Saturday, November 27, 2010

My weighin and feeling more positive

After my pathetic post earlier today about considering myself an epic failure in the weight loss arena, I almost blew off my Weight Watcher meeting. I was feeling like why should I even bother, I can't do this anymore. I'm sick and tired of trying and failing over and over.

I couldn't help thinking it doesn't do any good to go to the meetings anyway. I go, I listen, then I chose to ignore the advice. Thankfully I ignored my stupid girl voice and went to my meeting.

What was really cool about the meeting was our leader's excitement about the new program. She told us she wanted us to consider today the last day of our Weight Watcher year. This year was past and a new year was starting this week with the new ProPoints program and all new materials. She even played Auld Lang Syne at the end of the meeting and told us we had to hug each other (yes, the meetings are often a little touchy-feely, but they're fun).

After the meeting I sat in my car and looked at my weighin results. I knew it was bad and it was exactly as I had anticipated. I weighed in with a 6.2 pound gain at 180.8. No surprise. I gained it in three weeks. My last weighin was 11/6 at 174.6.

I looked back in my Weight Watcher weighin book and on January 9, 2010, I weight 180.4. Interesting. Basically, I stayed the same this year. That's a first for me. I've lost significant amounts of weight in the past but never kept it off for more than a few months.

Instead of feeling defeated about the weight gain and not making any real progress in a year, I feel energized. I've decided this is going to be my year. This is the year I'm going to make goal. After almost three years of Weight Watcher meetings, I tired of just sitting in meeting after meeting watching other people make goal. I want to make goal.

My year starts today, right this very minute. Not on January 1, but today, November 27, 2010. One year from today I will be at goal. I'm definitely feeling more positive.

Weight Watchers told me I'm new...maybe they're right

I tired to change my Weight Watcher payment information last night. This morning their website said I wasn't a member any longer. After being on the phone with them for twenty minutes I'm reinstated, but as a new member.

Well, sort of a new member. I had to re-enter all my personal information and set up a new password, just like I was a new member. Luckily it still had my old weight chart information back to February 2008 when I joined the first time, but it had my current weight as 185. Funny how that 185 number popped in there for today. I didn't enter it, maybe the guy on the phone did it (he didn't ask me my weight, maybe he just figured I'd gained 10 pounds since my last weighin). I haven't weighed 185 since June 2008.

In a way, I'm a little embarrassed that I've been in Weight Watchers for almost three years, and I'm still not at my goal weight of 135. Seriously, three years is a long time to spend trying to do something that should have only taken about one year. There's really no way to look at it except as a big failure. Sure, I can say I've kept off 60 pounds for over two years, but since the goal was to lose 100 pounds and keep it off, I'd give myself a C- for reaching my goal. Actually, in my work world not making a deadline is considered an epic failure. And for me, that's really not acceptable.

Maybe being new isn't such a bad thing. I'm going to weighin today and whatever that weight is will be my new starting weight. Since I've been drinking coffee all morning and chugging the water, I'll probably be up pretty high. That's okay though, I'm not really beating myself up. Just trying to be realistic here, accept my failure and move on.

The new program will be announced this coming week in the US. I read a little bit about it online at Facebook and other articles. I liked some of the things I read, and some others I wasn't too happy to read (I hope the "cheat" day of fast food is just a rumor).

Anyway, here's a few things I found on line in what appeared to be a legitimate articles:

•Instead of basing a food's Points on calories, fat and fiber, there will be more of an emphasis on the quality of the food. Brown rice will have fewer Points than white rice. A 100-calorie pack of cookies will have more Points than 100 calories of chicken breast, and so on.

•To encourage better food choices, fruit and most vegetables will have zero Points. Starchy vegetables, such as potatoes, corn and peas will not be in the free list.

•The minimum amount of Points assigned to people will be 29 Points, but they'll also be given a weekly allowance of 49 Points as "Real Living" Points to be used on snacky, boozy, party-type foods.
Plus, this article on the UK Weight Watchers 2011 plan gives even more information. I suspect the US plan is the same. This is just a sneak peek from some of the things I found online. We'll find out the real deal this week.

