Sunday, October 3, 2010

Tips For Weight Loss


    Change out cans of commercial cooking oil spray and make your own. Spray cans of oil can be expensive. An inexpensive mister bottle holds your own high-quality oil for a fraction of the price and it tastes just as good.


    Most 100-calorie snack packs are smaller servings of junk food. Change them for healthy 100-cal snack, such as half apple, sliced and spread with 2 teaspoons or peanut or almond butter; 12 to 15 raw almonds or 10 dry-roasted cashews; 1 hard-boiled egg; or 2 tablespoons hummus with 12 cherry tomatoes.


    An 8-ounce glass of orange juice has nearly as many as two whole oranges. A whole orange has much more fiber (about 7 grams) and slows the release of blood sugar. It is also more filling.


    Top your next bowl of chili with diced avocado instead of cheese. A quarter-cus of chopped avocado has half the calories of the same amount of shredded Chedder cheese, plus better fats and no cholesterol.

Make Simple Weight Loss Foods

Make simple healthy foods and weight loss foods
  • STOCK YOUR HOME with healthier foods and you are like to eat healthier. It really is that very simple! On your next trip to the supermarket, try some of these ideas and see how making small food changes can bring about to big health rewards.


    When choosing oils to add your salad, skip the premade dressings that can contain trans fats and opt for a tablespoon of sesame oil, extra virgin olive oil, or walnut oil. You will get more flavor (and nutrient) bang for the same calorie buck.


    Make a mini-pizza that satisfies your craving while cutting carbs and slashing calories. An average Protobello mushroom has only 27 calories. Mushrooms have meaty texture and rich flavor, and they are loaded with antioxidants and other nutrients. Top a grilled Portobello cap with sauce and low-fat cheese and you have a no-guilt pizza treat.


    Try making a healthier, lower-carb lasagna by replacing the pasta in your favorite lasagna recipe with thin slices of grilled or broiled zucchini or eggplant.


    This change is a favorite at the ranch. Instead of pairing cottage cheese with something sweet, add 1/2 cup of salsa to 1/2 cup of cottage cheese. A half cup of salsa satisfies one of your daily vegetable servings and contains only 21 calories. Salsa is also a great replacement for sour cream on your quesadilla or burrito—a savings of more than 200 calories per 1/2 cup.


    Also known as the Mexican potato, jicama is a sweet edible root that makes a delicious impostor for your favorite dip. One cup of raw jicama slices contains 45 calories, 6 grams of fiber, and nearly 40 percent of your daily vitamin C.


    Like pasta, potatoes are downfall for many people. Try replacing potatoes with other root vegetables (turnips, parsnips, rutabagas) and roasting them with fresh herb, olive oil, and a sprinkle of salt.


    Milk is an exception. That is because most of us are not getting our daily calcium requirements to build and maintain strong bones. The next time you make hot cereal or soup, try changing part of the water or broth for milk. You will get a richer flavor and calcium boost.


    Give your sandwich a protein makeover by tossing the slices of while bread and wrapping your sandwich fixing in a leaf or two of romaine lettuce. When you do have a serious bread craving, be sure to choose whole grain bread.


    Instead of the usual iceberg lettuce, try using spinach or romaine in your salads and sandwiches. These darker greens contain more nutrients and add a different flavor and texture to your salad.


    Compared with traditional bacon strips. Canadian bacon has 35% less sodium, 65% less calories, and 75% less fat. And it is just as delicious. Enough said.


    Cutting back on egg yolks slashes cholesterol and cuts calories by 75%. That is because the yolk is nearly all fat (and the white is nearly pure protein). To make a gradual change, use one whole egg mixed three whites in your next omelet or scramble. Compared with three whole eggs, you will save 100 calories and 9 grams fo fat, and increase the protein by 25%.

  • CHANGE PEAS FOR SOYBEAN(EDAMAME) The similar appearance of these two pale green pods belies the fact that they are different nutritionally and flavor-wise. Soybean(Edamame) are loaded with heart-healthy fats and contain twice as much protein as peas do. So while Soybean(Edamame) have a few more calories, you can eat less of them and feel fuller than.


    Satisfy and ice cream craving with all-fruit bars made from unsweetened fresh fruit. You will save yourself up to 170 calories and 16 grams of fat per serving, and you will benefit from the vitamins and antioxidants in the fruit.


    Next time you are whipping up your favorite rice or noodle dish, kick up the protein and fiber levels by stirring in lentils instead. A half cup of cooked lentils has a whopping 10 grams of protein.


    Granola adds texture as a topping for yogurt or cereal but many varieties are loaded with sugar, fat, and calories. Sprinkle on a tablespoon of crushed almonds or walnuts instead and get the benefit of heart-healthy omega-3s plus protein with your crunch.


    A classic cheese and cream Alfredo sauce can contain more than 200 calories and 20 grams of fat per dish. Tomato-based sauces tent to be much lighter in calories and fat. If you crave cheese with your pasta, sprinkle on a tablespoon of freshly grated Parmesan or Romano and you will add less than 25 calories.


    Antioxidant-rich green tea offers many health benefits-including lowered blood pressure, decreased cholesterol absorption, defense against cancer, and protection from tooth decay. It has also been reported that green tea can boost metabolism. In one study, people who drank 3 to 4 cups daily burned an additional 80 calories.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

It's not allergies

I woke up this morning feeling extremely tired. My nose was itchy and stuffy. I thought it was just allergies.

