Monday, May 9, 2011

Baked Swiss Chard - An Experiment

A few months ago I talked about baked Brussel`s Sprouts and how surprisingly yummy they were.  Since then, we've discovered something even better--the leaves.

On the first batch, I removed all the loose leaves that fell off when I cut them in half assuming they would burn. By the second batch, I was in a rush and tossed everything on the pan, loose leaves and all.  To our surprise, the little leaves didn`t burn, they got crispy and tasted as good as chips!! 

When I make them now, I actually peel the outermost leaves from all of the sprouts so I can maximize the crispiness of the batch.  The youngest kids who are still not impressed with baked sprouts actually beg for the "crispy leaves." Little do they know they also pack nutrition. *snickers*  But who am I kidding? We all fight over them!!

This past week I saw a recipe for, "Baked Kale Chips." It looked super yummy based on my experience with the baked sprout leaves.  Not having any Kale around though, I decided I would substitute Swiss Chard since I have pounds of it growing outside in our garden.  I also omitted the seasoning packet since they often include MSG and other noxious chemicals. 

The experiment:
Swiss Chard with the ribs removed, chopped coarsely,
covered with olive oil, salt & pepper. (Approx 8 cups)
Bake at 300' for 30 minutes, stirring once or twice. 
Crispy like a chip but packed full of nutrition.  The kids gobbled them up.

Equipment Upgrade: Outages Possible

Greetings LivingAfterWLS Neighbors! Hope you are well this morning. FYI-we are completing our equipment upgrade for LivingAfterWLS & associated websites today. This may result in temporary outages of The Neighborhood, & Be assured the Tech Team will take every action to make this a smooth & invisible transition. I'm a nervous wreck over this kind thing. Will

New Clues on Caffeine’s Health Benefits

In the ongoing discussion about coffee and the role it plays in our diet WebMD presents new evidence that suggests coffee's notorious bad-boy element CAFFEINE does good things: specifically destroying the free radicals associated with Alzheirmer's and heart disease. Take a look at the article below. In diet and nutrition I'm not sure any other substance comes close to coffee when weighing the

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Pizza Fresca

(makes 10 servings)

Weight Loss Recipes : Pizza FrescaIngredients:

  • 10 flour tortillas

  • Pizza or pasta sauce

  • 2 cups cheddar, jack or mozzarella cheese, grated

  • 2 cups fresh vegetables (peppers, onions, tomatoes, olives, and your other favorites), chopped OR 2 cups fresh fruit (apples, raisins, pineapples, and your other favorites), chopped


  • Place the tortilla on a cookie or pizza sheet. Spread a thick layer of pizza or pasta sauce over tortilla.

  • Arrange vegetables or fruit over sauce.

  • Sprinkle about 3 tbsp of cheese over vegetables or fruit.

  • Bake in 350 degrees F oven until cheese melts.

  • Cut into quarters and YUMMY!!

Make 10 Servings:

Weight loss recipes Amount Per Serving(1/10 of recipe (157 g)): 271 Calories, 11 g Protein, 30 g carbohydrates, 3 g Dietary Fiber, 12 g fat, 6 g saturated fat, 26 mg cholesterol, 510 mg sodium

Limited Time: Free Gift from LivingAfterWLS General Store

LivingAfterWLS General Store - Shop Now!

LivingAfterWLS and Kaye Bailey are pleased you have chosen to make us part of your long-term success with weight loss surgery. We are committed to supporting you with quality products to enhance your life and empower your success.
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Warm Wishes for Mother's Day

As we honor Mothers and Motherhood today please accept my heartfelt wishes for a day of joy and memory making as you celebrate the special relationships in your life. Thank you for being a treasured part of my life through our LivingAfterWLS connection.

"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."
-Marcel Proust

For You I

Ask Me a Question

On May 13th, I'll be recording a podcast with Chris Kresser of The Healthy Skeptic. Chris interviewed me about a year ago, and I thought it went well. Chris is a good host and asks interesting questions.

This time around, we're going to do things a bit differently. I'll start with a little overview of my current thoughts on obesity, then we'll answer reader questions. The show is going to be mostly about obesity and related matters, but I may answer a couple of questions that aren't related to obesity if they're especially interesting. There are two ways to leave questions: either in the comments section of this post, or the comments section of Chris's post. The show will air on May 24th.
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