Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Choosing the Best Diet Program

Have you had trouble finding a best diet program that works for you?
All diets work. Whether high-fat, low-fat, or high in carbohydrates, they work. The bottom line is that even though some are healthier than others, virtually all diets are equally effective in the short term.
Permanent weight loss, however, is about long-term lifestyle management.

Before choosing a your best diet program, ask yourself:
How much weight do I want to lose? The two biggest reasons behind people giving up their diet programs are impatience and unrealistic expectations regarding the time and effort involved in a safe and lasting weight loss process.
Do I prefer a structured plan or a flexible plan?If you like structure and organization, then Weight Watchers should work for you. If you enjoy more freedom and prefer using common sense, then South Beach is for you.
  1. Do I have time for shopping and cooking? Plans that involve the preparation of the foods you eat (South Beach Diet, Hypnosis, Zone) are the best way to go because they are more likely to be sustainable. However, programs like Weight Watchers that offer a middle of the road.
  2. Do I prefer programs with good support systems? If yes, then Weight Watchers tops your list as it has a built-in support system.
  3. What is the cost of the program? Before starting a diet program, you need to look at the costs involved. Programs that offer prepared meals and delivery services are costly, but convenient. You also need to consider whether there is a cost involved with weight maintenance.

Bracelets for Every Pound Lost

Kelley sent me the following email;

Hi there,
I found your website and wanted to share my weight loss story with you.

The photo I'm sending you is a picture of me after I lost 72 lbs. along with the before photo. It’s hard to believe but I did it. I'm also sending photos of the PoundPuncher Bracelets that I created during my weight loss. It's explained in the story. Thank you for taking the time to read my story.

My story begins in 2005 after the birth of my second child. Like all mothers I fell into the everyday routine of taking care of everyone except me. I kept putting on weight, felt depressed, and didn’t know what to do. In 2008, a friend asked me if I wanted to enter a local weight loss competition with her. Even though I didn’t want to I knew I needed to. I began eating wisely, exercising, and losing weight. After the competition was over I still had a lot of weight to lose. I wanted to change, feel alive again, be a happy person, and be there for my kids and husband. You can have all the support in the world but it's all up to you to make good choices in life.

I needed something to remind me all the time to NEVER give up and to be proud of the hard work that I had accomplished. I was determined to get to that dream. I knew I needed to stay focused and MOTIVATED to continue to lose weight, but how? I came up with an idea …..a bracelet. I had my husband create a bracelet that I had visualized. It tracked my weight loss and reminded me to make healthy choices when reaching for food. It was my daily "reminder" to keep going! I had lost 39 ½ lbs. in the competition and continued until I had lost 72 lbs. I felt the need to create more bracelets to help those on the same path, in order to give them hope and motivation. I had never created anything like this before and had no business experience, but I felt I needed to do this. Since then, I launched a website and have sold bracelets in a few stores and on-line. I’m thrilled to know that I was right about following my instincts.

Very few people know my story or how the bracelet helped me conquer the weight loss battle. I wear my bracelet everyday. It reminds me to be PROUD and to stay on the healthy road of happiness.

Thanks again and God Bless,

Kelley Davis

Check out her website and bracelets at poundpuncher.com.

What’s REALLY Stopping You Losing Weight?

Having trouble shifting the kilos? The solution could be as simple as getting the right amount of sleep or changing the tea you drink, says Charmaine Yabsley.

Been on a diet for weeks, but the scales haven't shifted? You could be committing one of the following seven diet blunders, which stop you from looking and feeling your best. We show you how get back on track.

  1. You're not sleeping enough

    It's a case of snooze and lose weight that is. According to a study at Laval University in Quebec, too much or too little sleep can make you pile on the weight. The study found those sleeping for less than seven hours a night gained 1.82kg over a period of six years. Those sleeping longer gained 1.36kg over the same period.

    "Lack of sleep alters the hormone balance that controls your appetite," says Drew Dawson, director of the Centre for Sleep Research at the University of South Australia. "Too little sleep lowers your levels of leptin, which controls your appetite, and increases your level of ghrelin, which makes you crave carbs, such as pasta and pastries."

