Wednesday, April 4, 2007

A Chef Loses 200 Pounds

Luis Bruno is a chef who was told by his doctor that he had five years to live if he didn't lose weight. His love of food started in childhood, he already weighed 200 pounds when he was just 12 years old. A couple of years ago when he was 35 years old his weight peaked at 400 pounds. He had developed diabetes, had to take six shots of insulin each day and could barely walk from his house to his parked car.

That's when he started a medically supervised liquid diet along with a regular exercise schedule. Within less than six months he had lost 160 pounds. Since then he has lost another 40 pounds and his waist size has gone from 60 inches to 36 inches. He has also reversed his diabetes and no longer needs insulin shots.

See his weight loss success story here.

Also see more about natural cures for diabetes here.

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