Sunday, October 31, 2010

Breast Reduction | Reduction Mammaplasty

Breast Reduction, although actually a reconstructive surgical procedure, is used to correct marked breast enlargement, out of proportion to body size, and causing significant back, neck, and shoulder pain, as well as a tendency to rashes and yeast infections in the folds under the breasts. The cause varies but is generally associated with genetic pre-disposition, hormone fluctuation (e.g. puberty, pregnancy, or menopause), or marked weight variation. Breast Reduction is a surgical method of size reduction of the breasts, relieving the weight burden, and usually producing an improvement in breast shape. Mastopexy or Breast Lift is a similar but distinct technique, designed to cosmetically restore a youthful breast shape and tissue firmness, but not remove any breast tissue. Insurance has traditionally covered the cost of Reduction Mammaplasty surgery (but not cosmetic Mastopexy), however, many HMO's and similar discount insurance schemes have found it convenient to deny this service by falsely labeling it "cosmetic surgery". Be aware that if you are trapped in one of these limited service insurance plans you have the legal and contractual right to appeal denials of necessary Reconstructive Plastic Surgery services. Every state has an Insurance Commission which oversees operations of such insurance schemes, and they are usually responsive to consumer healthcare complaints. Pre- and post-operative photos of several representative patients are displayed below.

Case 1 : A 23 year old woman with large breasts out of proportion to her 125 pounds underwent Breast Reduction to correct the disproportion.

breast reduction image Before and after photos of Breast Reduction are shown with a one year result. Note the deep shoulder grooves due over-sized bras. Also note how minimal the scars appear at this point. Relief of back, neck , and shoulder pain was complete, and virtually immediate. breast reduction side viewSide views of the same Reduction Mammaplasty result. Scars are located beneath the breast around the nipple/areola, and down the front of the breast in the shadows.

Case 2 : An otherwise healthy 24 year old female with very large breasts was seen for Breast Reduction surgery.
breast reduction case 2Before and after surgery photos are shown, at which time she is completely healed, and has achieved total relief of back, neck and shoulder pain that was solely related to her breast size. Significant breast asymmetry was corrected at the time of surgery as well. Scars will fade with time.

Case 3 : A 35 year old professional woman with very large breasts causing back, neck, and shoulder pain, rashes beneath the breasts, and neck muscle tension headaches.

breast reduction image

Photos before and three months after Breast Reduction Her symptoms were promptly relieved by this outpatient surgery.

breast reduction case 5

Side views before and after surgery. She returned to work at 10 days post-op.

Source :

Related Posts :

Breast Lift | Mastopexy

Breast Lift, or Mastopexy, is similar to Breast Reduction, except only the excess skin is removed, saving breast tissue volume and compacting it to restore breast shape and feel. Scars result, but are positioned to minimize visibility. With time the scars will fade, and flatten, usually producing a pleasing youthful result. Examples of mastopexy are presented below with post-op photos at about 3 months. Breast Lift or Mastopexy is usually performed in my Office Surgical Suite under Local Anesthesia with Sedation, minimizing cost .

Case 1 : A 26 year old with a history of one pregnancy underwent a Mastopexy or Breast Lift in the Office Operating Suite.

Before and after photos 3 months after a Breast Lift. Scars are placed around the areola, down the front of the breast, and in the fold beneath. Other techniques require only a scar around the areola, but necessitate a longer adjustment period until the skin relaxes to achieve the more youthful shape.

Lateral before and after views of result of Breast Lift or Mastopexy. Note that the scars are not at all visible from this viewpoint, and the nipples now project in the correct direction. A mid "C" cup size was restored.


Related Posts :
Breast Implants and Augmentation
Before After Pictures of Breast Augmentation
Different Cases of Breast Augmentation with photos
Breast Implants/Reduction Gone Wrong

Breast Implants | Reduction Gone Wrong

Case1: I just had breast reduction surgery done. My doctor failed to tell me that he removed my nipples during surgery. So here it was 4 weeks later, after seeing him 2 times a week, a scab came off one of my nipples after taking a bath and there was no nipple. I screamed! Where is it? Where is it? Oh my god, my worst nightmare! He didn't even tell me that he removed them. I am so angry at my doctor. I have lost a big part of what makes me feel like a woman. Its only been a few days since I found out that they are gone and while searching the internet, I can't find anyone else this has happend too. I asked him why he took them off and he said he thought it was the best thing to do at the time. I am so confused and sad over this. Does anyone know why a Dr. Would remove your nipples and keep the areole?

