Thursday, December 30, 2010

lose weight tips – A basic Approach to lose Weight

lose weight
Lose weight tips will help all a lot in weight loss journey. When you think to lose weight, you should make commitment to lose weight tips and go into it with a positive aim.
you know that losing weight in a healthy way can be a challenge and for some of us is impossible. losing weight takes time, practices of losing weight tips and support from all surrounding people and family members and friends to change lifetime habits to better.
Make up your Mind
There is a process you should learn so that you success. For healthy losing weight, you alone has a power. All the time think like a winner not a loser as remember that emotions are like muscles and once you use they most grow strongest.
Do not think like a loser
If you always look at negative side of things, you’ll become a loser, pessimistic person and downbeat. Don't even allow to a slightest negative thought as you have a greater impression on you and last longer than powerful positive thoughts.
Think Positively
Negative thoughts don’t do you any good but indeed you just hold you back from accomplishing things you want to do. Remember yourself that you are somebody when a negative creeps in your mind. You have self-worth and you possess unique strengths and talents.
Lose weight Tips
Contemplate what lies ahead of you. Losing weight using weight loss tips is about a whole new you and possibility of creating a new life for yourself but not just about diets. Investigate weight loss tips that provide to you the feel will teach you behavioral skills you need to stick with throughout weight-loss journey.
Support from Family and Friends
First and foremost you must see to it that you have support of your family and friends for working out with weight loss tips. It can be an enormous help to discuss obstacles and share skills with them on same path.
You might look for this support from you know who are in weight loss tips program and you can seek guidance from someone you know who has lost weight using weight loss tips and kept it off.
Diet and lose weight Tips Programs
Diets and weight loss tips programs are more flexible now than you once were and are many prepared foods already portioned out; se diet can be made attractive and can even be prepared in a matter of minutes.
see diets contain low fat and low-calorie foods are on shelves everywhere. are success stories on weight loss tips across country today, in newspaper, magazines and on television and tabloids about people who have miraculously lost untold pounds and kept it off.
In all instances people who have used weight loss tips for losing weight, y say it mental attitude as well as in outlook on life has totally changed.
You will need to learn new, wiser eating skills. You will want a weight loss tips that give you some control, rather than imposing one rigid system. Go for that kind of weight loss tips which offers a variety of different eating plans, so you can choose one that is best suits you.
weight loss video
Weight loss tips program you are going for, will most likely include some physical exercises. Look at exercising aspect of your weight loss tips program as a recreation and fun but not as a form of punishing and sweaty work.
In fact exercise is linked and cannot be separated from all personal effectiveness in every field. Anyone who is willing to take few simple steps that lie between m and fitness will shortly begins to feel better, and improvement will reflect itself in very facet of it existence.
Doctors say that walking, as a weight loss tip is best exercise. Walking helps in total circulation of blood throughout body, and thus has a direct effect on your overall feeling of health.
Discuss options with your doctor and take his advice in planning your exercise and weight loss tips program. re are things such as aerobics, jogging, swimming and many or exercises, which will benefit a weight loss tips program.
article source

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Take Two


I just finished doing my 2011 goal vlog and I look like this (minus the cleavage).

You think I'm kidding? I'm tempted to put a screen shot, but I won't. I've always had a wrinkly forehead, it's in the genes, but the lighting was just perfect for a Klingon effect. I'll just spare you, okay?

So I will attempt to do it again tomorrow with better lighting. It's ALWAYS about lighting, isn't it?

Are you ready for 2011? Do you have some goals? In the past, I got to a point in my life where I stopped making goals for the New Year. Why? Because I thought it was a joke. After years, and years of making goals only to sabotage them before the week's end, I was done.

It wasn't until 2009 something clicked.  I was pretty ticked with how I felt and I made a crazy goal I honestly didn't think I could do. I guess I was mocking myself and the whole New Years Resolution idea. But the joke was on me.

During the year, I learned there is power in January 1st when you make a goal for 365 days. At any point during the year, I was able to find out what day I was on because it was the same as the day of the year! For instance, the 214th day of 2009 I did my 214th workout. Simple math. The numbers worked well with my OCD. I couldn't miss a day because the numbers would be off, and that would have driven me nuts. There was just enough incentive not to miss a day because I knew if I did, the whole goal would have been over, and I was kind of enjoying watching the numbers add up. I'm compulsive like that.

I've learned that I need to workout daily to keep in shape and to stay healthy because I'm full of excuses. One missed day turns into two turns into a week....  There is ALWAYS a reason not to workout. Always. Making such a goal kills the lame excuses I come up with and really, isn't it always an excuse that keeps us from our goals?

