Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Happy Bunny

Today, Bunny is most definitely happy.

I have lost 1.3kgs his week bringing me to 113.3kgs ... which is about 3 pounds and I am now a whole kg under my original Surgery weight which was 114.3

Just been to the gym and burnt off 350 calories too so feeling fucking smug.

Might take some more pictures of my carcass later on if I remember. I kind of want to get to 10kgs lost though so that I can see a good difference. I figure that if I take pctures every 5kgs, it will make an awesome photo shrinking montage.

Anyway, hope you're all doing ok and making progress with this little silicone baby. If you are not, then take heart and read back through this blog as its been hell quite frankly, but things are moving on down now!



Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ragin Ramen

(makes 4 servings)

Weight Loss Recipes : Ragin RamenIngredients:

  • 4 cups of water

  • 2 packages ramen noodles with seasoning packets

  • 2 cups fresh vegetables (carrots, cabbage, spinach green onion), chopped or 10 oz. package frozen vegetables, drained

  • 2 eggs, beaten or ½ cup cooked fish, chicken, turkey or beef


  • Bring water to boil in a large saucepan.

  • Chop fresh, thick vegetables like carrots and broccoli into small pieces. Slice leafy vegetables like cabbage and spinach. Chop green onions

  • When water boils, add vegetables (except green onions) and cook for about 1 minute. Add noodles, breaking if desired. Cook on medium-high for about 2 minutes. Add eggs (beat them together in a separate bowl and add to hot soup, stir for about 1-2 minutes or until cooked.) or meat.

  • Remove from heat and stir in one seasoning packet. Taste broth and add the other seasoning packet if needed.

  • Top with green onions. Serve warm

Make 4 Servings:

Weight loss recipes Amount Per Serving(¼ of recipe (125 g)): 226 Calories, 8 g Protein, 28 g carbohydrates, 3 g Dietary Fiber, 10 g fat, 4 g saturated fat, 94 mg cholesterol, 778 mg sodium

Administrative Note

My blog is being mercilessly ripped off by cheesy feed aggregators that are using my material for commercial gain, often without attribution.  I was able to ignore them when there were only one or two, and when they appeared far down the list on Google searches.  But at this point, there are 20+ rip-off sites that ride my coattails under questionable circumstances, and are getting decent Google rankings, so I've had enough.  I'm changing my feed settings so that I only partially syndicate my posts, and I'm adding a short plagiarism warning to each post.

What that means is that if you're using an RSS reader, you'll have to click through to my blog to read my material in full.  I apologize for the inconvenience, but I don't see any other solution.

Read more »

Monday, May 9, 2011

Potato Pancakes

(makes 12, 4” pancakes)

Weight Loss Recipes : Potato PancakesIngredients:

  • 6 potatoes, coarsely grated

  • 1 large onion, minced

  • ¼ cup 1% low-fat milk

  • 1 carrot, grated

  • 1 egg, beaten

  • ½ cup all-purpose flour

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil

  • Ground black pepper to taste


  • Put grated potato in a colander, set over a bowl or the sink, and drain off any excess liquid. The potato will eventually turn pink, this is normal. Let the potato sit in the bowl for about 5 minutes and press again.

  • In a medium bowl, combine the potatoes with the milk, carrot, egg, and flour. Stir to mix well.

  • In a large heavy skillet or non-stick pan, heat 1 tablespoon oil on medium heat.

  • Add about 1/4 cup of batter per cake, turning once, until golden brown

  • Transfer cakes to a plate covered with paper towels and keep warm in a low heated oven until all the cakes are ready.

  • Serve potato pancakes with fresh applesauce or plain yogurt.

Make 4 Servings:

Weight loss recipes Amount Per Serving(3 pancakes (283 g)): 277 Calories, 8 g Protein, 50 g carbohydrates, 4 g Dietary Fiber, 5 g fat, 1 g saturated fat, 48 mg cholesterol, 621 mg sodium

Baked Swiss Chard - An Experiment

A few months ago I talked about baked Brussel`s Sprouts and how surprisingly yummy they were.  Since then, we've discovered something even better--the leaves.

On the first batch, I removed all the loose leaves that fell off when I cut them in half assuming they would burn. By the second batch, I was in a rush and tossed everything on the pan, loose leaves and all.  To our surprise, the little leaves didn`t burn, they got crispy and tasted as good as chips!! 

When I make them now, I actually peel the outermost leaves from all of the sprouts so I can maximize the crispiness of the batch.  The youngest kids who are still not impressed with baked sprouts actually beg for the "crispy leaves." Little do they know they also pack nutrition. *snickers*  But who am I kidding? We all fight over them!!

This past week I saw a recipe for, "Baked Kale Chips." It looked super yummy based on my experience with the baked sprout leaves.  Not having any Kale around though, I decided I would substitute Swiss Chard since I have pounds of it growing outside in our garden.  I also omitted the seasoning packet since they often include MSG and other noxious chemicals. 

The experiment:
Swiss Chard with the ribs removed, chopped coarsely,
covered with olive oil, salt & pepper. (Approx 8 cups)
Bake at 300' for 30 minutes, stirring once or twice. 
Crispy like a chip but packed full of nutrition.  The kids gobbled them up.

Equipment Upgrade: Outages Possible

Greetings LivingAfterWLS Neighbors! Hope you are well this morning. FYI-we are completing our equipment upgrade for LivingAfterWLS & associated websites today. This may result in temporary outages of The Neighborhood, & Be assured the Tech Team will take every action to make this a smooth & invisible transition. I'm a nervous wreck over this kind thing. Will

New Clues on Caffeine’s Health Benefits

In the ongoing discussion about coffee and the role it plays in our diet WebMD presents new evidence that suggests coffee's notorious bad-boy element CAFFEINE does good things: specifically destroying the free radicals associated with Alzheirmer's and heart disease. Take a look at the article below. In diet and nutrition I'm not sure any other substance comes close to coffee when weighing the