Today I have been mostly feeling thin.
There was a slight blip when my new swimming costume arrived from Bravissimo. It was £55. That is LOT of money for a cossie. It looked like crud.
I have noticed that my arms are saggy underneath - definitely Gala Bingo wings. But also I have saggy thighs. This is AWFUL. I am going to be this person under a huge amount of saggy, stretched corrugated flappy skin.
You will see what I post my 2 month photo next Wednesday.
But, It has made me look at the positives... I wanted to lose weight, and I can see that I am. I am just getting another new problem to add to the old one. More walking for me.
Anyway, here is a picture of the crackers I love. Great with humous (Tesco's spelling... personally that's how I thought you spelt manure!?).
The bathroom tiling is now complete. They came this afternoon and finished it. I have ordered the grout haze gel to get rid of the urr... grout haze. Its basically sulphamic acid. Sound like fun!
So tomorrow I will make the curtains (like old people have in their homes around a little vanity basins - usually floral with lace) Oh Joy.
Today's food.
Breakfast: 1 slice of bread
Lunch: Chicken Tikka Masala (WFF meal)
Dinner: Cheese and pickle sandwich and ginger sponge and custard.
Lap Band 'Productive Burping Incident' Alert
**Cheese and Pickle Sandwich Fiasco**
The cheese and pickle sandwich ended up being mostly thrown up, so I can't quantify how much I acutally ate. I didnt eat any of the crusts... so thats just the middle bit and I was sick 3 times after eating it. So not very much I guess. Dry stuff SO does not agree with me.
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