Thursday, May 3, 2007

Eggs are Better for a Smaller Waist Size

Eating eggs for breakfast instead of bagels is a good idea if you are overweight and want to lose weight. One bagel has about the same number of calories as two eggs but a recent study found that women who ate eggs lost significantly more weight than the women who chose bagels instead.

The study also found that waist size dropped 83 percent faster for women on the egg diet. And there were no significant changes in the levels of cholesterol or triglycerides.

This is an interesting finding but keep in mind that the study was funded by the American Egg Board.

The beautiful image above is by independentman

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

11 Weeks Exactamundo - Wednesday 2nd May 2007 **UPDATED**

Dinners nearly done, its chicken supreme from YEAH!! We have totally missed their meals this last week. I didn't order enough to get us through till now, so we had a week without them... It was terrible.

I am looking forward to seeing how much I can eat of this meal.

Today has been pretty much the same as yesterday.

We are still having the tiling done. They will be finishing and grouting on Saturday so its still a bit of a state in the house. I finished seeding and laying the soil for the fresh lawn so that's done. The whole garden is now black. So far no birds have bothered with eating our future grass... possibly because we have 5 cats... Mmm yes maybe that's it.

For brekkie today I had 2 weetabix.
For lunch I had... Umm... Oh! Nothing. ho hum. Don't know how that happened.
I had an ice cream cone this afternoon.
For tea we are about to have the delights as above and that will be me done.

I have felt really rubbish all day today. I think its because the tiles for the bathroom floor are not the ones I wanted. The tile I have on the walls are all sold out and the company has gone bust. Great. So I had to have the same design, but a different colour... Planets range anti slip tiles, but in Mercury - plain uniform grey - rather than Jupiter which is on the walls and is gorgeous mixes of plum, beige, brown, terracotta, sand etc.

I am not sure that it goes. I am not happy. We could not do anything else though. We didn't have enough tiles to finish the rest of the floor in the same colour, and I could only get another 6 sheets of the same... So i had to have something different. Maybe I should have gone for something completely different. I dunno. I just wanted mosaics on the floor and on the walls too.
Oh well.

The sun will still come up tomorrow.
Well thats me for today. I will update again later if anything significant happens... band wise that is.

Mostly for Dave (Hi!), but for everyone else too:

This strange sensation I have been getting after eating, well its hard to describe.
It has so far happened with chips and sort of with pizza. It also happened a while back with bagel I think... I will have to check back in my blog to remember exactly.

But since having a fill last Thursday, and being off fluids since Sunday afternoon, this 'strange pain' has happened 3 times. Each at a lesser degree.

The first was dreadful wish I was dead awful- the fish and chip incident
The second was horrible but not so horrible as f+c - the lamb grill and chips incident
The third was mild - the Pizza Town debacle

To describe:
The pain is like an elephant is balancing on one leg on your chest - right at your sternum.

Its hard to breath and you don't know what to do with yourself. Its like indigestion but really bad.

Before banding I had indigestion a couple of times when I wolfed down a sandwich too quick, and I kind of had to breathe in and raise my diaphragm.. walk about a bit and it would go. Try the same thing with this pain, it doesn't seem to help. I think its caused, for me, by food that are mainly of a dry nature without gravy or sauce. Its quite debilitating.
Along with the pain comes a feeling like you get when you are going to be sick. Its not totally the same though. You don't have stomach ache for one. But you get an increased production of saliva... salty tasting. The saliva that you produce when you are properly sick (i.e. ill) is supposed to help you vomit as the saliva acts as a kill or cure. A bit like drinking bicarbonate of soda and water mixed together. It will either make you puke, or settle your tum.
With the band, it seems you body makes the extra saliva to help you sick up the food that you have eaten above your new stomach's capacity. It sort of feels all tickly around the jaw and you produce a sweet/sour saliva which continues until the pain and possibility of puking has subsided.

I did feel little bits of food at the back of my throat as I burped. I didn't retch, just burped. It seemed like it was wind that was stuck and causing the pain. As the wind finally came up, and I burped a little more I gradually felt better... But I had eaten too much. So yeah, I guess productive burping sums it up completely... Its not sick, because it doesn't come from low down... it literally seems to feel like the reaction is coming from your oesophagus.

I can tell when its going to happen now. I get warning signs. I must admit these warning signs are pretty indescribable, and probably change from person to person so its a little perplexing if you haven't had this happen to you yet. Believe me, if you have had this happen to you, you will know what I mean. Not much help for those who haven't though.

after I had the fish and chip incident, I knew what I was looking for. I didn't know how much I could eat until I eat too much. I know that's real vague, but its the best I have. then I knew in the Pizza place I had enough, but I pushed it. I was right the first time.

