the body, reveals research from Iowa State University in Ames.

In combination with healthy fats like those in avocados and olives, 1 Tbs. to 2 Tbs. of full-fat dressing enhances antioxidant absorption from veggies by 92 percent.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Apples: Boost weight loss success by as much as 33%

apples for weight loss

Boost weight loss success by as much as 33% just by eating Apples.

Noshing on an unpeeled apple can eliminate cravings and increase the amount of weight you lose on any diet by 33%.

A recent study in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that enjoying an apple before a meal curbs appetite for up to 4 hours, and Brazilian researchers discovered that the habit can boost weight loss success by as much as 33%.

Having an apple before lunch prevents the blood sugar dips that trigger cravings for sweets or carbohydrates later in the day.

The reason for this amazing weight loss boost: Apples are one of the richest sources of pectin, a soluble fiber that turns into a sticky gel-like substance in the gut and adheres to simple sugar, stalling their absorption into the bloodstream, according to Cambridge University Researchers.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Homemade Coriander

We discovered coriander a couple of years ago and we honestly use it as much as salt.  It adds a citrus flair to your foods and we add it to everything.  Fabulous on beef, chicken, vegetables, salsa, get the idea.

Recently, we had cilantro growing in our garden.  We enjoy growing the herb for our Mexican dishes, but we have a hard time going it.  It quickly goes to seed.

Outside recently, one of us thought that coriander was from cilantro seed.  If you are familiar with these two flavors, you know they are entirely different.  I giggled to myself when I tasted one of the cilantro seeds and proved that they really are coriander.

It was fun to separate these little pods from the dried cilantro plant.  A little touch from the food processor, and we will have the freshest coriander we've ever had.