Thursday, July 28, 2011

Green Tea: A Secret to a Better Life?

Health has always been an issue when you're getting older. Your metabolism is getting slower. You process things at a slow pace. There's unnecessary weight gain. You might be walking on the street one day and a friend comes up to you and asks, "Hey, man, how've you been?" You tell him, "I'm good." But are you really? Maybe you are. Maybe you're not. Either way, really, you have to make sure of it. Being sick means you cough out cash. You'll be spending much on health care if you don't have insurance. Even if you have insurance, once you're not living a healthy lifestyle, you'll get sick again eventually. So how do you prevent this from happening? Good question. The answer lies within knowing your problem and doing something about it. Don't wait for later. Start now. Begin to live a better life.

This is when it comes in. Introducing, the one and only: Green Tea. What can it do for you? Green Tea can help. As supplement, it can give you a lot of benefits. Combined with exercise, the results are off the charts. So it's Green Tea and a proper healthy lifestyle. Let's begin.

What is Green Tea?

Green Tea comes from the herb Camellia sinensis. Its leaves are fermented in various ways to produce tea. Green Tea, unlike any other tea, has had the least processing and that's why it is most chosen over the many tea products there is. With organic Green Tea, the effects are simply complex.

To name a few, with Green Tea, you could lose weight, manage your sugar level and prevent, treat or support you with some possible ailments.

The Help You Can Get

Heart problems, Diabetes, Cancer, Fatigue, and any other related — Green Tea and exercise has it covered. Green Tea has this component called antioxidants that come as cathecins and polyphenols that combat free radicals that cause body alterations that are potentially harmful and even possibly causing cancer. Green Tea also boosts your immune system, blood flow and acts as a stimulant to increase your body's metabolism, improves your blood circulation via its vasodilating effects and can act as antibiotic to prevent bacteria and virus from penetrating your system. A vasodilator makes blood flow functional and delivers adequate amount of oxygen to different parts of the body. With enough oxygen, you can breathe in well and do more tasks at hand. It can help you with exercising, too. Diabetes is prevented through Green Tea's power to improve insulin secretion, thereby controlling the amount of sugar that is processed by the body. Too much sugar is bad for you. It alters your blood flow. Likewise, in losing weight, these cathecins and polyphenols improve bowel movement and facilitate detoxification, getting rid of the body's natural wastes. Fat and bad cholesterol are burned by making use of them through the process called thermogenesis and plain exercise. The way by which they are really made use of is called lipolysis. With the effects of Green Tea that is detoxification, thermogenesis, vasodilatation, lipolysis and insulin control can assist you in your way to a healthier you with it alone or combined with adequate exercise. Green Tea has been also known to increase exercise endurance by a range percentage. A cup of tea or more before you start your exercise routine will surely make a difference and yield better results. Consider adding Green Tea in your supplements.

A study was done to try out the effect of Green Tea with exercise. There was an issue in THE JOURNAL OF NUTRITION, 2008 issue, which proves that Green tea is indeed effective when it comes to diet. One hundred and thirty-two obese adults were tested, a part of them were the control group that they were given 625 milligrams of cethetcins and the other was given 39 milligrams of caffeine. This is, of course, during the period when the groups had one hundred and eighty minutes a week of average-intensity exercise. The control group showed better results when they lost at least four pounds of body weight as compared to the other which lost only two pounds. It was said that abdominal fat was cut down. It goes to show that Green Tea, in fact, does work, as evidenced.


To even help you out with your exercise routine, here are a couple of tips and concrete examples to maximize your potential in being a healthier you. This would target your abs.

There are a lot of exercises out there that can possibly help you out with your cuts and curves but none is proven to be the best. Proven to be effective would be the proper term for it. Some of the most popular abdominal exercises are the Bicycle crunch, Captain's chair, Exercise ball, Vertical leg crunch, Torso track, Long arm crunch, Reverse crunch, Crunch with heel push, Ab roller, Hover, Traditional crunch, Exercise tubing pull, Ab rocker and Pilates. These exercises will help you in your sports preference, improvement of your back muscles, taking hard blows to the tummy and doing effort on your belly fat. So with some or most of these exercises, your commitment, time, plus your Green Tea supplement, you will have your results before you know it.

Best of all, as Green Tea can be consumed before exercise, you can actually drink it after your routine. Most bodybuilders, athletes and those others who comply with their exercise programs choose the instant tea. The iced tea, moreover, because of its convenience and serving suggestion that it is best served chilled. You don't have to have hot water with you, which you do not need at this time, and it will certainly cool you off from a hard workout. Bottled tea — usually black or green and at times white tea — are stacked on the shelves nowadays because of they are ready-to-drink.