Just for fun, I also checked out the Weight Watcher UK message board on the ProPoints Plan. Since UKjust got it about two weeks ago, there's a lot of messages flying around on their boards about it. Sounds like everyone loves it because you get so many more Points with the new plan. By the way, you don't have to be a WW member to read the message boards. They're open to everyone.
Well, I have to get showered and ready for Weight Watchers. I'll post my weigh in later today. I'm sure it's going to be scary. For all my talk of losing weight, I know I'm up from my last weighin. I'd say no worries, but if I'm truthful here, I'm mad as hell at myself for screwing up when I was so close to goal. Oh well, I'm "new", what can I say?

Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday - Part 2

If posting once a day is good for me, posting twice must be really good for me.

I went to the gym this afternoon and had all sorts of weird technical problems. First, I forgot my iPod, which I've only done twice in three years. I almost turned around and went home, instead I suffered through my workout. Without music it was pretty miserable. The gym music is horrible. I like really fast-paced, high volume music. The gym music was turned down really low and it sounded like elevator music. Really bad.

Then my Polar heart monitor went all wonky on me, telling me pulse was 58 when I thought I was dying and my heart was going to explode. Then it was 154 when I was barely moving. It does this every few months and then it'll be fine the next day. Annoying.

After 30 grueling minutes on the treadmill I thought I'd do another 20 minutes cardio on an elliptical. Unfortunately I picked an elliptical that had problems. It would only allow a maximum of a 10-minute workout. I could have used another elliptical (there are about 40 of them, all available), but I decided 10 minutes sounded fine.

Then my strength workout wasn't good. I felt weak and tired. I only did four upper body exercises, three sets each. Not really worthy of being called a workout.

I'm not sure why I had such a bad workout today, other than my weight gain. It seems like when I gain weight working out is extra hard. My body feels heavier and more difficult to move. I feel lethargic. I need to remember this the next time I think about eating something not on plan.

Speaking of plan, only three and half hours left in this day and I've been 100% perfect in my eating. I kept track of my water too, four 26-oz bottles of water, 2 12-oz mugs coffee, 2 12-oz mugs herbal tea for a grand total of 152 ounces of non-food liquids. It really does help with the hunger and helps me stay away from the bad stuff.

If I can just get this one day under my belt, the next one will be easier. That's just how it works, good days help create good days. I need a string of them together to lose this weight. I think I will be okay. :)

Interval Training is a great way to boost metabolism

Weight Loss Tips to lose weight fast
Interval Training is a great way to boost metabolism
Interval training is training using short bursts of high intensity exercise that are separated by recovery periods of low intensity exercise.You will push yourself beyond your comfort level for short bursts of time. For example walk 3 mins then run for 1 min and keep doing that until 45 mins or up. Gradually you'll be able to perform at the higher level for longer periods of time and burn more calories .

Eat smaller, more frequent meals
Instead of eating three large meals a day, try eating smaller, more frequent meals. Reduce portion sizes at your regular meals, and add small snacks in between each meal.Eating small frequent meals help to balance your calorie intake throughout the day and also keeps your blood sugar level balanced. It keeps your
metabolism charged and prevents you from getting hungry.
Incorporate Strength Training into your workout If you are not doing strength training then you're missing a key component in your weight loss plan. Strength training increases metabolism by increasing lean muscle mass which helps in long term weight loss. Muscles burn calories and gives you more leaner look. It increases bone density. Strength training can be accomplished by using dumbbells, weight machines, push ups or squats etc.
Aerobic exercise Aerobic exercise refers to exercise that involves or improves oxygen consumption by the body. Aerobic exercise burns a lot of calories, so it directly contributes to weight loss. Start a workout routine . Try 30-60 minutes of physical activity a day . Examples of aerobic exercise : walking, jogging, swimming, brisk walking, running, ice skating, biking, aerobics, rowing, basketball, jumping rope, roller skating, dancing. Examples of stationary exercise machines for doing aerobic exercise: elliptical machine, stationary bike, treadmills, stair-steppers and rowing machines .

Eat fruits and vegetables
Increase your intake of
fiber rich foods. Fruits and vegetables are high fiber foods and packed with vitamins and antioxidants. They are low in calories but high in fiber. Fiber is very important for your weight loss goals. Fiber is digested slower, keeps us feeling fuller longer and releases its energy slower which keep our blood sugar levels even and helps us avoid cravings. Increase your intake of fiber rich foods.
Virtual weight loss modelThere are sites offering free weight loss software where you can create your virtual weight loss model and get a mental picture of yourself at your goal weight. Virtual model can be used for inspiration as you can get a good idea of how you will look after reaching your target weight. You can visualize and mentally compare your before and after weight loss pictures.

