Monday, August 30, 2010


I've had a stressful summer.  Too much to do and not enough time to do it in.  Sound familiar? We all have stress in our lives and for me, there are times I can handle it and other times when I can't.

When I can't handle it, I take my stress out with eating.  For me, I ate more this summer than I usually do.  Come to think of it, I didn't eat that much worse than I have all year as I maintained my weight loss.  But I am currently a good 10 pounds heavier now.  Why?  I haven't been exercising!  When I say exercising is key, I mean it!!  I can have a little allowance with my eating if I am working out, if I'm not, my weight just creeps back on, every time.

Right now I sit here and I can feel my waist line cut into my tummy.  I HATE this feeling and yet it's back.  The first thing I need to do is make time for the elliptical.  Even if I don't change my snacking or stress relieving methods, the workouts will help with maintaining so I can stay in my snug pants (for now) instead of having to buy the next size.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Juice Detox Diet: Lose 27 lbs in 14 days

juicing diet

Lose 27 lbs in 14 days: New Juice Detox Diet Rebalances Body pH to Burn Fat 197 percent Faster

Discovered! The body-chemistry balancer that Melts Away Fat Impossibly Fast!

Although winter has traditionally been thought of as the time of year when pounds creep on, summer is quickly becoming the true weight-gain season.

A blanket of heat and humidity literally traps environmental pollution at ground level, report scientists at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. Since the pollution can't drift up into the atmosphere, as it does in the winter, you end up breathing it in. And when humidity is high, it's particularly difficult to sweat out all the toxins. Plus, summer is a time of chronic dehydration, which hinders the liver's toxin-flushing abilities.

The impact on your health: Inside the body, environmental toxins that haven't been excreted are converted into acidic by-products, says Roni DeLuz, R.N., N.D., author of 21 Pounds in 21 Days: The Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox (Collins, 2007). As these acids accumulate, the thyroid, liver, gallbladder, lymphatic system and other weight-controlling organ systems falter. The body also slows metabolic rate to increase fat storage since fat cells serve as depots to stash acidic compounds. This gets harmful toxins out of circulation, DeLuz says. But it makes weight gain almost inevitable, he adds.

The quick fix for acid overload:
Research at California's Stanford University and elsewhere reveals that, just as acid buildup causes rapid weight gain, deacidifying fat cells causes the weight to virtually fall off. In fact, women have shed 160 pounds of fat, bloat and stored toxins simply by drinking alkaline juices designed to normalize the body's pH balance.

The truly wonderful thing about drinking juice to lose weight isn't just that it's easier than eating tons of produce- it's actually more effective. Sure, juicing maximizes the amount of healing compounds that can be consumed each day, says DeLuz, pointing out that you can squeeze all the nutrients in a pound of fresh spinach into one 8 oz. glass. But better still, the juicing process breaks open tough plant-cell walls, which triples the amount of nutrients absorbed into the bloodstream.

These nutrients then go straight to work to neutralize acid, stimulate the release of stored fat and improve the body's ability to flush fat-trapping chemicals. Juicing detox has proven so effective that most women enjoy increased energy, clearer skin and improved digestion after just one day, says DeLuz. And women have gone on to shed 31 pounds or more in just three weeks.

Learn your pH. You can determine your pH in just 15 seconds with a testing strip (like pHion pH Test Strips for Urine & Saliva (at drugstores and

Weight loss is just the beginning.
When body acidity is corrected and cellular pH is balanced, thousands of biochemical reactions within tissues can be optimized, says Michelle Schoffro Cook, doctor of natural medicine and author of The Ultimate pH Solution: Balance Your Body Chemistry to Prevent Disease and Lose Weight (Collins, 2008). The result, according to doctors at Stanford University School of Medicine:

Day 2: GI problems are cured
Day 3: Thinking becomes sharper
Day 14: Skin clears up completely
Day 30: Female hormones are fully balanced

Next >> Juicing for Weight Loss: Juicing Detox that will make you lose 2 lbs every day

Juicing for Weight Loss: Juicing Detox that will make you lose 2 lbs every day

juice cleansing diet

Juicing Detox Plan: Expect to lose 31 lbs in 3 weeks!

Fresh juice can be a miracle slimmer.

Note Stanford University researchers, thanks to its uniquely high concentration of alkalinizing, detoxifying plant compounds.