Reply: I'm sorry to say but this is really stupid. The fact that he removed you nipples I mean. It is true that the nipple and areola are removed from the skin during such surgery but they are placed afterwards. Your doctor not placing your nipple back is definetly wrong...I believe you can sue him for that. It is not professional. Furthermore he is not allowed to do anything without your approval unless it is a life threatening situation. And it wasn't in your case. What? What if he had done a mastectomy? Would he have motivated that he felt like doing that? Maybe he was tired and wanted to go home early? This can't be. You can't allow that. Talk to him and ask for reasons to why he has done this. Sue him if not and with the money go to a real doctor and try to have your nipples made. I believe it can be done. I just don't know how much you will feel afterwards. Good luck!

Case2: My name is kristina and I am 28 from california. I had a breast reduction 3yrs. Ago and suffered many complications. My surgeon was supposed to remove the nipples during the surgery and re-apply them st the end of the procedure. He claims that 15min. Before surgery I told him to do it keeping the blood flow attached during surgery (which I didn't). I chose the first method sice it had the greatest chance of survival for me. To make a rather long story short. Within the first two weeks I had lost both nipples and my insisian was seperating (about 8in. On one side and 6in. On the other)and much of my remaining tissue was falling out and dying off.
I now have no nipples, no remaining breast tissue, severe pain from the nerve damage, depression and lots of mental issues surounding all of it. I am currently in the middle of a case against the doctor who denies any responsibility, and claims it is because I did not take extra viamin c for the first two weeks after surgery. We are heading to trial this month and although having a financial win would be nice, I just want to make him suffer a little and make him understant and feel helpless like me for just a moment.

consult with your Dr. because it can go wrongCase3: About 4 hours after the surgery, my right breast began blowing up like a balloon. After calling the doctor's office 3 times, they finally agreed I should come back in.
The doctor said he couldn't wait for his anesthesiologist to get back to the office. He needed to open my breast back up asap to relieve the pressure. I can't tell you how horrifying it was. I gushed about a pint of blood when he pulled out the stitches. He said several large blood clots had formed and he needed to redo the surgery.
After about 1 hour of paging his anesthesiologist (who never returned), he called the hospital and told them send one over. (just across the street) the anesthesiologist did not want to put me back to sleep unless I was in the hospital. The plastic surgeon finally talked him into it. I was scared stiff....But way too out of it already to object.
A couple days after he said the blood flow was not good to my nipple and I almost lost it. He wanted to do another surgery immediately to remove it. I said no. I told him that I wanted to wait and that if any more surgery was to be done that I wanted it done in the hospital. The extra day saved my nipple from being removed permanently.
My breasts are still extremely sensitive a year & a half after surgery. The scaring isn't too bad, but when I lift my arm, there is a noticable dent under my breast. They are also mostly numb....Even tho I get terrible itching from nerve damage.
I've contemplated a law suit......Mainly due to the trauma of removing the stitches without anesthesia. And i'm also a cup size smaller than what I asked for. I have also suffered from some depression since.

Case4 : I had a breast reduction. A year and a half ago. They didnt really warn me about the whole nipple process...Well they cut them down, and they completely screwed up my nipples also. One is bigger than the other, the shape is out uneven, and they just look horrible. Im looking ot get mine fixed soon, its just been hard for me to want to undergo another plastic surgery when everythin with my breast reduction went wrong.

Case5 : I had a reduction done due to health reasons and it turned out to be awful. I to want to get the problem fixed but am scared now! I have two different size breast now and the nipple thing well I have lost part of one of mine do to an infection I recv. It took me on the third call to get them to see me back at the doctors office telling them that I didnt like I was seeing. I have nipples that point in different directions and I am a hell of alot smaller then what I had asked for. I went from a "ddd" to a "a" on one side and a "b" on the other side.....Talk about depression well that has happened to me ...Someone needs to get these doctors!!!