    FIX: So what's the perfect amount of sleep? According to Dawson, we should follow the advice our grandmothers gave us. "Eight hours of work, with eight of hours activity, followed by eight hours of sleep is the ideal, healthy day," he says.

  2. You're eating breakfast at the wrong time

    We all know that skipping breakfast can lead to weight gain, but the time you eat breakfast and what you consume also plays an important role in a weight-loss plan. "It could be that you're not eating enough early in the day. You should eat within one hour of waking," says Sharon Natoli, accredited practicing dietitian and director of Food & Nutrition Australia.

    A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found those who ate more protein at breakfast (compared to lunch or dinner) reported a greater initial and sustained feeling of fullness through the day.

    FIX: “If you're serious about your weight loss, then include protein-rich foods, such as yoghurt, eggs, nuts and seeds," says Natoli. "This can help make it easier to stick to a lower kilojoule (1 kilojoule = 0.239 kilocalorie) amount each day," she says.

    Also, you can help kick-start your metabolism by having a glass of cold water on waking, say German researchers. Add some lemon juice for good measure.

  3. You're using weights at the gym

    Pumping weights can be a great way to improve muscle tone, but just be mindful of how you do it. "When you perform single moves with a weight, such as a bicep curl, you're isolating that muscle while the rest of your body remains static. This means that your body is actually in 'sleep' mode, so it will not be burning fat," says Tracy Anderson, personal trainer to Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow.

    FIX: Instead of isolated muscle training, try combining aerobic exercises with resistance weight training. Try moves that work many muscle groups at one time, such as push-ups and lunges. As long as your entire body is moving, you're onto a weight-loss winner.

  4. You had a traumatic time giving birth

    "If you've had a long labor and a consequently difficult birth, it's natural to seek comfort in food," says psychotherapist Lesley Murdin. "This is the mind's mental response to coping with trauma and seeking comfort, but these behaviors reinforce the traumatic experience, and may lead to addictive habits, such as overeating."

    FIX: If you had a difficult time giving birth and are finding it hard to shift extra weight, it may help to speak to a therapist about your feelings surrounding your birth experience. "Treating the trauma, rather than the weight gain, would enable the individual to be in control of their weight and their trauma," says Murdin.

  5. You’re drinking black tea

    Black tea is fully fermented, which removes some of its active thermogenic antioxidant ingredients, thereby minimizing its weight-loss enhancing properties. So what should you enjoy instead for your cuppa?

         Pu-erh tea, named after the village in southwest China from which it originates, has recently attracted attention for its weight-loss benefits. This is because it’s high in epigallocatechin, a potent antioxidant with thermogenic properties that help the body burn more fat.

         Normally, when fat is burned, toxic by-products are produced and the body shuts down fat metabolism while the liver eliminates these. But Pu-erh tea’s antioxidant actions help it to neutralize these toxins, so that the body can continue its fat-burning process.

    FIX: Aim to drink about three to five cups of Pu-erh tea per day for optimum results.

  6. You’re on a diet

    Let’s face it, diets don’t work. “Diets are not the answer to weight issues,” says personal trainer Suzy Gilligan. “Yo-yo dieting confuses your metabolism – sending your body into starvation mode and storing food in case it’s needed later. All this does is make you heavier, since every kilojoule (1 kilojoule = 0.239 kilocalorie) and mouthful is stored on your stomach, bum or thighs.”

    FIX: Research shows that women who consistently yo-yo diet are more likely to end up carrying extra weight. Every time you stop dieting and eat normally, your body will then store that fat on certain areas. “So, if you want to avoid thunder thighs and a muffin top, get off the diet bandwagon – you’ll look much better for it,” says Gilligan.

  7. You sit still

    You know those people who fidget a lot? Have you noticed how they tend to be slim, despite eating whatever they like? Scientists from Germany and the US say they have identified a ‘fidget’ code and, if you have it in your genes, you are less likely to be overweight. It seems that people who fidget are actually getting exercise without even being aware of it, says lead researcher professor Mathias Treier.

    FIX: But what happens if you’re not a natural fidgeter? Then, think up some strategies to increase movement, such as doing away with the remote control or even knitting.