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Getting ready for 2011

I'm getting ready for 2011.  I have some ideas and goals I want to share with you.  I will have a vlog up tomorrow with my thoughts and plan of action. :)

Monday, December 27, 2010


A truly healthy munchie

Think you can’t eat cheesy, crunchy treats when you’re trying to slim down? Celebrity chef Rocco DiSpirito has the perfect solution!

Jalapeňo poppers are one of the most popular starters at chain restaurants, but they tend to be among the least diet-friendly—and no wonder, considering they’re deep-fried and stuffed with cheese. But chef Rocco DiSpirito has found a way to lighten them up without compromising one bit on the crispiness or rich flavor. First, he coated the peppers in whole-wheat panko bread crumbs to add fiber, then he used a technique he calls “faux frying” to get them brown and crunchy. “All that means is baking the peppers at high heat,” he says. “Jalapeňos bake so nicely, I wonder why poppers were ever deep-fried in the first place!” Another taste-preserving step was finding the right lowfat cheddar. “I tried different brands—Cabot 75% Reduced Fat melted and tasted the best,” he says. Sample these and you’ll never crave the original again!






grams of fat





grams of fat
Serves 6

Prep time: 15 minutes

Total time: 40 minutes


    Weight Loss Recipes : GOOEY JALAPEŇO POPPERS
  • 6 Jalapeňo, halved, seeds and ribs removed

  • ½ cup shredded 75% reduced-fat cheddar, such as Cabot

  • ¼ cup reduced-fat whipped cream cheese, such as Weight Watchers

  • 4 scallions, finely chopped, divided

  • ½ cup whole-wheat flour

  • 1½ cups whole-wheat panko bread crumbs

  • 4 large egg whites

  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper

  • Cooking spray

  • ½ cup fat-free sour cream, such as Breakstone’s


  • Preheat broiler on high. Place a wire baking rack on a foil-lined baking sheet. Place Jalapeňo on wire rack; broil for about 2 minutes or until they start to char. Cool completely.

  • Preheat oven to 450 F. In a small bowl, mix chedder, cream cheese, and half the scallions. Using a teaspoon, fill each pepper half with the cheese mixture, packing tightly.

  • Put flour and panko in separate shallow dishes. In a medium bowl, whisk egg whites until foamy but not quite holding peaks. Working in batches, dredge Jalapeňo in flour (shake off excess), then add to egg whites and coat, being careful not to let the filling come out. Add a few at a time to panko and coat.

  • Lay Jalapeňo on wire rack and season with salt and pepper. Coat lightly with cooking spray. Bake for about 20 minutes or until breading is golden and cheese has melted. Meanwhile, in a small bowl, stir remaining scallions into sour cream. Season with salt. Serve with hot poppers.

Make 6 Servings:

Weight Loss Recipes Amount Per Serving(2 pepper halves, 1⅓ tbsp. sour cream):

144 calories, 5 g fat, 2 g saturated fat, 16 g carbs, 10 g protein, 3 g fiber, 102 mg calcium, <1 mg iron, 239 mg sodium

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Vegetable and Barley Stew

Tip: For the best-tasting crushed tomatoes, pick a brand that lists tomatoes—not purée—as the first ingredient.

Serves 4

Prep time: 20 minutes

Total time: 50 minutes


  • 1 tbsp olive oil

  • 1 medium onion, thinly sliced

  • ½ tsp salt

  • ½ tsp freshly ground black pepper

  • 1 bay leaf

  • ½ tsp dried thyme

  • ½ tsp cinnamon

  • 2 cups low-sodium canned crushed tomatoes

  • 4 cups low-sodium vegetable broth

  • ¼ cup pearled barley

  • 1 cup cauliflower florets

  • 1 cup cubed butternut squash

  • 2 parsnips, cut into bite-size chunks

  • 1 small sweet potato, cut into bite-size chunks


  • In a medium saucepan, heat olive oil over medium and add onion. Cook for 5 minutes or until softened. Add salt, pepper, bay leaf, thyme, cinnamon, tomatoes, and vegetable broth.

  • Bring broth to a boil and stir in barley. Reduce heat to a simmer, cover, and cook for 30 minutes.

  • Add vegetables to pot and return broth to a boil. Reduce heat to a simmer and continue cooking, covered, for 15 minutes or until vegetables are tender, stirring occasionally. Serve with whole-grain bread, if desired.

Make 4 Servings:

Weight Loss Recipes Amount Per Serving(1 cup): 224 calories, 4 g fat, 1 g saturated fat, 44 g carbs, 5 g protein, 8 g fiber, 132 mg calcium, 3 mg iron, 485 mg sodium

Friday, December 24, 2010

A Christmas Wish

As I was standing in a very long, slow-moving line at at Macy's this morning (one LAST gift for hubby), I started thinking about this blog. I realized it's the thing that has basically kept me accountable for the last three years. It's the one thing that has made a huge difference in my weight loss and in my life.