Case6 : I had a breast reduction done may 2006. I thought it was going to be the most wonderful thing I had ever done for myself. Boy was I wrong !!!! The surgery it self was bad enough, then to have bad results? My nipples ( though I still have sensation in then) sit extremely high. I ask my Dr. About my nipple placement, and his answer was that I had "bottomed out". I don't know exactly what that means, but a week later he performed additional surgery in his office under local anesthetic and removed a strip of skin( no tissue) to pull the nipples down. Not only would I not get completely numb, but I left his office with almost 90 stitches. The nipples are still all screwed up, and I am very flat. I wanted to be pain free and I am, now it is a mental pain. I look like a freak !!! I am looking into having more surgery (by a different Dr.) to correct this. I hope all goes better this time.

Case7 : I recently had a breast reduction and I have the same things going on. I was not aware at all that my nipples would be removed. When the procedure was done, the doctor told me that the blood flow was not good to my right nipple. He told me that he was unable to reattach the nipple, and that I only had the one on my left still on! I was furious, and the only thing he said was that he could take it off or leave it there. There was no way to reattach it. He also told me that there's around a 75% failure rate of these procedures. It's not very safe at all and usually women are not only dissatisfied with the results, they usually bear a large amount of pain afterwards. I am not happy and I'm currently trying to bring this to court. There is no reason for this. If only they would have told me this stuff beforehand, I would never have had it in the first place. None of this was worth getting my breasts smaller.

Ladies!! Collect as much information as you can, study the different cases where this procedure has changed the lives of women in negative way, don't mess up your breast, I guess you know how precious they are else you wouldn't be doing a surgery on them. May God bless all who Implant or Reduce their breast.

Wanna know more about Breast Augmentation? See these posts :
Breast Implants and Augmentation
Before After Pictures of Breast Augmentation
Different Cases of Breast Augmentation with photos
Other Related Posts :
Breast Lift or Mastopexy
Breast Reduction

Before After Pictures of Breast Augmentation

breast implants before after

augmentation before after pic
before after pic

breast augmentation before after image
before after pic

Related posts :

Breast Implants and Augmentation

Risks of Breast Augmentation

More Images : Before After Cases of Breast Augmentation with Pictures

Other Related Posts :
Breast Lift or Mastopexy
Breast Reduction

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Breast Augmentation Before and After Photos

Breast Augmentation involves surgical placement of Saline Implants in a submuscular space to enhance breast size and shape. I prefer to place saline breast implants beneath the pectoralis muscles in most cases to limit implant edge visibility, and the tendency to show visible wrinkling of the breast implant if it is closer to the skin surface. Further, placement beneath the muscle moves the implants to a position where there is minimal interference with future mammography and breast diagnostics. I usually accomplish sub-muscular placement of breast implants via the axillary (arm-pit) approach, thus avoiding the potential for heavy scarring on the breasts, and further, limiting the potential for injury to nerves to the skin and nipples. This approach provides a very natural contour, while allowing a substantial breast size increase and an earlier return to activity with no breast incision to protect. Apart from just achieving enlargement of the breasts, Breast Augmentation Mammaplasty can also be used to adjust the shape, size and volume of uneven sized breasts (asymmetry), and as an adjunct to correct certain breast deformity or deformities, as well as to facilitate reconstruction of the breast after mastectomy.

Case 1 : Six month result Transaxillary Sub - pectoral Augmentation Mammaplasty with 375cc smooth saline implants in a 33 year old woman with chest wall and breast size asymmetry. This achieved large "C" to "D" cup size with no visible scars.
breast augmentation case 1

Age: 33 Ht: 5'7" Wt: 130 lbs. Implants: Mentor Type: Smooth Saline Volume: 375cc Size: 36C/D

Case 2 : At right are pre-op and 6 week post-op photos of a 24 year old woman with slight asymmetry. At six weeks, there is still some early fullness of the upper breast which will fade with time, as the skin and muscle stretches, and the implants settle into position. Implant volumes of 350cc right, and 325cc left were used to improve volume symmetry. The next photos below show this patient's axillary scars.

breast augmentation case 2

Age: 24 Ht: 5'5" Wt: 125 lbs. Implants: Mentor Type: Smooth Saline Volume: 325/350cc Size: 34D

Trans-Axillary Breast Augmentation

Trans - Axillary Breast Augmentation. Right and left axillary views at 6wks show almost complete disappearance of the scars in the natural folds beneath the arms.