Replace white rice, bread, and pasta with brown rice and whole-grain products
These products are less refined than their white counterparts and often have much more
fiber in them which is digested slower, keeps us feeling fuller longer and releases its energy slower which keep our blood sugar levels even and helps us avoid cravings.

Drink more water
Water suppresses the appetite naturally and helps the body metabolize stored fat. The process of burning calories requires an adequate supply of water in order to function efficiently and dehydration slows down the fat burning process.

Increase your protein intake
Protein makes us feel full. It is also important in replacing and building muscle tissue. Remember, more muscles burn more fat. It helps to increase your
metabolism - which burns calories.

Do not skip meals
Skipping meals makes you hungry which you tend to compensate by eating a lot later. Avoid that craving by eating small frequent meals which help to balance your calorie intake throughout the day and also keeps your blood sugar level balanced.

Try drinking a glass of water before a meal
Water suppresses the appetite naturally .If you tend to overeat , try drinking a medium to large glass of water 10 to 15 minutes before your meal. It will partially fill your stomach and may reduce your hunger levels.

Eat breakfast everyday
Many people think skipping breakfast is a great way to cut calories, but they usually end up eating more throughout the day. Do not skip breakfast. If you're on a diet, it's not good to miss the most important meal of the day. Skipping breakfast makes you hungry which you tend to compensate by eating a lot later. Avoid that craving by eating a hearty meal in the morning.

It's okay to eat your favorite foods
Everyone has his or her favorite treats. Simply allow yourself a little indulgence, just do it in moderation. If you deny yourself your favorite food, you'll crave it more and eventually eat it more.

Spice up your food
Spices boosts
metabolism, suppresses appetite, reduces fat absorption and add taste to your meal. You can replace high calorie condiments like butter or mayonnaise with garlic, chili, mustard, ginger. Saute vegetables and chicken in hot sauce as opposed to oil.

Eat Negative calorie food
Negative calorie foods are foods, which use more calories to digest than the calories the foods actually contain. For example, if you eat 200 calories of a food that requires 250 calories to digest, then you've burnt an additional 50 calories simply by eating that food. Some of the negative calorie foods are : Apples, Broccoli, Cantaloupes, Carrot, Cauliflower, Celery stalk, Celery root

Take the stairs and park your car further away from the shops
It will help increase the number of steps you take in a day and will burn a few more calories .

Eat slowly
It takes around 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain that it is full . Chewing your food longer will help prevent you from over eating.

Cut down the sugar intake
Excessive intake of sugar often results in weight gain and hence cutting down the sugar intake can actually work wonders for you. The more refined it comes, the more your body is going to react negatively to it. Try and substitute synthetic sugar with natural sugar sources like fruits or honey. Sugar in fruits are better for you than the sugar in candy bars, cakes and ice creams.
Don't beat yourself up over a bad dayYou are going to have moments of weakness and times when you overeat. Don't beat yourself up when you overindulge . Instead put yourself back on track the next day. Give yourself credit for everything you have been doing on other days. Every day is different, do the best you can do now. You can workout a little longer and burn some of those extra calories.

Get plenty of sleep
How much you sleep and the quality of your sleep affects food cravings. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation increases levels of a hunger hormone and decreases levels of a hormone that makes you feel full. Inadequate sleep triggers food cravings which may lead to overeating and weight gain. So get your full eight hours each night to stay healthy and fit .
Don't use the word diet as diets don't workIf you want to lose weight, the word diet should be banned from your dictionary. Most diets focus on weight loss rather than fat loss. Losing weight more rapidly means losing muscle tissue which is body's major fat burning component. Change the way you eat and CHANGE THE WAY YOU THINK. Don't ever say "I am dieting" because most diets fail. Diets don't work long term. On most of the diets, you are not eating stuff you will be eating for the rest of your life. You might lose a few pounds but once your diet is over, then you will most likely regain all of your weight again and chances are they'll bring a few pounds extra too.

Visualize yourself thin
Visualise success - Your mind can influence your actions, which can lead to healthy eating and motivate you to exercise and lose weight. Visualize yourself thin. When you continue to visualize yourself as a thin person, your subconscious mind will move you into the right direction and you will exercise to lose weight. Visualization influences your mind and your mind controls your actions. If you want to be thin, picture yourself thin. Think about things you would like to do but can’t do because of your weight. Visualize how you will look when you will lose weight and fit in to your favorite dress.