This simple juice detox three-week diet will provide you with a minimum of 22 daily servings of fruit and veggies in the form of nutrient-dense juices.

You'll absorb thousands of acid-neutralizing, detoxifying nutrients every day, which is the key to shedding fat effortlessly- and permanently, says naturopathic physician Roni DeLuz, R.N., N.D. Expect to lose up to 31 pounds in three weeks and heal stubborn health challenges- fast!

Diet in a nutshell. Enjoy unlimited amounts of fresh juice, aiming for at least one 8 oz. glass every two hours. For best results, switch up the recipes: USDA research suggests that consuming at least six different plant foods daily can triple your intake of acid-neutralizing phytonutrients.

A Sample Day to Jump-Start Your Juicing Detox

Breakfast energizer: In juicer, combine
3 large carrots, trimmed
1 cucumber
1/2 beet
1/2 peeled lemon
and 1" piece fresh ginger root.
Drink along with 8 oz. warm water or herbal tea.

Mid morning perk-up:In juicer combine
1 cup mixed berries, like raspberries, strawberries and blueberries
1 cored apple
and 2 cucumbers.

Power Lunch: In juicer, combine
1/2 cucumber
1 large handful spinach
3 carrots, trimmed
2 stalks celery
1/2 beet (with greens)
and 1/2 lemon.
Enjoy with 8 oz. iced herbal tea.

Mid-afternoon refresher: In juicer, combine
2 cored apples
1 cucumber
and 1 large handful dandelion greens or spinach.
Or simply mix 1 Tbs. Macro Greens supplement into 8 oz. apple juice.

Satisfying supper: In juicer, combine
3 medium tomatoes
1 cucumber
1 small handful cilantro
1 red bell pepper
and 1/2 peeled lime.
Serve in bowl; add dash of hot sauce, if desired.

Evening treat: In juicer, combine
1 cup mixed berries
1 cucumber
and 1/2 peeled grapefruit.
Enjoy with 1 large glass iced herbal tea.

Weak 4 and beyond...
In addition to flushing fat, this juice detox diet restores your liver's ability to produce detoxifying enzymes, plus rejuvenates mitochondria (cellular furnaces) so they can burn body fat for energy. Weight will continue to melt off as long as you dodge metabolism-stalling toxins and keep your body's pH in the optimal range, says DeLuz.

To do:
1. Think 1-2-3. Have 1 glass of juice, 2 pieces of fruit, 3 cups of veggies daily.
2. Go green. If one of your daily veggies isn't a green salad, mix 1 Tbs. of green super-food powder into juice.
3. Eat quality protein and fat. Think fish, lean meat, skinless poultry, eggs and protein powder. Nix chemical-laden processed meats and fried foods.

Juicing made easy.

At first glance, juicing may seem work-intensive, admits DeLuz. But with the right tools and a little know-how, juicing can be a pleasant experience that's actually faster and easier than preparing regular meals.

Here, the top strategies DeLuz recommends for a no-sweat, super-speedy weight loss.

Get the right juicer.Machines with a 1/3 to 1/2 horsepower rating are better able to quickly and efficiently process tough vegetables, like beets. A large feeding tube (at least 3 inches wide) eliminates the need to cut up produce and makes cleanup easier. And a stable base with evenly distributed weight can prevent leak-inducing vibrations. Try the Breville Juice Fountain Compact BJE200XL , which was also highly rated by Consumer Reports.

Buy these items organic: Choosing organic apples, cherries, peaches, imported grapes, berries, bell peppers, celery and spinach cuts your toxin exposure by as much as 80 percent, according to researchers at the University of Stirling in the United Kingdom. For other produce, rinse (or gently scrub) with a mixture of 4 Tbs. apple cider vinegar and 1 gallon water. Vinegar's malic acid and tartaric acid dissolve toxin residue.

Don't bother with the peeler: Peels contain up to 27 times more antioxidant activity than the pulp of produce, according to a study in the journal Nutrition Research. So toss unpeeled fruit and veggies into your juicer. The exception: citrus (the white pith can make juice taste bitter).

While a juice cleansing diet is the quickest, most effective way to rid the body of fat-trapping acidic compounds, simply increasing your intake of alkaline foods can dramatically improve energy and vitality, plus heal digestive upsets, boost immunity and jump-start weight loss.