Case 3 : 31-year old woman 3 months after Trans-axillary Breast Augmentation. A "D" cup size was achieved with 425 cc saline breast implants. This patient's axillary incision scars are shown at the top of the next page.

breast augmentation case 3

Age: 31 Ht: 5'4" Wt: 120 lbs Implants: Mentor Type: Smooth Saline Volume: 425cc Size: 34D

Case 4 : Results at 7 years after Trans-axillary breast augmentation in a 19 year old woman shows stability of the sub-muscular result with none of the long-term sag which tends to occur with implants above the muscle.

breast augmentation case 4

Age : 19 (at surgery) Ht : 5'6" Wt : 125 lbs Implants : Mentor Type : Textured Silicone Volume : 350cc Size : 34C

before after picture of same patient after 7 years

Before and after (7 yr) views of the same patient as well as a view of the axillary scar at 7 years (hidden in a fold)

picture of same patient after 12 years

The same patient seen at 12.5 years after trans-ax augmentation, at age 31 and after a recent pregnancy, shows the stability of the augmentation result using the trans-axillary technique.

Case 5 : Six week post-op Augmentation result in a 43 year old woman with loss of volume after 2 pregnancies. Implants are 375cc smooth saline -filled placed via the Trans-axillary sub-muscular mammaplasty technique.

breast augmentation cas 5

Age: 43 Ht: 5'3 Wt: 123 lbs Implants: Mentor Type: Smooth Saline Volume: 375cc Size: 34D


For more information on Breast Augmentation and related images see these posts on Breast Implants and Augmentation and Before-After Pictures of Breast Implants

There are cases where the surgery have gone wrong too. See this post on Breast Implants/Reduction Gone Wrong

Other Related Posts :
Breast Lift or Mastopexy
Breast Reduction

It's not the collapse that defines's how you handle it

Post binge
After writing about my major binge on Thursday, I was astoundingly not hungry on Friday. This surprised me because usually after a binge, I'm hungrier and find it just about impossible to get back on track.

Yesterday I didn't even think about eating until about 3pm. I only ate then because I knew I really shouldn't go all day without eating. I ate lightly and slept well last night. Very unusual.

The urge, the lapse and the collapse

Today's Weight Watcher meeting seemed to be tailor made for me. The topic was how to handle a collapse, and that our secret weapon is POSITIVE SELF TALK. It's all about giving ourselves the freedom to fail. Forgiving ourselves when we do and then moving on.

Our leader, Janis (Federal Way, WA and I love her!) gave an example of how it starts. Let's say you have a bag of Halloween candy bars to hand out to the trick or treaters...

1. You have an urge to eat the candy. What do you do? You can ignore it, or do something else and fight the urge or eat something healthy or you can give into it which leads to...

2. A lapse. A lapse is you have one candy bar. Okay, now that alone isn't so bad. Not perfect, but it's okay. It's just a little lapse.  But what if you eat the entire bag of candy bars, that is...

3. A Collapse. Now you've collapsed. Totally fallen off track. You feel horrible. Guilt. Shame. You hate yourself. You call yourself names. You think you're a bad, bad person. No willpower. Lazy. And if you're me, stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid!  That's always my ultimate insult to myself, that I'm stupid.

Now this is the interesting part. How do you handle that collapse? Does it throw you into a tizzy, a week or a month long binge, or even longer? Or do you just tell yourself, okay, I collapsed. Screwed up. It's okay. I'm a human being capable of making mistakes. Where do you go from here? You get back on track. Immediately. Right now, this very minute.

I feel like this is exactly what I did. I've heard this and read this before. It's not exactly new information, but for some reason it worked this time. I immediately got back on track.

The toilet water trick

This is kind of gross, but I think this could work. Janis said if she's at someones house and they have junk to eat, such as fried chicken or fudge, she considers it the same as drinking toilet water. She said at home she wouldn't drink out of the toilet, why would she eat crap when she's at someones house. You've got to love Janis.

Now for the kind of bad news, the weigh-in

I'm not beating myself up about my weighin today. It's not great, but it could have been a lot worse.

My weight at my last meeting (7 weeks ago):

9/11/10  --  174.8

My weight today:

10/30/10 -- 178.2

Gained: +3.4 (in 7 weeks)

Total Loss since 2/12/2008:

61.0 Pounds

I'm not thrilled about this gain, but I'm also not bitterly disappointed in myself. Considering I haven't been tracking my food, and I tried the Geneen Roth plan of eat what I think my body wants and when I'm hungry, it's sort of a miracle I didn't gain a lot more weight.

I do have a new idea. It's called following the Weight Watcher plan. I've been off of it for so long that it almost feels like something new.

