Friday, December 3, 2010

Bacon Cheeseburger Salad

CarbsPerServing:7g total
3 ounces lean ground beef crumbled,cooked and
4 slices bacon – cooked crisp,drained and crumbled
cup chopped lettuce
1/8 cup chopped onion1/2 medium tomato – chopped
1 tablespoon mayonnaise ¼ cup cheddar cheese – (or 1 once)
How to Prepare:
Stir mayo into lettuce,onion and tomato until evenly coated. Toss in beef,bacon
and cheese.

Bacon & Egg Salad

CarbsPerServing:23g total
8 eggs 1 cup mayonnaise
½ pound bacon 1 cup hot pepper cheese3 tablespoons chives –
4 thin radishes – sliced thin 1 head lettuce – torn fine for
salad 1 avocado – cubed
How to Prepare
Boil the eggs, until hard and dice them. Fry the bacon and crumble it. Mix all
ingredients in a bowl.
Carbs for avocado based on 14.85 for 1 3/8 cup – adjust accordingly. Carbs
for lettuce base on 2 for 1 cup – adjust accordingly Carbs for hot pepper
cheese not included in above total – adjust accordingly

Beef Salad

UnknownCarbsPerServing:no counts provided
Cold Roast beef – shredded or
coarsely chopped boiled eggs
Chopped onion ( I use green onions)Chopped dill pickle
Sliced celery Mayo
How to Prepare
Mix in desired amounts keeping track of the carbs you add. Let chill. Yummy
on Wasa or maybe even with pork rinds for dipping!

BLT Salad

CarbsPerServing:7g total
7 slices bacon – cooked crisp,drained and crumbled
1 cup chopped lettuce 1/8 cup chopped onion1/2 medium tomato –
chopped 1 tablespoon mayonnaise
How to Prepare
Stir mayo into lettuce,onion and tomato until evenly coated. Toss in bacon.

Blue Cheese Salad Dressing

1CarbsPerServing:1g total
1 tablespoon sour cream 2 teaspoons mayonnaise
2 teaspoons heavy cream1 tablespoon blue cheese 1 teaspoon powdered
ranch dressing mix.
How to Prepare
Mix all together and chill before serving.
NOTES : Counts for ranch dressing mix not included in totals.

Weight loss, kwon what your body need to lose the stored fat

Correct nutrition can help to reduce the risk of health-related problems, and good diets offer balanced nutrition that reduces cholesterol, blood pressure, and helps with weight control
Your meal should has
Carbohydrate (energy source): body uses carbohydrates to build glucose which can be used immediately for production of energy which is used ax example
for heat production to warm your body or stored as a glycogen in the liver or as a body fat.
Proteins: consists of 20 amino acids that build the body muscles, skin, even hair. Other function of the proteins is entering in production of hormones. Proteins exist in plants as well as animals. Like carbohydrates the excess of protein can be stored as fat. 
Fat: the problem of the weight but it is required for your body, saturated fatty acids are harmful, but unsaturated fatty acids are not
Vitamins: the most important nutrient required for your health, as they protect you body against diseases as some of vitamins work as antioxidants.
Minerals: are used in different body processes. Ex. Chlorine enters in the composition of digestive juice produced by the stomach cells and glands.
After reviewing the nutrients required for your body, here some information not tips to help you to lose weight fast and by easy ways.
Beauty weight or healthy weight? Some want to lose weight to be like models because it gives a beautiful appearance that is a mistake, but your goal should be the healthy weight that matches your body type. Find the healthy weight that matches you, through a BMI calculator. Through calculation you put your self in narrow limits so that you can reach your goal easily.
Eat all but please drink water first: some think that to lose weight they should stop eating 99% of food that is a mistake.
 You can eat all types of food but in limitation, with drinking more water since the water does not contain any type of calories. Drinking water before eating will reduce the amount of food you eat and well help in flush out toxins too.
 Try to start your day with a cup of water that will reduce your breakfast and giving better chance to the stomach to produce the stomach juice.  
Drink water instead of diet drinks is more useful, since the diet drinks contain more sugars
 Eat water: yes you can eat water not drinking it through eating more tomatoes and watermelon.
Fresh fruits are more useful than fruit juices: juices often sweetened but fresh fruits contain natural sugars. Since the fruits contain a lot of fibers which are needed by the body and contain vitamins too.
Vegetables, be a fan: vegetables help you to lose weight fast and easy without starving yourself.
 Vegetables contain more fibers not more sugars.
 Try fresh vegetables instead of cooked so that you do not lose the vitamins of them.
 6 meals instead of 3: small nutritious meals through out the day is more useful than 3 large meals, this lets your body know its going to get a regular regimen of calories so it does not have to store any fat.
Exercise your body without you know: burning fat need work or action by your body muscles.
Using stairs instead of elevators as you can.
You do not need marathon to lose weight 10 minutes a day is enough.
Swimming is one of the best exercises to lose weight and to fresh you body too.
Do you have a bike? So ride it for only 500 meters a day.
The night is dark to sleep:
Sleep at night only and take your required time, teens need 9-10 hours a day, adults need 8 hours a day, and you need exactly 6.5-7 hours per day, so you have a half-hour per day for good exercising.
Watch your weight as you watching Obama: when you lose 5 pound give yourself a rest for only one day and enjoy it without harming yourself.
nothing easy, nothing impossible but it’s a desire and a decision to reach the healthy weight.     

