Tuesday, May 22, 2007

What a HELL of a week!

What a flaming nightmare.

I have just been released from hospital.

Oh My Goodness!!

As you know Saturday I fell down the stairs.

Well SUNDAY, I developed pain in my stomach. I am not going into it all, but I was admitted to hospital Sunday evening at about 11:00pm.

I was poked, prodded, scanned, x-rayed, drained of blood and urine and shoved in a horrible side room. However, it was not as horrible as it could have been. They could have put me in the ward with the 80-100 year old men and women in varying degrees of continence. *shudders*

It was all mind numbing to be honest. I didn't know what was happening or wen I would get out of there. I was only able to see DH and DS for 2 hours on Monday afternoon and that was it. I was just on my own. It was awful. I was on a drip and nil by mouth for 24 hours.

They decided that it was a kidney stone. I never knew that it could be so painful. It was either that or I have diverticulitis or something, but I should not have that at my age apparently. So basically they don't know what it was, except that I thought I was going to DIE of agony. it was like giving birth without painkillers. I would not even wish this pain on Ivana. She's not hard enough to deal with it... *snide tee hee*

Anyway, they finally let me out of the place at 10:30am this morning. How close can you cut that? I have spent the day getting my nails done, and my toes and the bills paid and washing and ironing and packing and tidying the house. What a nightmare!!!!!!!!!!

I am still not done, so that's why I have to tell you that it is my last post for 2 weeks.
I am sorry I haven't been weighed this week. I really wanted to know how much I weighed before the holiday, but I was in the hospital feeling lousy with myself.

So bye bye peeps! I will post weight and photo when I get back because the day I get back is my 4 month bandiversary!! Woo hoo!

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