I have exactly 15 weeks until my three-year Weight Watcher anniversary on February 12, 2011. If you had told me three years ago that I still wouldn't be at goal by now, I would have laughed at you. I was so very determined back then. Somehow, I fell off track, lost sight of the prize, and have been playing around for far too long.

There's nothing like a good Weight Watcher meeting to set me on fire again...and I'm on fire!

Breast Implants and Augmentation

From a very early age, women are subjected to ideals regarding the size and shape of their breasts. Modern media – glossy magazines and movies - tell us how big and what shape they should be. Many women consider and eventually have breast implants in order to conform to these opinions but while there are advantages to having this done there are still some concerns and many questions that need answering.

Not all cosmetic surgery is carried out on women who simply want bigger breasts. Many face psychological problems because the size or shape of each breast is different. Breast cancer sufferers consider breast-rebuilding treatment to try and get their lives back on track.

Gone are the days where the only surgical procedure available for women was breast enlargements. There are numerous surgical procedures for various areas of the body although the breasts remain a firm favourite for women. You can now have breast augmentation, breast reconstruction, breast implants, a breast lift and a breast reduction.

You should always consider every view and get the full facts before you consider any surgery, least of all cosmetic surgery.

breast augmentationFor most forms of breast implants a small incision of approximately 1.5 inches is made in the fold under the breast, around the areola or in the underarm. For saline implants, a pocket is then created and the implant inserted. Once inserted the implant is then inflated with the saline solution.

More information about the surgery.
The procedure itself usually takes between an hour and two hours and dressing and bandaging is worn for the proceeding 24 to 48 hours. After this a support bra is worn for around 3 weeks although patients can normally be up and moving within 24 hours of the operation. It is advised that strenuous activity and heavy lifting should be avoided for about a month after surgery.

You will suffer bruising and swelling around the breasts that should disappear with time, and also a firmness in the breasts that will disappear with time. You will more than likely feel a little discomfort for several days following the procedure; if this discomfort continues you should consult the clinic where you underwent the operation.

What are the possible side effects of breast implant surgery? breast enlargementCurrent research shows no heightened risk of systemic disease or breast cancer in patients, however, as with all surgery there are risks attached. Unfavourable scarring may occur leaving nasty marks around the incision area or around the implant. Infection may occur as with any surgery. Bleeding, excessive firmness, rippling, deflation, asymmetry and a change in nipple sensation may also be encountered but breast augmentation has the highest satisfaction rate of any cosmetic surgery.

What implants are used?
Currently, in the United States, saline implants are used for breast augmentation; these are a silicone rubber shell filled with saline (salt water) during surgery. They are available in a wide choice of shapes and sizes. breast saline implantsIf a patient has significant problems and saline implants would not be the best solution then gel implants may also be used. The advantage of saline implants that if you are one of the unlucky 1% of people who’s implants deflate, the body absorbs the salt-water solution and the implant deflates at a rate that means the body can cope with the amount of salt water being absorbed.

How much will breast augmentation cost?
Obviously this will differ dependant on exactly what procedure you want, the incision type your require and where you have the procedure done. It is obviously not advised to plump for the cheapest option as this may lead to using an inefficient surgeon and complications with the procedure. As a very rough guide you can expect to pay between $4000 and $10000 for breast augmentation. There are probably cheaper and more expensive options available, but I wouldn’t advise either. The price you pay also takes into account the availability of plastic surgeons in that area and the qualifications and expertise of the potential surgeon. If you are certain you want breast implants but feel that the price is a little too high for your budget, you will be pleased to hear that many surgeons will offer credit agreements to spread the cost over time. You should always be very careful when picking a clinic or surgeon. Make sure they are professionally certified and be aware that this is a prime example of you get what you pay for; the price you pay is usually indicative of the qualifications, experience and expertise of your surgeon. Do not be afraid to ask your surgeon for testimonials from satisfied clients; any professional worth his salt will be able to supply them and will be only to pleased to do so. At the end of the day, you must have confidence in your surgeon. And the only way to achieve that, is to do your research.
©2005 Jenna Keys About The Author: Jenna Keys

See before after pictures of Breast Implant and Augmentation and several cases with pictures

Wanna know Risks on Breast Augmentation? See this post on Breast Implants/Reduction Gone Wrong

Other Related Posts :

Breast Lift or Mastopexy

Breast Reduction