Good Luck and God Bless

With that covered, now you can be confident and you can tell that friend of yours, "I'm healthy as a horse", because you're using Green Tea. Say good bye to the old you and welcome a healthier and better you. Thanks to Green Tea.

Battle for Supremacy: Tea Versus Coffee (Part II)

This is Part II of the previous article - Tea Vs. Coffee (Part I)

The Downside:

Possible side and bad effects:


Increase in tea consumption than recommended can cause:

• Causes brittle bones and browning of teeth (less serious)..
• Irritability and nervousness.
• Can cause constipation and slowing down of absorption of important minerals like: zinc, calcium and iron.
• Can lead to addiction.
• Acts as a diuretic (increase urine output) therefore dehydration and constipation.
• Can cause ulcers.
• Sleeplessness.
• It can also increase blood pressure and heat rate.


Too much consumption can also cause:

• Hypertension.
• It also increases heart rate as well as blood pressure.
• Addiction.
• Urine output also increased.
• Basal metabolic rate, increased too.
• Difficulty sleeping and irritability.
• Nausea.
• Stomach problems like Ulcers, hearburns.
• Headaches.
• Staining and yellowing of teeth and cavities (more pronounced).

Caffeine and the effects:


An average cup of Tea has about 55 milligrams of caffeine. And its amount of caffeine content will also differ in the different type of tea. For instance, green tea has the least caffeine content. It only has around one-third the caffeine than black teas have. Oolong tea also has about two-thirds as much as black tea.

Effect of caffeine:

The caffeine found in teas is known to be a very good source to increase one's concentration. It is also popular for its ability to improve the sense of smell as well as the taste. Since caffeine in teas enter the blood stream at a slower rate than coffee, its caffeine effect is usually longer than that of what coffees can give. This can be a good thing, since it is gentler to the system than coffee. Therefore less development of addiction and possible withdrawals.


A cup of coffee has about 125-185 milligrams of caffeine. And of course, different types of coffee and brand will also give different caffeine contents.

Effects of caffeine:

Compared to that of teas, coffees have more pronounced and faster effects. This is the main cause of why some people are anxious if they are not able to miss a drink they have "coffee jitters." But other coffees are decaffeinated, so its caffeine effects are not stronger than the regular coffee.

Difference of preparation and drinking:


Tea is not to be taken in a hurry and haphazardly. Tea is considered as a beverage requiring finesse and refinery. It should be prepared properly. And also one should take time to sip and experience the taste of tea. The pace that is usually maintained is calm, slow and peaceful. For it is meant to sooth and to relax the person.


Coffee is different. It is for people who are busy and always on the go. The pace as is fast and hurried. This is for people who need a quick fix drink to keep them awake and alive throughout the day. It is taken as an energy source. To keep them perked up and ready to face any challenges that await throughout the day.

So who wins???

Folks, it is a very well-fought match. And each one has given it their best shot. And for that, it is but proper that we give both of our fighters a well-deserved round of applause. Please. Both tea and coffee, step right in front. You have given so much and its time you are both recognized for the valiant efforts you have dedicated your lives for in order to give mankind the health benefits it needs. Indeed, the world will not be the same without you two.

Back to the results of the match. Many people have speculated who wins and many stake their reasons.

Here are some of them.

Pro tea:

Tea is well-loved by many. Next to water, tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world. Tea not only known for its exquisite taste but for its health value. Yes, coffee also offers quite the same helath benefits as tea but tea has an edge. Take away the caffeine in the coffee and you take away the good in coffee. Take away the caffeine in teas and you can have other benefits too. It does not stain the teeth much as much as coffee does. It has less caffeine and is therefore less addictive. Plus lessen the effects of the bad effects of caffeine in the body such as sleeplessness, irritability, stomach problems and increase blood pressure and heart rate. It is a very good anti-oxidant too. It keeps you energized and feeling and looking young. Heart diseases, cancers, stomach ailments and memory problems are no more. It also has fat burning properties to help you keep fit and thin. So instead of keeping you always perked up to no end, tea helps you relax yourself. It sooths and keeps you anxiety-free. The downside to it, is it may cost a little more than coffees and requires a lot of time to prepare and drink especially.


Others will disagree. For them coffee is more advantageous and useful to them. Unlike teas, coffee is instant and easy to prepare. It is made for people always on the go and busy in their everyday lives. It is the thing that keeps them awake during hectic schedules and pressure-loaded days. Just like teas it also has anti-oxidant properties. And it is cheaper and readily more available than teas of course. But the downside is, it can keep you addicted faster. And the effects of caffeine is more evident. It can cause serious problems that can be detrimental to the health.