This evenings dinner went down a dream... but it also had a sauce. So who knows. But I was careful with every bite and I let every mouthful of food travel down (which I can actually feel) until I took the next bite. That is something I haven't done since the early days of banding... I think I had got a bit lax abut that. I am still really good with not drinking for 30 mins (or more)after a meal, but eating slow is not easy for me.

I hope that helps. If you want to know any more stuff or it brings up other questions (no pun intended!) then just ask.

Humous, Humus... who knows how to spell it?? But I know what you mean.
I eat it with FINN CRISP rye crackers. they come in a box called thins or something.
I shall scan a packet and show you!
nighty night

11 Weeks exactamundo. - UPDATE FROM YESTERDAY

Lap Bands Rule Lap Bands Rule.

Thanks Dave, for your lovely comments! I am so glad you too are doing well and feeling good restriction. and welldone on your weightloss too!! FABULOUS.
Thanks to everyone who comments. *hugs* And a huge welldone to all bandsters on my favorite blogs list too... you are all doign SO brilliant. I always check them out.

Right then.... Yesterday:
Was dog tired yesterday so we went to bed at 9:30, so I didn't write the entry, but yesterday was an interesting day again.
Here is what happened yesterday (10 Weeks + 6 days)
Breakfast, I made pancakes for the family. I didn't make them like crepes or normal pancakes, I kind of did them like we had in America... thicker and about 6 inches round.... I had 2 for brekkie. I didn't feel ill at all and everything was great.
I was digging all morning and leveling the garden at the back and seeding a new lawn (which near on broke my back!) and I was getting peckish (WOW!) at 2:30 so I made DS and I some lunch. We had a quorn lamb style grill each and some chips. Its all I had in the freezer. After last nights chip incident, I gave myself just a handful of chips. I ate them and about 3/4 of the grill and as I was literally chewing what turned out to be my last bite, I started getting 'the dreaded pain'. I kept chewing and I was deliberating on whether to swallow the bite or actually spit it out. I swallowed. Mistake. The pain got worse... not the water in the mouth, just a pain like bad indigestion.... It was not as bad as the fish and chip incident, but I thought it was going to be... I got up and had a walk about the garden and after a couple of minutes the pain eased. I had thankfully caught it in time. DS had the last piece of my grill. He actually had more than I did at this meal.
Then I carried on digging. We are having our bathroom tiles finished off at the moment, so they were doing that and I was in the garden, and then by the time DH got home and helped me finish the lawn it was about 6:00pm.
We don't have any food in the house to make a meal out of (as Wiltshire Farm Foods are delivering today! Hurrah) so we decided to go out.
We went to Pizza town which I adore. For the first time EVER we ordered one pizza and one portion of garlic bread with cheese and a single helping of coleslaw for the 3 of us.
I had a glass of red wine first and then some coleslaw and one slice of pizza. I stopped between bites and put my fork down and let each bite find my band before I took the next. I did NOT want to go through the puke scenario in public! This worked beautifully. However, DS and DH were still chomping away... and I was sitting there. DS had 2 slices of pizza and some garlic bread and coleslaw. DH had about 2 slices of pizza and garlic bread. There was 3 slices left on the board to take home. I could not resist eating just a little bit more topping off of one of the pizzas. I ate it. It went down and it was fine. So did I stop there? No. I had a little bit more topping and then I felt the pain. Amazing. I had actually stopped correctly for the first time in my life, but I just had to push it didn't I! What a nutter I am.
Anyway, this pain did not last for long... 30 seconds maybe and it really was not uncomfortable. It was like a warning "Hey Dumbo! Stop Stuffing you face!" and I stopped.
It was quite a revelation.

I am amazed that 1 ml can make such a difference. But it SO HAS!!!!

Looking back at the food choices, they were ALL crap. Pancakes, chips, pizza. Not good at all. I don't eat like this usually I promise. I know when I read other peoples blogs that I think "Jeez! I am not surprised you put on Xlbs if you ate that crap" But hey we all have bad days don't we. I have try to remember that we all have rafters in our own eyes that we need to take out first, but its not easy. I have rubbish eating days too, I wouldn't be this size if I didn't! But I am trying really hard after the band and £4000 of hard cash *cold sweat* not to have too many of them as that's just not right. But I know I had a bad day yesterday and I will no doubt have another one soon. I just have to thank the band! It saves me from myself. It RULES!
So that's yesterday....