Brought to you by Good Health magazine

Getting Party Ready with Your WLS Tool

I wrote this article for the 5 Day Pouch Test Bulletin published 12/06/2010. For anyone with weight loss surgery who is preparing for a holiday party the advice is timely. I think it defines so well what many of us say our new objective is after weight loss surgery --- to enjoy LIVING!

Not so good conventional advice...

Eat a small meal before the party I'm sure you are familiar with

Monday, December 6, 2010

Affirmations or Askfirmations?

I've been reading a lot about stair climbing in the last 48 hours, since I decided to do The Big Climb March 20, 2011. Setting this as a goal, with a weight loss goal of 20 pounds by the time of event seems to have really motivated me. When I want to eat something not on plan, I think about climbing those stairs (like those chocolate truffles someone brought in to work today).

It turns out stair climbing is quite a competitive sport. Who knew? I certainly had no idea.

During my research on how to train (the StairMaster alone isn't go to be anywhere near enough - I have to do real stairs), I came across a very interesting article.

The article is Which is Better: Affirmations or “Askfirmations?” by PJ Glassey, but this is the excerpt that really caught my attention:
Is there a better way?

I am always on the hunt to reduce the need for willpower, because I firmly believe that achieving true fitness doesn’t have to be a battle. This is why I was so excited to read the research study by Dolores Albarracin, published in Psychological Science, April 2010, Volume 21, Number 4. She discovered that phrasing affirmations as a question instead of a statement drastically increased success! When people asked - “Am I going to exercise today?” instead of saying “I will exercise today.” – They were much more likely to follow through.

She found that framing the desired outcome as a question presented a challenge to the person -instead of a requirement that they might rebel against. By asking themselves a question, people were more likely to build their own motivation. The results of this experiment showed that participants not only did better as a result of the question, but that asking themselves a question did indeed increase their intrinsic motivation.

I really like this idea. There's rarely a morning that goes by where I don't have an argument with myself about going to the gym. It's a battle that usually I give up fighting it and just go, but I wonder if it might be easier if I try this approach that PJ talks about. Tomorrow morning I'm going to give it a try.

My food has been pretty good the last couple of days. Although I can't get over the zero Point fruit. It seems that I was spending a lot of my Points on fruit, as well as Points on vegetables because I never ate a 1/2 cup serving of any vegetable (and there were Points in vegetables if you ate more than a minimal sized serving).

Now that I don't have to do that I feel like I have a lot of Points available. I honestly don't know how this is going to work but I'm going to give it a try. I believe Weight Watchers knows what they're doing, but this one seems a little bit too lenient to me. I guess the proof will be in Saturday's weigh in.

weight loss tips to lose weight fast

Exercise is a must for fast weight loss
Everybody knows this; exercise is a must for a fast weight loss. With exercise you achieve a lot of things. First you burn more calories and lose weight faster, second you ensure that you will not gain the weight back and third you provide your health with many benefits. What is important is to exercise frequently and to increase the duration of exercise every couple of weeks

For starters you should aim for 30 minute sessions, 3 times per week. As you become more experienced with exercise you should aim for 45 minutes, 5 times per week
Be Active and Indulge in Some Physical Activities Too Many people complain of their habit of munching on snacks or fast foods when they don't have anything else to do. So, you need to get active and make yourself busy in some physical activities. This would not let you get bored and hence you won't eat any junk foods. Moreover, you also get to burn calories by indulging in some kind of physical activity, like playing tennis, cycling, mowing and many other such activities

Be Focused in Your Weight Loss Goal
Quick weight loss can be achieved if you can stick with your exercise regime and dietary plans. It may take some time but it will happen. Stay focused on your goal, and keep reminding yourself on the motivating factors of your weight loss when you are starting to feel disappointed. It is important to share your goal with close friends and family members or even join a support group. Their constant encouragement would spur you on to fulfill your weight loss dream. No man is an island. Remember to put this quick weight loss tip into practice

Reduce the calories you consume
One gram of fat contains twice the calories of a gram of protein or carbohydrate. Limit foods high in fat, choose products with reduced fat and calories, limit the starters and remove fat from meat. You should include in your diet products with fewer calories, like fruits and vegetables. Good selections are also foods rich in fiber. Try to turn from white to black bread and choose whole grain cereal for breakfast

