Dinners nearly done, its chicken supreme from http://www.wiltshirefarmfoods.com/ YEAH!! We have totally missed their meals this last week. I didn't order enough to get us through till now, so we had a week without them... It was terrible.
I am looking forward to seeing how much I can eat of this meal.
Today has been pretty much the same as yesterday.
We are still having the tiling done. They will be finishing and grouting on Saturday so its still a bit of a state in the house. I finished seeding and laying the soil for the fresh lawn so that's done. The whole garden is now black. So far no birds have bothered with eating our future grass... possibly because we have 5 cats... Mmm yes maybe that's it.
For brekkie today I had 2 weetabix.
For lunch I had... Umm... Oh! Nothing. ho hum. Don't know how that happened.
I had an ice cream cone this afternoon.
For tea we are about to have the delights as above and that will be me done.
I have felt really rubbish all day today. I think its because the tiles for the bathroom floor are not the ones I wanted. The tile I have on the walls are all sold out and the company has gone bust. Great. So I had to have the same design, but a different colour... Planets range anti slip tiles, but in Mercury - plain uniform grey - rather than Jupiter which is on the walls and is gorgeous mixes of plum, beige, brown, terracotta, sand etc.
I am not sure that it goes. I am not happy. We could not do anything else though. We didn't have enough tiles to finish the rest of the floor in the same colour, and I could only get another 6 sheets of the same... So i had to have something different. Maybe I should have gone for something completely different. I dunno. I just wanted mosaics on the floor and on the walls too.
Oh well.
The sun will still come up tomorrow.
Well thats me for today. I will update again later if anything significant happens... band wise that is.
Mostly for Dave (Hi!), but for everyone else too:
This strange sensation I have been getting after eating, well its hard to describe.
It has so far happened with chips and sort of with pizza. It also happened a while back with bagel I think... I will have to check back in my blog to remember exactly.
But since having a fill last Thursday, and being off fluids since Sunday afternoon, this 'strange pain' has happened 3 times. Each at a lesser degree.
The first was dreadful wish I was dead awful- the fish and chip incident
The second was horrible but not so horrible as f+c - the lamb grill and chips incident
The third was mild - the Pizza Town debacle
To describe:
The pain is like an elephant is balancing on one leg on your chest - right at your sternum.
Its hard to breath and you don't know what to do with yourself. Its like indigestion but really bad.
Before banding I had indigestion a couple of times when I wolfed down a sandwich too quick, and I kind of had to breathe in and raise my diaphragm.. walk about a bit and it would go. Try the same thing with this pain, it doesn't seem to help. I think its caused, for me, by food that are mainly of a dry nature without gravy or sauce. Its quite debilitating.
Along with the pain comes a feeling like you get when you are going to be sick. Its not totally the same though. You don't have stomach ache for one. But you get an increased production of saliva... salty tasting. The saliva that you produce when you are properly sick (i.e. ill) is supposed to help you vomit as the saliva acts as a kill or cure. A bit like drinking bicarbonate of soda and water mixed together. It will either make you puke, or settle your tum.
With the band, it seems you body makes the extra saliva to help you sick up the food that you have eaten above your new stomach's capacity. It sort of feels all tickly around the jaw and you produce a sweet/sour saliva which continues until the pain and possibility of puking has subsided.
I did feel little bits of food at the back of my throat as I burped. I didn't retch, just burped. It seemed like it was wind that was stuck and causing the pain. As the wind finally came up, and I burped a little more I gradually felt better... But I had eaten too much. So yeah, I guess productive burping sums it up completely... Its not sick, because it doesn't come from low down... it literally seems to feel like the reaction is coming from your oesophagus.
I can tell when its going to happen now. I get warning signs. I must admit these warning signs are pretty indescribable, and probably change from person to person so its a little perplexing if you haven't had this happen to you yet. Believe me, if you have had this happen to you, you will know what I mean. Not much help for those who haven't though.
after I had the fish and chip incident, I knew what I was looking for. I didn't know how much I could eat until I eat too much. I know that's real vague, but its the best I have. then I knew in the Pizza place I had enough, but I pushed it. I was right the first time.
This evenings dinner went down a dream... but it also had a sauce. So who knows. But I was careful with every bite and I let every mouthful of food travel down (which I can actually feel) until I took the next bite. That is something I haven't done since the early days of banding... I think I had got a bit lax abut that. I am still really good with not drinking for 30 mins (or more)after a meal, but eating slow is not easy for me.
I hope that helps. If you want to know any more stuff or it brings up other questions (no pun intended!) then just ask.
Humous, Humus... who knows how to spell it?? But I know what you mean.
I eat it with FINN CRISP rye crackers. they come in a box called thins or something.
I shall scan a packet and show you!
nighty night
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