Avocados:These gems deliver quality plant protein and omega-9 fatty acids. Omega-9s alkalinize the body and stave off hunger and cravings, says Michelle Schoffro Cook, doctor of natural medicine and author of The Ultimate pH Solution: Balance Your Body Chemistry to Prevent Disease and Lose Weight (Collins, 2008). In a study at the University of California at Riverside, women lose up to 10 pounds in two months just by adding an avocado to their daily diet.

Lemons: This tart fruit may taste acidic, but when digested, its unique phytonutrients (including hesperidin, d-limonene and d-glucarate) become powerfully alkalinizing. Plus, studies suggest that lemon's antioxidants enhance the liver's ability to break down toxins by up to 35 percent. For maximum cleansing benefits, sip three glasses of fresh lemonade daily. (Combine the juice of 4 lemons with 8 cups of filtered water and 1 tsp. of stevia).

Leafy greens: Plants such as spinach, Swiss chard and wheat grass are nature's most potent detoxifiers, thanks to their rich stores of acid-neutralizing calcium, magnesium and potassium. They're also packed with chlorophyll, a plant pigment that enhances the liver's ability to burn fat for fuel, adds Roni DeLuz, R.N., N.D., author of 21 Pounds in 21 Days: The Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox (Collins, 2007). According to UCLA researchers, eating just 2 cups of leafy greens daily kick-starts weight loss, plus banishes fatigue, brain fog and other symptoms of acidity within two weeks.

-Source: First

Where I've been...

So sorry for my absence.  I've been out of town and had no internet access!  I wasn't too concerned knowing I wouldn't have internet access because I still had my iPhone to keep me connected.  What a surprise it was when I walked into our rented beach house and had NO SIGNAL.

I honestly panicked for a moment.  Some of my first thoughts were, "What if I need someone at home? What if I'm needed?" (I'm responsible for our youth program at church) I also enjoy checking in on Twitter friends throughout the day and I wondered what it would be like if a week passed without checking. Would I be forgotten, would I forget who I enjoyed talking to?  Yea, pretty petty thoughts.  But my biggest legit concern was, "What if some horrific world calamity took place while we are here and I have no way of calling for help?" That's a legit concern, right?  I have four children, three of which aren't good swimmers, and we are by the ocean, what if something happened?  (Have I ever mentioned that I am a worry wort?)  I enjoy the comfort of knowing that if anything happened, I could call 911 and have help within minutes.

Luckily, after we got unpacked and I went out on the beach in front of our temporary home, away from the big hill behind the house, I found 5 bars and 3G.  I was comforted to know that if I needed anything, anything at all, I just needed to run out to the ocean and dial away. :oD

We had a wonderful time with family and the sun, now it's time to get back into the swing of things.  A brand new year of home schooling starts tomorrow and life is about to merge into the fast lane.

Here is a view from our house:

A photo of my cousin and I. 
(Please disregard my lack of make-up, 
I was on vacation from EVERYTHING!!)

The Benefits of Stretching

For many people, stretching seems to be that unnecessary part of the exercise session that is both time consuming and for no foreseeable benefit. It is quite often squeezed into the remaining few minutes of the session, pushed aside to later or even left out all together.

But are you in fact significantly limiting your potential exercise and fitness gains by neglecting stretching on a regular basis?

Recent studies have suggested that stretching may in fact be important for all individuals, for a number of reasons. Benefits for undertaking in regular stretching throughout or after an exercise session include:

  • Improved flexibility, stamina (muscle endurance) and muscular strength
  • Reduced muscle tension and soreness
  • Improved body alignment and posture
  • Decreased risk of injury and aids in faster recovery from injury
  • Improved circulation
  • Improved mental alertness by reducing anxiety, stress and fatigue
  • Makes you feel better throughout exercise and post-exercise

There are a few different types of stretching available and depending on the activity level and time constraints you have, will determine which best suits you. The easiest and often the most effective is a type known as static stretching. This simply involves increasing the length of the particular muscle group that you would like to stretch and then holding that position for 15-30 seconds. Although there is a wide range of research available on stretching, a proven stretching protocol is detailed below:

  1. Increase the stretch to a point of muscle stretch, not into pain
  2. Hold the stretch for between 15-30 seconds
  3. Perform for both sides of the body and try to include all major muscle groups
  4. Perform this 3 days per week

Stretching is an easy and often relaxing way to wind down from exercise. Make time for stretching in the last ten minutes of your gym session or at the end of your regular walk.