It really didn't occur to me I might have a cold. Even though my coworkers and my husband were sick this past wwek with a cold, I just assumed because I'm so strong and healthy it wouldn't take me down.

I was wrong. I'm beyond miserable right now. You know the feeling. Stuffed up nose, sore throat, agony.

Other than that, I had a good day.

1.) I restarted my scarf.

2.) Read another chapter in "Such A Pretty Face". The further I get in this book the more I love it.

3.) Grocery shopped.

4.) A great gym workout (36 minutes cardio, 40 minutes weight lifting).

5.) Stopped fighting with my husband. Last night we had a very bad disagreement. That always seems to happen when one of us gets totally wrapped up in work. We've made our apologies and things are good.

6.) Dropped off another bag of junk treasures to the Goodwill. My closet is looking good with almost bare floors and empty shelf space. I love getting rid of stuff. It's so freeing to just let go of things. They're just things, not treasures to me.

7.) Had a go-around with my pharmacist. Long story but it didn't end well for me. Someone messed up my asthma prescription and the pharmacist said I'd already picked it up today. Not true. Insurance wouldn't pay for a second prescription in same day. If I wanted it then I needed to fork over $340 dollars for a one month supply (Advair). Um, no, I don't think so. Hopefully I don't stop breathing over the weekend. My mistake for letting it run out...I guess.

8.) This is BIG - I tracked all my food today! Every single bite. 20.5 Points. I earned 7 Activity Points. I get 21 Points a day and usually eat the extra five (35 weeklies), plus lately, a bunch more. Today, I'm just not hungry.

9.) I discovered the Honeycrisp apples I've been eating, the gargantuan are actually 4 Points. Ouch.

And with that last thought, I'm going to bed.

Housebrick is back

Dunno if i ever mentioned this but we have a freaky lodger who we shall call Housebrick on here. He has a really wierd long old fashioned German name, but as its so unusual we will stick to his nickname.

He arrived home about 8:30 this evening. He has been on holiday with his wife for the last 2 weeks down at the tiny westernmost tip of England where the Cornish live. It has been blissssss.

He has a dog, called T, and it is more important than his wife. Everything revolves around the dog or his work and it gets very very very very very boring. He is very loud, very dominating, very know it all and I hate that.

Anyway, he is back. He couldn't have picked a better 2 weeks to be away seeing as I was sick for 10 days of it. There would have been no dinner to eat except for takeout and it would have cost me even more money!!! thank heavens for small merices!

Anyway, I am sure he will piss me off in the next day or so. He usually does. I will obviously let ya'll know about it ;-)

Its been another good day today, walked very quickly through a city near here to get some sports gear for DS before the shop shut and burned off 175 cals in the process. Very happy about that. That's what I love about Livestrong. Its really good for logging all your food and exercise and working it out to your personal body weight. Obviously Paris Hilton would burn far less calories than I would marching through the town, so its very clever how it gets that sorted and you don't have to guess!

Anyway, another good day with food, under the calorie limit for the day and off now to watch a bit of telly.

The non-weight loss goals

I'm trying not to put all my attention on my weight loss efforts because, well, because it makes me nuts. Totally and absolutely nuts. Not to mention it's as boring as watching paint dry.

For three years it's been my focus. Oh heck, it's been my focus for the past forty plus years. Off and on for all those years I worried about my weight. I'm still concerned about it, but I can't give it 100% of my attention 100% of the time.

The two non-weight loss goals for the week were knitting and reading. It turns out I love both! I knew I loved reading, but the knitting is a bit of a surprise to me.

The knitting is so much more rewarding than I remember. It's fun to actually create something useful with my own two hands. Sadly though, I was half-way done with the scarf when I realized there was a problem. Way back on about row four (I was on row fifty) it appeared I had dropped a stitch and there was a hole in my scarf! I counted the stitches and sure as anything I only had eleven on the needle, I was suppose to have twelve. I don't know how I didn't notice it before but I noticed it this morning. I had to rip the entire thing out and start over. Oh well.

The book I'm reading is one that I can't put down, and it's not about diet or exercise or intuitive eating. It's completely fictional, a novel. What a "novel" idea for me. The last few books I read that weren't health related were non-fiction murder stories by Ann Rule. I decided it was time to branch out on my reading and read something a.) non-fiction and b.) non-violent.

The book is "Such A Pretty Face" by Cathy Lamb. It's a story about a 32-year old woman that has lost 170 pounds through bariatric surgery. It's not about the weight loss or the surgery, it's about her life afterwards, and her crazy family, as well as about her life that led up to her gaining 170 pounds. It's entertaining, funny as heck, and I'm loving it. In fact, I could barely put it down today. I finally had to force myself to set down the book, put on my workout clothes and now I'm just about ready to walk out the door for the gym.

Thank you
I want to thank each and every one you that leave comments on my blog. I've been really bad lately about visiting other blogs and leaving comments, which I fully intend to rectify this weekend. I just want you to know that I read every comment, and I'm amazed at the kindness and consideration of strangers. But you aren't strangers to me at all. You're real people, and I greatly appreciate your comments. Your encouragement and your kind words mean the world to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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Weight Gain is Not a Moral Issue

Lately the bulk of the email I have received is about weight regain: from people who have put on weight after losing it with surgery and people who are afraid they will gain weight after working so hard to lose it. As I think about it I have never met a WLS patient who is not concerned about the weight coming back. When you think about it, it makes sense. By the time we are morbidly obese we