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Too Young for WLS?

We hear a lot about the obesity crisis in children. The media calls it an epidemic and the government calls it a grave social problem. I often receive letters from parents asking for advice on when children should be able to have WLS.I don't have a definitive answer. The argument psychologists make is that children are not emotionally old enough to handle WLS. The medical community argues that

Monday, April 30, 2007

Oh Boy do I have Restriction!


I have some serious restriction now boys and girls.

Ok... the last few days since fill 2 taking me to 5mls in my band have been absolutely nothing to write home about on the stressful side of things have they.

Yesterday (Sunday) I had a slice of toast with baked beans. No probs. I was full afterwards, but I kind of put it down to being the end of the day and not being that hungry when I started eating it.

This morning was Fat Club as you all know, and I didn't have any breakfast or even a drink as I was running late to pick up travelling buddy who I take every week.

So I got home and ate some of the Japanese rice crackers my Mum and Dad brought up for me. Yum. Went down nice. I wasn't hungry after that and forgot about lunch. At 2:30 I thought maybe I should eat just a little something because I was off to work at 3:30 until 9:00pm. So I made some pasta with peas and a carbonara sauce. It was yummy. Went down no problems. I had a small cereal bowl sized amount.

So I got back from work and discovered that DH and DS had had fish and chips! Not fair I shriek! So he offered to go get me some too. I love fish cakes and sausage, so I thought yeah why not. I can't eat that much anyway.

So i ordered a fish cake and a sausage and a half portion of chips. I envisaged eating the fish cake and sausage and a few chips... but no more than a kids dinner.

I sat on the sofa once he got back and tucked in. I knew immediately that I had to chew and eat slow as because it was mainly dry (the last 2 main meals being pretty wet) I would have some differences maybe.

Well I managed half a fish cake and half a sausage and about 4 chips. I am deadly serious. then I got the water in the mouth.

I had the CHRONIC pain in the chest. I tried to raise my diaphragm and help it digest, but it was not happening like it did pre fill #2. I sat for a little while longer and then i got up and said to DH "I am gonna puke" and my voice was sort of all weird like full of sick!!

I got to the sink and I tied my hair back as I seriously thought I was going to throw it back up. I was in BAD pain and the water stuff, yuk. It kept going through my mind.. "Man, i only ate - like - NOTHING!" and I had a load of little burps where you could feel food at the back of the throat. It kind of bubbled at the back of the throat. You couldn't cough it up, but it was there... I kept swallowing and DH was patting my back like burping a baby. It was horrid. Took about 10 minutes until I was ok enough to go sit back down... Even now I have residual pain and its an hour later!

I am now Full - Xmas dinner full.

So peeps. I think I am going to lose some nice fat this week.... This was a seriously unexpected incident. As those of you who read my blog regularly know, I have had fish cake and chips a couple of times before. I have been able to eat 2 fish cakes and chips only 2 weeks ago. So this is a major development. I look forward to seeing how I go with other foods.

Today's food has been such a small amount its scary. I still think I eat like a horse, and I feel like I eat like a horse because I am full all the time, but when I actually look at the amount... its pitiful. YAAA freaking HOOOO!!!

* Doing a dance*

10 Weeks + 5 Days - FAB RESULTS

I am thrilled this morning.

I have lost 3 and a half pounds this week!! I know a lot of it will be to do with the fact I was on fluids for 3 days, but even so!
I am ecstatic.

I weigh 16 Stone 4 and a half pounds now (228 and a half lbs).

This is just SUCH a great feeling to be so close to the 15 stone zone.

I could feasibly be 15 something by the time I go on holiday! YEEEAHHHH! Oh YYEEEAAAHH

I was trying to think about the last time I was 15 stone something. It was when DS was born in 1999. I was 17 stone 11 when I booked in with my midwife when I was 11 weeks pregnant and I was still 17 Stone 11 the morning I had him.

I weighed after having him that evening and I was 15 stone 2. So I lost 2 stone 8 pounds (36lbs) just having him!! That was great, but at my post natal check when he was 6 weeks old I was back up well into the 16 stone range again.

