I don't know what is going on any more.
I weighed myself on Wednesday. I nearly launched the scales on a trip to Mars.
I cant even remember what the scales said, but it was a load of RUBBISH.
On Monday ( a sneak peek at the scales) weighed 16 stone 6. That meant another 3 pound off. I was ecstatic. I didn't record it though as I was waiting until Wednesday - my weigh day.
On Wednesday 5th December the scales said
17 stone 9.
I have been so totally disabled by this weigh gain/ or no gain/ or no loss or whatever it is that I can barely breathe.
Thursday I have a breakdown and ended up at the doctors and had my Prozac upped to 60mg and since then I have tried to not think about the weight at all...
Today I thought, right, I am naked. Its the morning. I haven't had a coffee. I have been to the loo.
I can handle it.
Lets get weighed.
17stone 5.5lbs.
What a crippling joke. Its lower that Wednesday, but now I don't know which way to think. Are they right? DH weighs correctly every time.
So was the scale right (even though I checked 5 times on Wednesday 28th November) when it said 16 stone 9??? Or was I imagining it?
I am so upset. I don't know why its bugging me so VERY much, but it really really really really is.
So My weight as of today is 17 stone 5.5 lbs (243.5lbs) PANTS.
Theres no way I could put on 14 pounds in 2 sodding days.
Wednesday's lovely entry must be wrong.
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