Even though I'm not at goal yet (2011 will be MY year), I didn't gain anything this year. That alone is a small miracle. I've been blogging for three years and this is the first time in my entire life that I've consistently attempted to lose weight for that long of a period AND stuck to a regular exercise routine. My follow through on most things in life is usually poor, especially weight loss and exercise.

Then I realized I wouldn't be posting anything until next year since I'll be in Fairbanks all next week. I don't usually post or read blogs when I'm with my family. This was my last chance to say anything in 2010.

So, to anyone that reads this, first of all, I really appreciate you. If you've ever left me a comment or sent me an email, I appreciate you even more, and if you're a blogger, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I've learned so much from all of you that I can't even begin to express my gratitude. Without all of you I would have given up a long time ago.

The other thing is my Christmas wish for everyone. If I could grant one wish to everyone it would be good health. That's it. Not wealth or possessions or world peace. Just good health. Because if you have good health, you have everything. All that other stuff doesn't mean a thing without it.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a good night!

Christmas Eve Day ramblings

I failed miserably last night with the late night eating. It was all healthy foods, grapes, chicken breasts, persimmons. Even though these foods are healthy and good for me, they still contain calories and put me way over on my limits for Points and calories (about 500 calories).

I mentioned yesterday how I felt really hungry. Dawn left a kind comment that she never felt hungry while losing her 160 pounds. If she was hungry, she ate something. When she speaks, I listen. Unfortunately, I couldn't seem to find my off switch yesterday. Sometimes I don't know if it's really hunger or boredom. I wish I could tell the difference. Lately, I'm very out of tune with my body signals. I'm working on it, but it's definitely a challenge.

FedEx and other Christmas adventures
Yesterday was a very late day to the gym because I was waiting most of the day for a FedEx delivery of Christmas present (and one I didn't want to leave sitting outside all day). I knew it was suppose to be delivered after 11:30am (per their website it was on the truck for delivery). I waited until 3pm, still no package. I finally went back online and it was delivered at 1:30pm. But it wasn't delivered! My husband told me I'd better call FedEx. That idea didn't appeal to me. Calling FedEx two days before Christmas to tell them a package they said they delivered wasn't actually delivered sounded like being tortured.

Instead, I started walking down our street of houses to look for my package. I thought it must have been delivered to the wrong house. I was right. There it sat by our neighbor's front door. They weren't home so I just walked up, picked it up, looked at it with my name and address on it, and brought it home.

My husband told me to call FedEx and let them know about the driver's mistake. I decided that the poor delivery guy had probably delivered hundreds of packages this past week, so he made a little mistake on mine. He was probably working massive hours and was exhausted. I found the package and no harm was done (other than a tiny bit of anxiety on my part). I didn't call. Merry Christmas FedEx guy.

Then a trip to Costco for last minute Christmas dinner food. Prime rib for the husband - I won't be touching it, including cooking it. It's his deal. Scallops for both of us, but mainly me! I love scallops.

While I was shopping for the scallops, someone absconded with my shopping cart, half full of food and a few more Christmas gifts, including fake UGG boots for me since I can't find my boots for my Fairbanks trip (I think I gave them to Goodwill - they were almost new but I hated the style). You don't travel to a place where it's 50 degrees below zero without warm boots. I finally found my shopping cart over by the dairy, I hadn't made it to the dairy section yet but the person that took my cart needed some milk.

Today it's back to Costco to return some slippers I bought. Wrong size! Then I need warm gloves for the Fairbanks trip because I can't find those either. I know I had them a few months ago but they seem to have disappeared.

Then the gym...all before noon for sure.

Challenge for today
Since the hunger thing was so out of control yesterday, I'm going to take Dawn and Ron's advice. Eat when hungry, but make sure I'm really hungry and not bored. Ron's advice was to spread out the Points. According to our Weight Watcher leader (and the Getting Started Book for PointsPlus) the perfect day for someone on 29 Points is the following:

Breakfast 5
Lunch 8
Dinner 11
Snack 3
Snack 2

I get another 45 Weeklies and usually at least 10 Activity Points a day, but I'm really trying not to eat those these days.

My other challenge...drink enough water. My personal goal is four 24-ounce bottles, or 96 ounces total. I failed on that yesterday too.

Damnit...that Sarah McLaughlan ASPCSA commercial is one and it gets me every time. Breaks my heart. Where's the remote when I need it?

Merry Christmas Eve everyone!

ps - just checked the Fairbanks weather. It's only -31 degrees (below zero), which means at my sister's house about 30 miles from Fairbanks is -41 (it's always 10 degrees colder out by North Pole). Yes, I definitely need warm boots and gloves for Sunday. :)