So in the end, the choice is never really ours to decide but the consumers themselves. Look closely at the pros and cons each drink has to offer. And weigh it. For both have something to offer. And both are well loved and drunk by many. But if i personally have to choose. I will choose tea instead of coffee. Not only is it a better alternative to coffee, but it can offer not only what coffee can offer too, but so much more. And a plus is it does not have stronger caffeine effects than coffee has. So it is a better drink, health wise.

Battle for Supremacy: Tea Versus Coffee (Part I)

Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages. Welcome to the most awaited fight in the history of drinks and beverages. As per request, here is the ultimate one-on-one match between the two great contenders of all time. Each claims to be the number one, the champion of champions. And tonight we will find out, mano y mano style. So brace yourself. Hold on to your seats because what you are about to witness will be the most spectacular bouts ever to be done. On the blue corner, weighing cup size. Known as the most consumed beverage of the world. Give it a round of applause to, Camellia "tea" sinensis. One the red corner, weighing also cup size. The most traded beverage, lets give a warm welcome to Coffea "coffee" Rubiaceae.

Before we formally begin the fight. Let us first have a recap on the amazing history and statistics each contender has gained and bagged in its lifetime. Read on and find out who think is your bet to win this championship match.

Humble beginnings...



The leaves of tea plant: All teas come from one plant source - the Camellia sinensis tea plant. This tea plant is described to be an evergreen plant. This plant usually grows mostly on tropical and warm climates as well as sub-tropical places too. Producers pick up and process the leaves to make tea.


The coffee berries of coffee tree: Coffee comes from the coffea's coffee berries. This is where the "beans" or the seeds are derived from. A coffee tree is described as the size smaller than a tree but bigger like most shrubs. It is also evergreen which has leaves with spear shaped appearance.



There are three major varieties of Camellia sinensis available for commercial use. The first is the China type, which teas originated. The second is the India type. It is also known as the Assam type. And last but not the least, the Hybrid type. As the name suggests it is the mix between that of the China and of the India type.

Other varieties include the four known or major types of tea known worldwide: The black tea, Green tea, Oolong tea and the white tea. They are different from one another not because of different plant sources but by the processing the tea leaves undergo. Oxidation has a lot to do with it,


Coffee are best known with its two known species. They are the: Coffee arabica and the coffea canephora (or robusta). Coffee Arabica is known for its rich flavor while the coffee canephora or robusta is more subtle than the former. Each has a unique flavor and characteristic.



No one really knows where tea came from. Only legends whispered and spread by word of mouth as to how it came to be. According to Chinese legends, where it as tea's homeland, the discovery of tea is out of pure luck and accident. And accordingly, due credit should be given to a certain Chinese emperor, Shen Nung. It happened on one hot, summer afternoon. As the emperor was sitting under the shade of the tree and trying to rest and avoid the torture of heat with a hot water in hand, a couple of dried leaves accidently fell on his cup of boiling water. Having the chance to smell the exquisite aroma it emitted, and being a known herbalist himself, he tried to take a few sips to find out if it tastes good. Later, he also discovered its other medicinal properties. And Eureka! Tea at last!

The Japanese tell a different tale. Buddhist monks claimed that it was not a Chinese (emperor) who discovered tea but a Japanese buddhist monk instead. He was Prince Bodhidharma. And he just happened to just been studying China during that time when the discovery was made. Accordingly, he bagan a meditation of nine years in the time 520 AD. But strangely, he could not stop himself and fell asleep after about months of staring at a wall. They said he was mad at himself and lost his temper upon waking up and immediately cut off his eyelids as a price. And legend has it, these very same eyelids that fell to the ground and was where the first tea bush sprouted. This same bush was what he brewed and what he drunk to keep him alert and awake for the rest of the years of his meditation.


Coffee's origin is also unknown. And little information on his background can be found. But interestingly, one legend has a direct link to coffee's humble beginnings. It was said in legends that coffee was discovered by a certain person known as Kaldi. He was known as a young goat herder from Ethiopia. It happened on one fateful day. As he was tending his goats, he noticed that some of his goats were hyper and frolicking around unusually. They were energetic than what they were used to seeing them. Then he also noticed that they were eating berries coming from a bush nearby. With curiousity getting the best of him, he decided to try it for himself. He was very happy with the results. Not only was he pleased by its taste but on the effects the berries had on him. He became energized and it kept him awake. Soon, others will be recommended to try it for themselves. And the world was not the same.