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day 5, I wish it was always this easy

I wish I knew the secret of my success...on days like today.

There are days when I have the super willpower, where I feel like nothing can lead me astray. I love those days. They have been few and far between these past several weeks. For some unknown reason today has been one of my good days. It's after 11 p.m. and by my standards, I've been "perfect" today.

Vitamins ✓

Water ✓

Exercise (1.5 hours strenuous) ✓

Tracked my food online with eTools ✓

Stayed within my Point limit ✓

Could I have done a better job? Of course I could have, there's always room for improvement. Perhaps I shouldn't have had that cup of non-fat Reddi Wip on my yogurt and raspberries tonight. When I looked it up in eTools it said one cup is one Point. By the way, that's really how you spell it..."wip".

It felt decadent to have that fake whip cream squirted into a cup, then piled on top of my low-fat vanilla yogurt and frozen raspberries. It was a little taste of heaven. It made me feel like I could eat like this forever. It was as good or perhaps even better than real ice cream because I didn't feel guilty eating it.

I didn't make it to the gym this morning. Instead I left work at 3 p.m. and stopped at the gym on my way home. Normally, I don't enjoy evening workouts. Usually I'm tired. There's also the fact that the weight section where the largest selection of free weights are located is packed with only guys at night. Women stick with the machines, men usually stick with the free weights. I prefer free weights. I just pretend like I belong there and do my thing. Sometimes I feel sort of out of place, but I that doesn't stop me. I belong there just as much as they do.

For some reason tonight I felt really strong and did heavier weights than usual. I was even able to my tricep bench pushups without feeling like I was going to die.

The StairMaster has become my cardio of choice lately. After about a month vacation from it, I've been back on it all week. It's the only machine that I can't cheat on, and it keeps my heart rate consistently high.

Weight Watchers changed the Activity Points for stair climbing. I'm sure it use to be four Points for 30 minutes at 30 steps/minute (I do 67 steps/minute). Now it says 6 Points for 30 minutes. Sounds a little high to me. It's hard, but it's not that hard.

I'm hoping to do the Big Climb in Seattle this March. It's only 69 flights. I usually do 110-140 flights on the StairMaster in 30 minutes. Real stairs are a lot harder than a stair climbing machine. Just like walking on a treadmill versus walking outside. The real thing is always harder. Grace, if you read this, are you interested? It would be really fun to do this with you. :)

I love the new "To do this week" feature on eTools. Each item is a link to something else and gives you more information on the task. I'm going to take a "before" photo before Saturday and add my measurements to eTools. I've never used the measurement feature so I'm kind of excited.

I'm also loving the new eTools. I love seeing all the nutrients of the food. Today one of my coworkers was talking about the Burger King Quad Stacker he had last week. Check this out (65 grams of FAT.... YUK!).

I'm working a half day tomorrow, off at noon. Woohoo! Also working from home, so it's a double woohoo! Oh, and it's Friday. Thank God! It's been the longest week ever.


Participants have the choice of either running up the stairwell as a racer (timed, competitive) or walking as a climber (untimed). Two stairwells are used - both courses are 69 flights and end at the 73rd floor Observatory. Water is available at designated sites in each stairwell. If you feel you can not finish, you can exit at the water stop floors and take the elevator down.


Anyone 8 years or older.


Sunday, March 20, 2011.


Columbia Center in downtown Seattle. Address is 701 Fifth Ave.


To find a cure for leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease, and myeloma and to improve the quality of life for patients and their families. Funds raised through the Big Climb go directly to support research, patient aid, patient services, education, and advocacy.