So I haven't legitimately been in the 15 stone range even then really. The last time I was weighed before that was at slimmingworld which I joined one week about a year before I got married. I can't remember if this was before I broke my knee or after...
I broke my knee cap on my 20th Birthday whilst decorating and I put on a great deal of weight in that time. I remember trying on my wedding dress in October 1996, wearing Levi 501s and crutches and a cast and the dress being MASSIVE. It was going to be taken in about 6 sizes.
By the time I actually got married in August 1997 I had to diet to get into the blasted thing. I think it must have been about April or May 1997 when I joined slimmingworld in a last ditch attempt to get the weight under control for the wedding. I was still on crutches then you see!

So if that was the case, the last time I have truly been in the 15 stone zone (and on the way up) was back in 1997. I know I was shocked. I did the diet for a week and got weighed and only lost half a pound so I just jacked it in. I was about 16 stone something when I got married.

I am going to try on my wedding dress again and see what happens. That way I will know if I am smaller or larger than my wedding day! Good idea huh!

I will update this page later with the results.

Here are the results. I am Over the proverbial moon!!

I must have been the exact same weight when I got married.

I tried this on 2 years ago and there was about 6 inches gap down the back where the zip should have done up. This time, it went on like the day I wore it.

My DS is holding our original wedding photo up next to it.

10 Years on and I can get into my dress! What an anniversary surprise!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

10 Weeks + 4 days post banding

Well, I have just had my first meal after finishing liquids. I am rather EXACT when it comes to timing. He said I couldn't have any solids for 3 days, so exactly 3 days - to the hour - I had some food!

Today's food has been
a slimfast shake
a slimfast smoothie (nice, more sour than the sickly normal shakes)
Activia Kiwi x2
1 slice of toast and baked beans with some grated cheese.

I am full.

After one slice that's good. I didn't puke or have any other dodgy side effects.. no pain and water so far (you know, the pain in the chest and the saliva production pre vomiting that usually amounts to nothing).

So I am a happy girl.

I have to again take it easy. Chew VERY slowly, chew VERY well and try not to stress too much.

We had my Mum and Dad up today. They thought that the decorating looked very good. They also said how well I was looking, which was nice too. They are off to the Dom Rep next week, and then when they get back we go off to Sri Lanka, so it will b at least 6 or 7 weeks until we see them again. Hopefully they will notice some more difference in my weight loss by then.

I have noticed that I have 'bingo wings'.

I am pretty sure that I did not have them 10 weeks ago. Even 4 weeks ago I don't think I had them, so it looks like the fat is going from my arms... But its leaving horrible floppy arms. I am not very happy about this. I have so many stretch marks on my inner arms, right down to the crook of my elbow, that I know its not going to look pretty.

My Mum said it will probably tone up, and so have the other people I have shown it too, but I really don't think that's the case. Its too far gone. Its so stretch marked that they criss cross each other. I wasn't blessed with elastic skin, and even when I was slim as a teenager I had big time stretch marks on my bust, back of knees and hips. I am just one of those people. I am having horror nightmares about having a corrugated stomach, bum, legs and arms. this is just the most horrible thing that could happen. I also know that I could not go through with Plastic surgery. I just couldn't. I am already practically sick when I think of having it done. My Mum had a tummy tuck and she nearly died. ts not that that worries me. I know the risks, obviously , otherwise I would not have had any kind of operation in the first place. The operation is not the issue, its the sheer pain. I simply cannot go through any more pain.

I have never had an elective operation before my banding, and for me this is a whole different thing to a surgery that you need to have for medical reasons. I did need this surgery, but more for me than anything else. Unlike my other operations (of which I have had about 5 or 6 general anaesthetics) which were wholly medical and endangering my life had I not had them done.

I can justify that kind of operation in my head, but I dd find the pressure difficult seeing as I was putting myself into this position when having the band. I kind of felt like I deserved everything I got seeing as I had it done. Thankfully nothing went wrong, just the pain I was expecting... but it was weird knowing I had chosen to have that pain, rather than being told I had to have it by a doctor.

I don't know if I am making sense here or not. Its very hard to describe my mindset.

But, I know that I could not have any more elective surgery. I will just live with the body I get at the end of this banding experience. At any rate it will surely be a whole lot nicer than the fat suit I have been wearing for the past 10 years. If I can live with looking the way I did at 19 stone, then I can live with a little bit of skin. And what were sleeves made for anyway! :o)

Anyway, I feel really positive about this fill. I seem to have more restriction, certainly not too much which is good.

I will be posting another photo in about 10 days, my 3 month photo. So keep 'em peeled.

Weigh in tomorrow at slimmingworld and the chemist. I still have 4 more paid for sessions, so I might as well use them.

Nighty night

Oh, I just had a night time feast of a slice of cheese on toast with bbq sauce. MMM YUMMY