Cut down or stop any food or drink with high fructose corn syrup
High fructose corn syrup is made from genetically modified corn treated with genetically modified enzymes. High fructose corn syrup is cited by some nutritionists as a leading cause of obesity and is linked to diabetes. High-fructose corn syrup is fueling obesity epidemic.

Keep a positive attitude to maximize your success in weight loss
Negative self talk is our greater enemy than food .To be successful in weight loss, you have to change your attitude. Having the positive attitude is critical if you want to stick to your weight loss plan. Start thinking positive and take care of your mental state. Peace of mind is as important as exercise for weight loss because stress leads to over eating.The stress hormones cause cravings for high sugar and high fat foods.

Portion control
One of the key ways to maintain a healthy weight is to control your portion sizes. Long term weight loss is often achieved through
portion control as calories do matter for your weight loss and learning how to control them makes the difference .You have to change the way you eat.

Artificial Sugar - Less Calories, More Side Effects
Google "Aspartame Side Effects"- Artificial sweeteners are just as evil as sugar itself. The best thing to do is to avoid all artificial and chemical sweetener substitutes. Aspartame is the most common form of artificial 'low calorie' sugar. It is found in most diet products and diet sodas. It is also found as a tabletop sweetener for coffee or tea. There is an endless list of side effects that you can get from aspartame. Just google "Aspartame Side Effects" and you will know.

Resolve To Lose Slowly - Set Realistic Goals
Successful weight loss doesn't happen overnight, it takes months and not days. Putting unreasonable pressure on yourself to succeed is not a good idea. When you tell yourself, "I must lose 50 pounds by my sisters wedding" you're setting yourself for weight loss failure. Be sure your goals are realistic.There's no use in trying to reach a 50 lb per month. Resolve to lose slowly. Set short term goals.Healthy weight loss occurs slowly and steadily. Remember, Slow and steady wins the race. Losing weight more rapidly means losing muscle tissue and losing muscle tissue means slow metabolism.

Find good reasons to lose weight
Find out what
motivates you. It could be anything- wanting to fit into your favorite dress again , lose weight to feel better and look better or be healthy . Find out what inspires you and why do you want to lose weight? Do it for that reason. Do it for your self.

Reward Yourself
Rewarding yourself for sticking to your weight loss program is a good way to keep yourself
motivated. Reward yourself when you accomplish your short term goals, but not with food. You might buy a new book, a new dress or go for a massage. When you reach your target weight reward yourself with something bigger like a vacation or a cruise .
Surround yourself with positive peopleSurround yourself with positive people who believe in you, they will support, encourage and motivate you to acheive your target weight.

Weight Loss Motivation - Inspirational Quotes

What you think you create, what you feel you attract, what you imagine you become.
The whole world steps aside for the person who knows where he is going.
Feeling healthy and feeling good about yourself is not a luxury - it's an absolute necessity.
A change from unhealthy habits to healthy habits will yield extraordinary results.
Failure is only a fact when you give up. Everyone gets knocked down, the question is: Will you get back up?
There is no such thing as luck. Success comes from actually doing it.
If you don't dare to begin, you don't stand a chance of getting there.
Some goals are so worthy it's glorious even to fail.
Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.
You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.
Take twice as long to eat half as much.
In eating, a third of the stomach should be filled with food, a third with drink and the rest left empty. (Talmud)
Your body is the baggage you must carry through life. The more excess the baggage, the shorter the trip. (Arnold H.Glasgow)

Black Friday in more ways than one

I stepped on the scale this morning expecting the worse. I haven't weighed since Sunday when I was 175.6. Today, I was 181.6. Six pounds in five days. Who does that? Well, me, that's who. I've easily gained ten pounds in a week without even trying. I'm some sort of freak of nature and if I was on a deserted island I'm pretty sure I'd survive longer than anyone because of my body's unique way of holding on to calories.

180 is my freakout weight. Someone once asked me if there's a weight that scares me into sanity. 180 is that weight. The reason is because at 180 my size 12 clothes are tight. At 185 my face changes. I've seen it happen. I normally have a long, slim face, but at 185 it starts to noticeably change. Of course it changes before that, gradually, where I hardly notice it, but at 185 it's like wow, who is that woman in the mirror.