Keep a diary for triggers that hinder weight loss 
Keeping a food diary can be a huge asset in successful weight loss. Devote some time each day to record what you have eaten and how much, your hunger level prior to eating, and any feelings or emotions present at the time. A food diary can provide a large amount of self-awareness. It can identify emotions and behaviors that trigger overeating, foster greater awareness of portion sizes, and help you discover your personal food triggers. Study any patterns that emerge from your food diary and identify where you may be able to make more healthful changes. A food diary provides an added benefit of keeping you focused on and committed to your goals. Start keeping a food diary today by printing our food diary

Do not Skip Meal
Eating small frequent meals help to balance your calorie intake throughout the day and also keeps your blood sugar level balanced. Instead of eating 3 big meals, try to eat 5 - 6 smaller meals throughout the day

  atricle  source www.healthyweightlossfacts.com/

Sunday, December 5, 2010

A Sweet New Disease Fighter

You already stir it into tea and drizzle it over desserts, but try adding a bit of honey to your homemade salad dressings too. Not only does the natural sweetener pack a dose of polyphenols, a type of antioxidant shown to reduce cancer risk, but a new University of Illinois study found it also prevents dressings from spoiling for up to nine months. For a tasty topper, mix 2 teaspoons of honey with ¾ cup balsamic vinegar and ¼ cup olive oil.

A smarter slice

The next time you make a sandwich, swap your whole-wheat for rye or pumpernickel. According to a Swedish study, people who ate a slice of rye felt fuller longer. “Rye is higher in fiber, which may mean it’s digested more slowly,” says lead researcher Hanna Isaksson, Ph.D. “That can help fend off hunger.” Because many brands are made mostly with refined flour, look for loaves that list rye as the first ingredient and pack in at least 5 grams of fiber per slice.


These tortillas became the rage during the low-carb craze because they’re less doughy than bread, but that doesn’t mean they’re good for you. “Some warps are so enormous, they can pack up to 500 calories—and that’s before you add the filling,” says Christopher Mohr, Ph.D., R.D., a dietitian in Louisville, Kentucky. Mohr recommends buying a whole-wheat or sprouted-grain variety that contains fewer than 200 calories and at least 5 grams of fiber apiece. To keep calories in check at the fell, look for warps that are less than 8 inches wide.

Secrets of the slimmest countries

While jetting around the globe with celebrities like Katy Perry, Halle Barry, and Lady GaGa, trainer Harley Pasternak has gotten to sample cuisine from Japan, Spain, and other countries where obesity rates are low and life expectancy is high. “I began picking up on dietary habits that helped these cultures stay slim and healthy—and incorporating them into my own life,” he says. He shared a few of these strategies, which he describes in detail in his new book, 5-Factor World Diet.


Stop before you’re stuffed

“Many people here follow a principle called bara bacbi bunme, or eating until 80 percent full,” says Pasternak. They also wait 20 minutes before heading back for seconds to avoid overeating.


Share your meals Many meals are centered around tapas, small dishes that are divided among the table. “You get a taste of everything without overdoing it,” says Pasternak.


Fill up on fiber Research shows that the Chinese consume about three times as much as Americans, mainly because their meals revolve around fiber-rich vegetables, fruits, and beans. Meat is typically used as a garnish to flavor a dish; it makes up only 2 percent of their diet.

How to slim down at the office

Thanks to supersize portions and sugary ingredients, the food industry has recently been called out for contributing to Americans’ ever-expending waistlines. But three corporations are bucking the trend by supporting eat-healthy strategies that can help you stay slim.

  • Score a healthier snack Del Monte is making it easy with a line of vending machines stocked only with fresh-cut fruits, vegetables, and yogurt dip. Find them in office buildings and health clubs.

  • Downsize your soda Now you can pick up a smaller, 90-calorie can of any Coca-Coca soda, including Sprite, Fanta, and Barq’s Root Beer. The company is also moving its calorie information to the front of its packaging to increase awareness.

  • Eat more fruit No time to go to the farmers’ market? The Fruit Guys will deliver a box of in-season fruit to your office or home. You can also order an all-organic selection.