Teas usually contain:

• Tannins
• Catechins
• Theanine
• Small amounts of theobromine and theophylline
• Vitamin C and E
• Natural fluorine
• and Polysaccharides


Coffees usually contain:

• Caffeine
• Trigonelline
• Acids like: amino, chlorogenic and phenolic
• Minerals
• Carbohydrates

Note: The components mentioned above in coffee have been no way connected with improving health and combating certain health diseases.

The Upside:

Health-wise benefits:


• Helps you look younger looking skin
• Helps build a stronger immune system
• Promotes weight loss
• Lowers blood pressure and sugar level
• Lowers cholesterol
• Reduce risks of heart diseases
• Reduces possibility of developing certain cancers
• Keeps you energized but does not affect sleep
• Prevents tooth decay and bad breath


• Also helps prevent and fight certain types of cancer cancer
• Reduces the risk of getting type 2 diabetes
• May prevent certain heart problems such as strokes
• Aids in protection of liver
• Increases energy and focus
• Anti sleepiness. Prevents you from falling asleep

More on the next article...

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Interesting Documentary

Recently, my cousin sent me an email about a documentary she had seen titled, "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead." I'm always interested in nutrition and how others find success, so I sat down with my hubby and watched it. Instead of reiterating what I watched, I decided to post a video from the official site.

My husband and I planning on doing a juice fast to jump start our health efforts.  I know the hydration and nutrients will give my body the boost it currently needs.  I am a little hesitent since there can be a bit of a detox period, but considering how I've felt recently, I'm willing to try something I haven't done before.  You never know if an action of health is what you've been needing until you try it.

Recently, I've noticed if I eat--or don't eat--certain foods, my neck and shoulders are stiff by the end of the day.  On the days I have plenty of servings of fruits and vegetables, I don't have stiffness, but on those busy days where it feels I'm running all over the place, I tend to neglect my eating and my body reminds me.

I look forward to bloggin/vlogging the progress of this fast.

Dietary Guidelines for Americans, My Way

I just saw this on BoingBoing.  Simple but true. 

I'm not sure who made this, so all I can do is provide a link to the post where I found it.

The people who design government dietary guidelines are gagged by the fact that politics and business are so tightly intertwined in this country.  Their advice will never directly target the primary source of obesity and metabolic dysfunction-- industrially processed food-- because that would hurt corporate profits in one of the country's biggest economic sectors.  You can only squeeze so much profit out of a carrot, so food engineers design "value-added" ultrapalatable/rewarding foods with a larger profit margin. 

We don't even have the political will to regulate food advertisements directed at defenseless children, which are systematically training them from an early age to prefer foods that are fattening and unhealthy.  This is supposedly out of a "free market" spirit, but that justification is hollow because processed food manufacturers benefit from tax loopholes and major government subsidies, including programs supporting grain production and the employment of disadvantaged citizens (see Fast Food Nation). 

5 Day Pouch Test Bulletin: FAQ's & More

Greetings Neighbors!As we are about to turn the page on another month in 2011 it seems like a good time to review the basics of the 5 Day Pouch Test and address some of the questions we are asked by people, just like you, who want to do their best with weight loss surgery using the 5DPT as one of their tools. The summer brings an abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables which can play a

Protein Waffle

(makes 1 servings)

Weight Loss Recipes : Protein Waffle Ingredients:

  • 2 Tbsp. rolled oats

  • 1 egg white

  • 1 Tbsp. vanilla-flavored whey protein powder

  • 3 Tbsp. farmer cheese

  • Pinch grated orange zest

  • Greek yogurt, honey, sliced fruit (optional)


  • In coffee grinder, grind oats until finely ground then set aside. Preheat waffle iron according to the manufacturer's instructions (about 4 minutes).

  • In medium-size bowl, beat egg white and protein powder with electric mixer on high speed until powder has dissolved and is incorporated into the egg white (about 2 minutes).

  • Mix in cheese and grated orange zest 2 minutes, or until completely smooth. Stir in ground oats.

  • Heat up waffle grids. Spray it with cooking spray. Pour batter onto hot iron and cook 3 to 4 minutes. Serve with the yogurt, honey, and fruit, if using.

Make 1 Servings:

Weight loss recipes Amount Per Serving : 182 Calories, 22 g Protein, 8 g Carbohydrates, 1 g Dietary Fiber, 5 g Fat, 2.5 g Saturated Fat, 258 mg Sodium