To help you get started we have put together some upper and lower body stretches. Click here to view our stretching exercise sheets


  1. Malliaropoulos, N. Papalexandris, S. Papalada, A. Papacostas, E. 2004, 'The Role of Stretching in Rehabilitation of Hamstring Injuries: 80 Athletes Follow-Up', Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 756-759.
  2. Octavian, C. 2010, 'The Importance of Good Flexibility and Stretching Movements in Fitness and Body Building Training', Body Building Science Journal, vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 97-107.
  3. Shrier, I. Gossal, K. 2000, 'Myths and Truths of Stretching - Individualized Recommendations for Healthy Muscles', The Physician and Sports Medicine, vol. 28, no. 8, pp. 1-11.

Snacking the Healthy Way

It is often debated whether snacking between meals is healthy or not. Having a scheduled snack between main meals is a good way to control hunger and prevent over-eating at lunch or dinner. However, continuously snacking or picking at food can be an easy way to increase your energy intake and can lead to weight gain.

Healthy snacking is:
  • Plan a scheduled morning tea, afternoon tea or small supper
  • For the average person, the calorie content of a snack should be around 100-200 calories or approximately 420-840kJ
  • A snack should contain minimal saturated fat

Having a snack that contains a source of protein will additionally help keep you more satisfied. Snacks containing protein are indicated with an asterisk (*).

Healthy snacks:

  • Fresh piece of fruit
  • 200g tub of low fat yoghurt *
  • Dried fruit and nut packs (40g) *
  • Fruit and nut bar *
  • Slice of raisin toast with a spread of ricotta *
  • 2 small pikelets with jam
  • Rice/corn thins with low fat cheese spread/hummus/vegemite
  • Vegetable sticks with hummus dip
  • Muesli bar (Carmen's muesli bar is an excellent brand)
  • Skinny cappucino/latte/flat white *
  • Small tin of baked beans *
  • Tinned fruit
  • Up and Go *
  • Rice crackers or vitaweats with low fat cheese (30g) *
  • Air-popped popcorn
  • Boiled egg *
  • Low fat milk smoothie *

The Highs and Lows of Cholesterol Levels

Almost half of all Australians have high cholesterol levels, but why is this so statistic so significant? What exactly are the risks associated with having high blood cholesterol levels? Often we hear that having high cholesterol is unhealthy, but we aren't often told why this is the case.

Essentially, too much cholesterol circulating in our blood results in fatty deposits developing in our arteries. This causes the artery wall vessels to narrow and they can eventually become blocked which can lead to heart disease and stroke (1).

Cholesterol is a type of fat that is part of all animal cells. It is essential for many metabolic processes in the body and is found in certain foods; however there is no need to eat foods high in cholesterol (2). High cholesterol foods are often foods that are also high in saturated fats and these foods should be limited in a healthy diet. The foods that are likely to increase your cholesterol levels include fatty meats, full fat dairy products and most takeway foods, cakes and pastries.

Health authorities recommend that cholesterol levels should be no higher than 5.5mmol/L if you have no other risk factor present (1). The most important thing you can do to reduce your cholesterol levels is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, which includes:
  • Maintain a healthy body weight
  • Reduce your intake of saturated fat
  • Eat low fat dairy products
  • Remove visible fats from meat and skin from chicken before eating
  • Choose margarines and cooking oils containing polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats
  • Eat fish 2-3 times per week
  • Increase your intake of foods that are high in soluable fibre and antioxidants, such as fruit and vegetables
  • Exercise for at least 30 minutes per day
  • Avoid smoking

If you are doing the above and still have high cholesterol you may need to try medication to get your levels down. But even with medication, it is important to maintain a healthy diet, healthy weight and exercise regularly.


  1. 2009, 'National Heart Foundation of Australia - The Dietary Fats and Dietary Cholesterol for Cardiovascular Health Review,

  2. Mann, J. Truswell, AS. 2002, 'Essentials of Human Nutrition', Second Edition, New York: Oxford University Press.