A word about Marie Callendar's pies. First, I made two pumpkin pies, one using a Weight Watcher recipe for 3 Points for 1/8 of the pie, and one with Stevia from an internet recipe. They were both disgusting. My husband went to the store on Thanksgiving Day and purchased two Marie Callender pies. One was Key Lime, one pumpkin. I can pass on pumpkin but I can't pass on Key Lime. 1/10 of that tiny pie was 320 calories, 16 grams fat and 45 grams carbohydrates (not to mention 35 grams of sugar). I ate three slices (1/10 each). That stuff is POISON.

Before that I ate the traditional dinner with the best ever organic turkey from Trader Joes. That turkey was worth every cent. I've never eaten such a tasty bird.

I could tell you more of what happened in detail, but it's pretty obvious. It wasn't just yesterday,  but it was all week. I ate too much and didn't exercise enough. I worked from home two days in a row when I was feeling weak when it came to food. Even though I attempted to make Thanksgiving as healthy as possible it wasn't just Thanksgiving Day that was my downfall, it was the entire week. It was my "it's the holidays!" attitude that got me in trouble.

Now for the plan of action. Today I'm 100% back on plan. Counting Points because that's what I do best, drinking water by the gallons and a good solid gym workout for an hour and a half. Just knowing that I have my plan back in place makes me feel better.

Part of my plan is to get back to posting on a more consistent basis and reading blogs and commenting. Even though I've been reading, I haven't commented much. Mainly because I felt like a hypocrite. When I'm not doing well on my plan I drop the posting and commenting as well. Who wants to read about me eating Key Lime pie? How can I give any advice when I'm a dismal failure? Well, I need to change and get back to myself.

Just by posting this I feel 100% better. Weird, but sharing my failures makes me feel stronger and hopeful.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Grilled Chicken With Kung Pao Sauce

Hello, healthy kung pao

     We’ve all been there: After another long day at the office, you collapse onto the couch, hit speed dial, and order the couch, hit speed dial, and order Chinese takeout—with a large side of guilt. You know all that fatty fried meat smothered in sauce is a calories bomb, but it’s quick and easy—and you swear you’ll save half for tomorrow’s lunch.

     Well, we have a better idea (and you can eat the entire thing): a slimmed-down version of kung pao chicken, a Szechuan staple. Created by Chris Yeo, the owner and executive chef of Sino Restaurant + Lounge in San Jose, California, the recipe calls for grilled, skinless chicken breasts in place of the typical breaded and deep-fried stuff. “By flame broiling the chicken instead of cooking it in oil, you cut tons of fat,” says Yeo. “And since you’re using low-sodium soy sauce and unsalted peanuts, the sodium is also drastically reduced.”

     So put down the phone and get grilling. We promise you won’t miss the greasy Styrofoam container—or all those extra calories.

Weight Loss Recipes : Grilled Chicken With Kung Pao SauceGrilled Chicken With Kung Pao Sauce

Before : 510 Calories(for 4 ounces), 36 Grams of Fat

After : 173 Calories(for 4 ounces), 5 Grams of Fat

Serves 6

Prep time: 5 minutes

Total time: 15 minutes


  • 6 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, rinsed and patted dry

  • ¼ cup plus 2 tbsp low-sodium soy suace

  • 1 tbsp black or red rice vinegar (or red wine vinegar)

  • 1 tbsp plus 1 tsp water, divided

  • ¼ tsp sugar

  • ¼ cup oyster sauce

  • ⅛ tsp sesame oil

  • ½ tsp cornstarch

  • ¼ cup unsalted peanuts, chopped

  • 1 scallion, slivered


  • Grill chicken (you can use either a barbecue or 10-inch grill pan) over medium for about 7 minutes on one side and 3 on the other or until cooked through.

  • In a medium saucepan, mix soy sauce, vinegar, 1 tbsp plus ½ tsp water, sugar, oyster sauce, and oil. Bring to a boil over medium.

  • In a small bowl, combine cornstarch and remaining water; drizzle the mixture into the sauce. Return sauce to a boil and simmer for about 1 minute or until slightly thickened; remove from heat and set aside.

  • Using a pastry brush, coat each chicken breast with sauce. Garnish with peanuts and scallions and serve immediately.

Make 6 (1 chicken breast, 2 tbsp sauce) Servings:

Weight Loss Recipes Amount per serving: 173 calories, 5 g fat, <1 g saturated fat, 5 g carbs, 29 g protein, 1 g fiber, 24 mg calcium, 1 mg iron, 071 mg sodium